Seven Dates. Seven chances to win my heart. It’s not hard – Don’t put ketchup on your eggs. Don’t wear tasseled loafers. For the love of all that’s Holy, don’t ogle the waitress. See? Simple… Yet no one can get it right.
Dating Roulette. It’s Bexley’s game. Correction - it’s her life. A constant rotation of dates. You might get one; you might get seven. No one has ever gotten to eight. There’s only one rule – Don’t commit a dating sin. I’ve watched for years and bided my time. Now, it’s my turn to play. And I play to win.
D.Kelly made me fall head over heels in love with love! This book had me captivated from the very first page to the very last and seduced by the characters that I couldn't put it down if I tried (I didn't even try)! This book was sweet, sexy, romantic and emotional. Tristan and Bexley have been friends since high school but realizing that maybe, just maybe there was something more between them. This book had me laughing, crying and swooning for the friendship, bond, and relationship these two characters had. If you read ANYTHING this year, read this book! I promise you will fall in love over and over again, page after page, chapter after chapter and even by the end you won't want to let go!
I love this author's stories. I don't have to read a blurb, or see a cover. I know I will want to devour it. This time I paused though as read. I can’t lie. I did find myself being a little judge-y. Bex had a rhythm to her dates and they all followed the same short-lived pattern. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Nothing. But I didn’t understand why it was that way. When she and Tristan started to date, however, all became clear…
I flat out LOVED these two together. Best friends through thick and thin, they were comfortable with each other. They knew each other’s secrets. And when they started dating? Oh, my heart couldn’t take how they were together. Loving. Sweet. Their conversations full of understanding and the sense of humour time and friendship can only bring. Tristan was a BFF beyond compare and a lover? Well, he was great at that too. Together, they were what romance is all about…
With all the laughter, romance and straight up heat, the feels were the icing on this romance cake! Hands (and pages) down, one of my top reads of the year!
Such a fun friends to lovers romance! Some seriously sexy scenes and super romantic moments from a SWOON-WORTHY hero! There's a bit of angst towards the end and overall a really great read.
D. Kelly has done it again. There is not one book of hers that I have read and not loved. Her books just get me every time. And Dating Roulette was no different. A friends to lovers romance that will melt your heart!!
Tristan and Bexley have been best friends since high school. We see the moment when they became best friends and then the story takes place more than 10 years later as the two of them are working full time and sharing an apartment. They have both dated other people over the years, but when it comes to Bex's dating, things are a little different than normal. Trista describes it as dating roulette. No one has made it past the 7th date, and the reasons for that are always something that most people wouldn't be bothered with. She's looking for the perfect man, the perfect fairy tale love story, but hr nit picking is what's holding her back. Well maybe that's not really true. She may think that but I think its the feelings for her best friend, the ones that sh has yet to admit to herself.
When Tristan realizes that he wants to be the guy to make it past date seven, and wants to be more than just best friends, he asks her out on a date, making himself very clear how he wants things to go. Bexley agrees to date him, knowing herself that there is so much more to their friendship. Two bst friends crossing that line of friendship can either be the greatest love story or a complete disaster. Which way will this go for Tristan and Bexley?
I loved this book for so many reasons, but I think that me love begins with the two main characters. From the moment that Tristan and Bexley met you knew they were meant to be so much more than friends. It was a brief glimpse of how they met, but you just knew because you felt it. I loved the little moments in this book, likeTristan doing his best to give Bexley the best dating experiences that she has ever had. Or the moments when Bex writes down her thoughts after each date. Everything about the two of them together will just win your heart. They are adorable together, sweet and sexy and so perfect. There auras and downs and obstacles that they will need to face, but they are both in their feelings and determined to make it work.
D. Kelly knows how to capture her readers from the start. She sucks you in, in a way that you never want to let go of these characters. This was a beautiful friends to lovers romance that I loved.
This story is one of most romantic I have read in a long time! Tristan and Bexley from first meet were instant friends and became inseparable! What Bexley didn’t see was that Tristan was more than her best friend but he was someone waiting for his chance to show her just how amazing love with him could be! He knows all of her idiosyncrasies but can he be the one to finally win her heart or lose everything including their friendship!
