This is absolutely amazing.
I'm finding myself becoming totally lost in this album as I listen to it. It almost pulls the tension right out of you and sooths you. This is what peacefulness sounds like.
None of the tracks are songs you'll want to sing-a-long to. That's not what they are trying to do here. Every track is calm with simple but powerful music and subtle soft vocals. The lyrics are amazing, and they take a few times through to really absorb them. But the music will absorb you right from the start.
I feel like both the vocals and the music would each stand well by themselves. That's not an easy accomplishment. But I'd easily enjoy this music without the vocal track, no question about it. It's just that good. And I think I'd like the vocals if they were just sung without the band. Both are equally peaceful and amazing.
Not For Nothing (Track 6) is probably my favorite on the album from every vantage point. I love the music. I love the lyrics. I love this song. It's musical beauty.
Nocturn (Track 7) is the polar opposite of Track 6 in terms of what it sounds like. There are no lyrics. It's not a real 'song'. It's more like a abstract musical dream. (Which I assume is what they are going for based on the title). It's kind of a collection of sounds. By all practical logic this should sound like a big old mess.....but it doesn't. I have no idea how they made this work, but they did. It's awesome! So this band has range to do some really creative and unique stuff and do it well.
Ultimately I dare you to try to feel tense or aggravated while listening to this. I don't think it's physically possible.