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Broken Worlds (Book 3): Civil War (English Edition) Formato Kindle
Darius vaporized the Cygnian home world to end the war before it began. It didn’t work.
Little does he know, he's been played for a sucker from the start. Terrible as the Cygnians are, there is a more ruthless enemy manipulating the Union to tear itself apart in a bloody war between the Revenants and the Cygnians.
Darius is surging up the ranks in the Revenant fleet, winning victory after victory, but they're all hollow with his daughter, Cassandra, frozen in cryo and no way to safely wake her.
As the war draws to its bloody end, the puppeteers behind the conflict appear and reveal that they also hold the strings to Cassandra's fate. Darius must deal with the Union's real enemy and make a horrific choice: either save his daughter, or save the galaxy.
- LinguaInglese
- Data di pubblicazione25 maggio 2018
- Dimensioni file2.6 MB
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Tutti i 311,07 €
Tutti i 311,07 €
Questa opzione include 3 libri.
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Dettagli prodotto
- ASIN : B07BNY336S
- Editore : Anthem Press; 1° edizione (25 maggio 2018)
- Lingua : Inglese
- Dimensioni file : 2.6 MB
- Utilizzo simultaneo di dispositivi : illimitato
- Da testo a voce : Abilitato
- Screen Reader : Supportato
- Miglioramenti tipografici : Abilitato
- X-Ray : Non abilitato
- Word Wise : Abilitato
- Lunghezza stampa : 415 pagine
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Kabfire22Recensito negli Stati Uniti il 2 luglio 2018
5,0 su 5 stelle Great conclusion to an awesome series!
Great conclusion to an awesome series. Probably my least favorite of the three books but only because they took a character that I was rooting for and quickly turned him into someone to hate, but seeing how and why fits the storyline so it was understandable. That was really my only complaint in this whole series. I really enjoyed these books and in fact read through these faster than any other books that I've read. I could not believe how fast I devoured these novels. Job very well done sir. Big fan of sci-fi and fantasy novels, as well as Star Wars and this was a grand slam of a series. Looking to read any more books by this author. It was super easy to read and editing was excellent. I love when sci-fi and fantasy writers Doesn't use over the top hard to pronounce names, which takes away from the enjoyability of the book and the accessibility to fall into the story. The author does an excellent job of avoiding this pitfall and makes for a super easy enjoyable read. Congrats and thank you Mr. Scott. Job well done! Can't wait to read more stories by you.
Amazon CustomerRecensito in Canada il 28 maggio 2018
5,0 su 5 stelle Five Stars
Love this story
mcleodRecensito in Francia il 26 maggio 2018
5,0 su 5 stelle Honestly, a great tale told by a Master teller of tales
Jasper T Scott books have the usual twists and turns, however, he has gone beyond what is now customary with his books and has woven a tale of subversion and sheer diabolical characterization which creates an instinctive rejection of the good guy turned bad guy only to discover the new and unexpected heroes in totally credible and believable characters. Do not buy this and expect a "Pleasent walk in the park," Rather expect a "hairy walk on the wilder side" twists, turns summersaults come windmilling from each page. take a very deep breath before reading because you will be holding your breath for a long time before you're able to take another resupply of oxygen.I have bought all three of this story and have no regrets, I even read the no2 twice this tome I have started to reread again. Honestly, a great tale told by a Master teller of tales...Duncan.
NeilRecensito nel Regno Unito il 10 luglio 2018
5,0 su 5 stelle Worth the read
This the third and final book brought the whole story to an end, but not without it twisting and turning. Jasper T Scott has done it again making a splendid story to keep the reader entertained from start to finish.
Laurie RRecensito in Australia il 15 giugno 2018
5,0 su 5 stelle Thrilling, sad with hope
A sorry tale for some of the main characters and one of uplift and hope for some others. Good characters exhibiting evil characteristics and sometimes coming good. Deceitful characters pretending to be good. Races and beings being manipulated by others without realising it. Great writing.