I absolutely loved how much Tristan loved Bex! He knew what he wanted in life and she was it! Bexley though quirky at times was such a loving person who only wanted someone to love her as much as she loved them! Together these two discover so much about about themselves and one another that it makes their relationship that much more special!
I loved this book! I thought the concept was simple and straightforward - guys have to make it to the 7th date before Bexley would make it official. Her best friend, Tristan has waited on the sidelines for a decade and decided that now would be the right time (after making Bex promise to go on all 7 dates with her next contestant) to finally pursue his best friend. What makes this story stand out is the emotion the author was able to conjure between Bexley and Tristan. Another thing I loved about the book was that it was not an insta-love story. Bex and Tris were friends for a decade and I loved this book and would reccomend it to people who love NA romance!
This was my first read of D. Kelly’s and it definitely won’t be my last! Dating Roulette was a brilliant read, and the characters, the writing, everything about this book had me hooked from the very first chapter!
Tristan and Bexley have have been best friends since high-school. Inseparable and each-other’s person since the day Bex looked at Tristan and said “we should be friends” these two have a long history. Tristan has watched as Bex has taken guys through the wringer trying to find what her parents have, and none of them making it past the 7th date. Now after one night, he decides he wants his shot and he has to convince her that he’s worth it.
I truly enjoyed watching these two realize that the past ten years they have really been moving forward to this step in their relationship. They already know everything about one another (well almost) and both are a little scared to see what will happen if things don’t work out, but everyone around them knows these two are meant to be and are shaking their heads as to what took them so long. Watching them go on each one of their dates, and then seeing Bex’s write up after each was truly sweet, and amazing, and made you fall in love with both of them more and more. Tristan’s will-power in this book is truly remarkable as well, but also shows how much he truly does love and care for Bex and how much he wants to make this work between them.
There are a few bumps in their story, and neither of them handled them quite so well, but it was a good learning experience for both of them. Especially since they never really had a fight in all the years that they’ve known one another. I’m just happy with how they moved past it, especially Bex. She put her foot down and handled it like a boss, and I truly loved this about her.
This story is a beautifully written story of bests friends falling in love, and all the things that could go wrong, as well as all the things that could go right. I couldn’t put this book down, and read it in one sitting. Dating Roulette definitely needs to be added to everyone’s TBR list as it’s a book that truly took me by surprise! I highly recommend this one.
Bexley and Tristan have been best friends for roughly ten years. She friend-zoned him immediately as he was friends with her ex, Adam, which meant they could "never" date. They have been living together for the past five years. They have each dated off and on and had one night stands. Bexley has a minimum date policy in place before she lets herself get involved at a certain level. Tristan has jokingly referred to it as her dating roulette. Tristan finally works up the courage to tell her that he wants his own chance to date her and have a chance at winning her heart through her crazy dating roulette. Will he make it the mandatory seven dates? The best romances are built on friendships after all. It has taken them both all this time to finally realize what was so obvious to everyone around them....they are meant for each other!
"How about I make you a promise? Don't break my heart and I will never break yours."
Discussed Book review: The concept of this story is very interesting, which helped give this story one rating. The second star goes to the scorching romance between the two characters, like oooh-la-la romance shit, me heart just fainted at those. But the reason for less stars is because there are no problems shown between the characters or to the characters, everything is way too peaceful between them, now in any good novel, there are always some problems which show the characters overcoming them, but things here are just too nice, I can’t digest that. Another thing was that the background characters never showed up, like what about their families, friends? Only their friends showed up, their families seemed to be dead...? Final point is that I think things went a bit too quickly in terms of their romance and their declaration of love towards each other, in 4-5 chapters, they were convinced they were meant to be out of 20-chapter something Book.
Overall Book Review: This novel could have done better, in most words. Otherwise not a bad attempt per se.
“How about I make you a promise? Don’t break my heart, and I will never break yours.”
