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Royally Matched: A Royal Forbidden Romance (Royal Matchmaker Book 1) (English Edition) Formato Kindle
I've been burned before, and I’m still trying to clean up the messes from my past.
No way will I fall for some smooth-talking aristocrat even if he’s got the hottest bod I’ve ever seen, and a killer smile that makes me forget where I am.
I’ve got to get my life together, and I don’t need his help, thank you very much.
As the Crown Prince, I need to find my queen.
But, in a room filled with suitable matches, I come across Lisabet.
The haunting notes emanating from her cello awaken something in my soul, and I know I must have her.
The fact that she’s not interested in becoming a queen is but a minor detail.
I’ll stop at nothing to make her mine…
- LinguaInglese
- Data di pubblicazione16 luglio 2020
- Dimensioni file430 KB
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Primi 310,47 €
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Dettagli prodotto
- ASIN : B088C4VXS5
- Lingua : Inglese
- Dimensioni file : 430 KB
- Utilizzo simultaneo di dispositivi : illimitato
- Da testo a voce : Abilitato
- Screen Reader : Supportato
- Miglioramenti tipografici : Abilitato
- X-Ray : Non abilitato
- Word Wise : Abilitato
- Lunghezza stampa : 236 pagine
- Numeri di pagina fonte ISBN : B08F6R3RKB
- Recensioni dei clienti:
Informazioni sull'autore

Mckenna James è lo pseudonimo di un duo di scrittori che condividono la dipendenza dal tè dolce e l'amore per gli uomini ricchi e attraenti.
Dal momento che non conoscono abbastanza miliardari dal fascino devastante e con una marea di soldi da spendere, hanno deciso di crearne qualcuno. Sono specializzate in favole per il mondo di oggi, con principi ed eroine moderni che dicono quello che pensano e si ritagliano il loro "vissero felici e contenti" alle loro condizioni.
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Sara BRecensito negli Stati Uniti il 17 gennaio 2021
5,0 su 5 stelle Lisabet and Manuel’s
This is your fairy tale story of prince meets cellist and called in love. miles is supposed to choose a couple ice he has enlisted Caroline who runs a match making company for royals and rich. The problem is the only person who catches his eyes is Lisabet who is playing the cello at the event. He manages to track her down after she runs away and finds a way to have her New York Golden Philharmonic’s tour stop in his country first so he can see her. Lisabet is a talented checklist and beautiful but she is down in her luck with a horrible ex husband who slept with her best friend and racked up a ton of bills for her. She is flattered by the princes attention but doesn’t feel she is good enough.
After Miles chases her and woo’s her she finally give in to her attraction for him. They have some steamy passionate moments but they also have drama and scandal. Will they be able to over come her past and his future to be king.
This book is written very good you can feel the pain and happiness. Cry tears of joy and sorrow. .
I also had the audible but I did not enjoy the audible as much as the book.
I look forward to reading the next book in the series.
Amazon CustomerRecensito in Canada il 5 gennaio 2021
5,0 su 5 stelle Lovely
Loved how Miles went after Lisabet, even running away to marry her, then the King saw him as a good King, because he had gone after his love, not done as he was told! Great.
Sharon NobleRecensito nel Regno Unito il 20 luglio 2020
5,0 su 5 stelle Great book!
Took me ages to really get in to this book, but it was well worth the preservation. Happy ending with Prince Charming!
Sheila GallagherRecensito negli Stati Uniti il 10 febbraio 2022
4,0 su 5 stelle Good read
Prince Miles' father is after him to get married. His cousin sets him up with a matchmaker who brings a host of eligible women from which he can choose a bride. He wants the cellist in the quartet that is playing. He makes her acquaintance and both have feelings. Lisabet feels she is not good enough for Miles. He believes differently and goes out of his way to show her. His father agrees with Lisabet. Will the two lovers get together?
I enjoyed this story. I liked Miles and Lisabet. His father was rough. I liked his mother. She tries to explain to Miles about his father, but Miles is having none of it. I liked the story but felt it moved too quickly for Lisabet since she is getting over a bad marriage. I found his solution to his problem very interesting and unique.
I look forward to reading more of this author.
skikernRecensito negli Stati Uniti il 23 luglio 2020
5,0 su 5 stelle Great Royal Romance Read
I really enjoyed reading the first book of the series about Lisabet and Miles. The characters are interesting, well-developed and have chemistry. If you like royal romances, you will enjoy reading this well-written book with a happily ever after. In addition to reading an arc, I purchased the book for my collection.