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The Brain Audit: Why Customers Buy (And Why They Don't) (English Edition) Format Kindle
Being pushy is unnecessary...
That's because pushiness creates an unnatural situation. The Brain Audit doesn't teach you how to use mind tricks. It's not a system of coercion. It doesn’t psyche the customer into buying against his or her will.
Instead it shows you how to attract the attention of a customer.
It shows you how to keep that attention. It shows you where the attention wavers. And it takes you through a series of steps that we all take on a day-to-day basis when buying products or services.
And not only does it show you a step-by-step method, but it gives you a checklist that takes the 'iffiness' factor out of your own marketing and communication.
So what's the 'iffiness' factor?
On any given day, if you were to ask someone to critique your website, your presentation or your business cards, they’ll simply give you an opinion. And the opinion will vary from person to person. This variation leaves you confused.
You're not really sure if your marketing message is working at 20%, 55% or not working at all. And you suspect that you could vastly improve your results, if you had a clear set of guidelines and benchmarks.
With The Brain Audit, you’re going to have consistent results
The reason why you’ll get consistent results is because of three simple reasons:
Reason 1: The Brain Audit is built on a system. It's not random.
Reason 2: It isn't some magic trick. It follows the decision-making pattern that we use everyday.
Reason 3: You can spot the mistakes and fix them thereby improving attraction and conversion.
So what's in The Brain Audit? And how can it help you?
Here is just a tiny preview of what's in The Brain Audit
How the Brain Goes Through Decision-Making: Do you often wonder what your customer is thinking? Don't leave the thought process to chance and let that customer walk away. Your customers don't want to walk away. They want to buy from you. So how does the brain make decisions? And what causes it to get confused?
Is the Brain a Conveyor Belt?: Does the brain actually process thoughts in a step-by-step manner? Would you believe it's not random at all? The Brain Audit is a tool that allows you to understand the predictability of a buying sequence. The moment you understand how the 'conveyor belt' concept works, you'll see that your brain follows this sequence no matter what product or service you're buying.
The Hidden Trigger: This one factor will turn everything you've learned on its head. Readers have changed their business cards, their websites and their whole way of thinking once they learned the extreme power of this simple trigger. When you use this trigger, you activate the curiosity of the brain and get customers engaged. Customers start asking questions, and instead of shooing you away, invite you to tell them more.
The Futility of Solutions: Most of us believe that we should talk about benefits and solutions. And benefits and solutions work, but they fail miserably if they're placed out of the sequence. So where do you place your benefits? And why?
Getting the Customer’s Attention: The core of getting attention is to flag a customer down. But how are you going to do that if you don't even know what gets their attention in the first place? The Brain Audit not only shows you how to get their attention, but actually get a response. This response helps you go ahead with the sale.
- LangueAnglais
- Date de publication1 avril 2009
- Taille du fichier1468 KB
Ressources sur la sécurité et les produits
Problème lors du chargement des informations
Détails sur le produit
- Éditeur : Psychotactics; 1er édition (1 avril 2009)
- Langue : Anglais
- Taille du fichier : 1468 KB
- Utilisation simultanée de l'appareil : Illimité
- Synthèse vocale : Activée
- Lecteur d’écran : Pris en charge
- Confort de lecture : Activé
- X-Ray : Non activée
- Word Wise : Activé
- Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée : 208 pages
- Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon : 244 807 en Boutique Kindle (Voir les 100 premiers en Boutique Kindle)
- 277 en Marketing
- 3 699 en Entreprise et bourse en langues étrangères
- 5 278 en Marketing et Publicité (Livres)
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- Avis laissé en France le 5 novembre 2015I have spent thousands of dollars online for digital marketing information and The Brain Audit is one of the best purchases I have ever made. It offers a broad framework for all of the marketing you choose to do. It is also one of the most readable marketing books I have ever come across: it's actually fun to read.
I can't recommend it enough - and at Amazon's downloadable Kindle price, it is the easiest "no-brainer" purchase you'll ever make.
- Avis laissé en France le 8 mai 2018Very informative and actionable... I got many folds my investment, i got the audio and the print version... it is nice to have a book with content...
Meilleurs commentaires provenant d’autres pays
Padraic O. MailleAvis laissé au Royaume-Uni le 10 octobre 2024
5,0 sur 5 étoiles How The Brain Audit May Be The Conversation That Changes Your Business and Life
I’ve always believed that you may only ever be one conversation away from a life changing experience. This book may be this conversation because:-
1. It provides you with a simple metaphor that you can use to transform all your marketing material including your sales presentations.
2. It drags you through a simple process that instantly helped me clarify my message.
3. It has provided me with a process I can now drag my clients through to help them clarify their messages so that their customers listen and respond.
Thank you Sean. It was the most valuable book I’ve read this year and I read on average two business books a week.
Pádraic Ó Máille.
Kindle CustomerAvis laissé en Inde le 17 mai 2023
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Best book on customer psychology
You'll know things you've never known if you are new to sales or Copywriting. Highly recommended book for everyone looking to learn sales and Copywriting mindset.
Antonio PeñaAvis laissé en Espagne le 9 avril 2022
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Wow
The best marketing book I've ever read. It teaches you why customers do not purchase and how to change it. I was doubting this book would be like others and would only skim some clichés and go away. But it doesn't. Is the most original and yet thoughtbreaker marketing book ever written. It' also really fast to read (it took me 3 days, even in the trimester's exams week). Hope you enjoy it!
HuanAvis laissé au Mexique le 7 avril 2020
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Immensely improved my communication skills. I loved it!
Even if you are not in marketing, Sean's approach to effectively communicate your product / service will help you create more targeted messages to your boss, your colleagues, your partner or anybody else you interact as part of your business day-to-day.
tommasoAvis laissé en Italie le 4 février 2021
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Ottima lettura
5 stelle perche le merita, ho letto una decina di libri di marketing nell'ultimo mese, e credo che molti si siano ispirati a questo. Un ordine logico di spiegazioni per illustrare l'ordine logico che una persona ha nel giudicare qualcosa..mi ha detto a cosa fare attenzione e mi ha fatto notare nello specifico cosa anche io pensavo nei servizi altrui!