Bexley just broke up with her teenage boyfriend. And after exchanging a few words with his friend, who has watched the scene unfold, she declares that he will be her new friend, practically coercing the boy into contradicting her. And so, the two become best friends, always together in all situations. Years later, as adults, the two are still inseparable and share the same roof. And if adult life has changed a great deal in their lives, one constant remains: Bexley’s endless dates, looking for the ideal partner. Her love life becomes an inner joke between the friends. After all, all suitors over the years have some kind of flaws or make a mistake, and the seven-dating milestone becomes an unreachable goal, because no one can get past the third. Tristan laughs at the situation, never takes it seriously until he hears from his friend that she's looking for a husband, the one. And the weight with which he receives this news will make him open his eyes and admit a harsh truth. Seven dates. Without giving up. This is what he proposes to Bexley. If he makes a mistake, she should write it down, but under no circumstances should she give up until the seventh date ends. It may sound crazy, and she reacts in astonishment at this proposal. But after all, how will he show her that he is and has always been the only suitor for her? How to make his best friend fall in love with him? And so we will accompany Tristan and Bexley in the most different and unusual dates. No expectations, no pressure, no weight of the unknown. They both know each other, they know all the secrets, each habit, gesture and tricks of each other. Therefore, all that remains is to enjoy each other's company and enjoy the dates. And open up to the feelings. But not everything will be easy in the couple's life. A character will appear in the story, shaking things a bit and creating some confusion. A misunderstanding happens in the final part, and Tristan and Bexley will have to face the harsh truth that if there is still a friendship to be saved. Friends who fall in love is always an interesting theme, the cliché is present in the plot, but as in every romance, it is expected and even welcome. A fun book with good characters, good plot, well-developed and with a happy ending. Their notes are the best part of the book. A good romance.
I do so enjoy me a sweet easy read and dating roulette is exactly that. A no stress very little angst sweet read that gives you all the good feels.
Tristan and Bexley have been best friends for 10 years and it all started with her breaking up with his best friend. Funny how that one moment changes the course of both of their lives.
Tristan is sweet with a side of sinful that he's kept on lockdown with Bexley since the beginning of time. He's the trusty best friend that gives you the truth even when you don't want it. Well except for his feelings of course.
Bexley is that women who knows what she wants. She has a seven date record and no chum has made it further for one reason or another but really it comes down to them not being what she wants or needs. Toss a little jealousy and alcohol in the mix and that's a sure way to get things to shift.
Tristan and Bexley are made for eachother and that's apparent from the beginning. When they both got on the same page that chemistry exploded and the connection between them just snapped into place fully. I loved watching them dance around eachother and slowly build their relationship date by date. Getting to see them both open up and be vulnerable with eachother made it easy to connect to them as characters and believe in their journey.
This is true romance. Sweet and low angst it's one of those books that's easy to read. I laughed a lot!. Melted into a puddle of goo at the cheesy sweetness and even became a little frustrated at them not getting their shit together quicker!. Above all it made me feel!. I'm a sucker for a friends to lovers romance and this one is a good one.
This is a wickedly awesome, beautifully written rom com that seem to magically drew you into the story. A story where Tristan and Bexley play a dangerous round of dating roulette agreeing to seven dates. Tristan and Bexley have been friends since high school. They are not just friends but Best Friends they have 10 years of friendship and have been roommates for the last five years.
Tristan has watched Bexley date over the years and he is attuned to her madness as she puts each of her suitors through a series of seven dates if they meet her criteria they will get seven dates if not she kicks them to the curb. Tristin is in love with Bexley but hasn’t been able to tell her so he suggest he take her on seven dates which he does. This is where these two BFF’s find their friendship tested to the limits as they learn to share their wants, laugh, trust, share family, friends, face jealousy and love. Definitely Tristan will capture your heart and Bexley will become your best friend. Dee has definitely hit this one out of the park, definitely a new favorite for me. Bravo D. Kelly a true five star plus can’t put down read...
I was utterly powerless against the draw of this gorgeous cover, and that tantalizing blurb!
And then, I was sucked right in. It was no challenge to fall into the easy writing and simple storyline going on here. It was actually much sweeter than I anticipated – almost too sweet. Part of me absolutely loved the simplicity of Bexley and Tristan’s relationship. I loved how their friendship grounded them and made their communication so open and honest. I loved the heat between them – how it sizzled and flared, and how it completely took them by surprise. This storyline moves quickly, but it was easy to attach my heart to Bex and Tristan nonetheless.
If there’s ever an area I struggle with in books, it’s almost always the conflict. And I definitely struggled with this one. I felt like the way things played out caused Tristan, in particular, to behave completely out of character. It went against the entire foundation that had been built between these two: based on their rich history of friendship, commitment to open and honest communication, and trust. I don’t know, I had a really hard time with Tristan and didn’t forgive him as easily as Bex did.
In all, it was a super sweet, low angst, friends-to-lovers romance. A quick and easy read that delivered hugely on the HEA. A little bit of a mixed bag for me, but worth the read nonetheless. ~ Shelly, 3 stars
Ahh man this book! It literally gave me all the feels, and I couldn't turn the page fast enough!! It was possibly the most romantic book I have read in a long time! Tristan and Bexley are both such likable characters and their chemistry was great! I loved the whole concept of this book, it was fresh and not quite like others! This will definitely be in my favorites pile...
D. Kelly is a new author to me and I can't wait to read more by her and I do hope there is a second book in this series!
If you are looking for a friends to lovers romance then look no further this will literally melt your heart!
*I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review*
I loved the different take on dating that the author used for Bexley. Bexley has such funny ideas on what makes a guy unacceptable that I had to laugh at times. I loved Tristan and his patience. I don’t think I could have been as patient as him. I think they both subconsciously knew they each had feelings for the other, but was afraid to admit it. Their friendship was just so comfortable. There are a few heartbreaking scenes that brought tears to my eyes. But, for me the sign of a good book is how it affects me emotionally which this did in so many ways. I strongly encourage you to read the book. I voluntarily read an Advanced Reader’s Copy of this book.
I absolutely LOVED this book. Having never read anything by D. Kelly I wasn’t sure what to expect but was blown away. This is such a great love story. I absolutely fell in love with Tristan and Bexley from the get go and continued to fall head over heals over them. This book took me on an emotional roller coaster and I found myself falling for Tristan. Such a hard book to put down. I highly recommend this book, read it, trust me you won’t regret it.
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I can't even with this book. Talk about swooning from start to finish. These two made me smile so much my face was starting to hurt.
This story was absolutely amazing. From beginning to end you could feel how much they love and care for each other. Every date they had was better than the last. This story pulled me in and didn'tn let go right to the end. It was funny, emotional, hot and steamy but above all it was full of two people who would give up everything to be together.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book. It's a perfect "get away" from the summer heat. 🥰
***Review copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads Blog***
Bex and Tristan are best friends and have been for 10 years. These two are both hot messes who have feelings for the other but are hiding them. I will say that I thought Tristan was a genius when he decided he wanted 7 dates with Bex! It was the perfect way to get her attention and he really did quickly. There dates were fun, quirky and perfect for them. This is definitely a slow burn and almost felt dragged on a few times but did pick back up. These two are adorable together.
I have yet to find a D. Kelly book that wasnt a true treasure and this is no exception. This friends to lovers story is not your run of the mill story but has amazing characters, well thought out plot and beautiful HEA to wrap it all together. If you've read anything by D before you will be pleasantly surprised to see some cameos from other friends from previous books. Do yourself a favor and take a spin on this book!
Romantic and sweet, Dating Roulette takes us into a friends to lovers story where the love of your life is right in front of you!
What Bexley and Tristan have is not easy to find. Soul mates since the beginning, they developed a friendship that grew into love without their knowledge. When they finally start feeling a lust induced love for each other and act on it, they soon realize that love was always there in front of them.
Romantic, funny and sexy, this book is the perfect choice to have with you this Summer.
This is my first book by D. Kelly and it definitely won’t be my last! I loved these characters from the first page to the last!
Tristian is swoon worthy! I loved him as a book boyfriend. I absolutely adored Bexley. Tristan & Bexley has great banter & chemistry. And above all the friendship that these two had was everything!
WOW!! What a mindblowingly beautiful, heartwarming story! Tristan and Bexley will touch your heart in the most immense way. The beautiful friendship they have and the connection they feel will tug at your emotions bigtime! It certainly did for me! This book is profoundly wonderful. I felt so much thoroughout reading it and I came out of it feeling like I didn't know what to do next. I felt immersed into the storyline, so much so that the characters felt like real friends. How the author wrote something so truly wonderful is a real credit to her and her talent. All I have left to say this is one of the BEST books of 2019!! Just read it for yourself or you are missing out on a story so extraordinary you will want to live in it!!
D. Kelly is one of my favorite authors and this story did not disappoint. Dating Roulette is a best friends to lovers story. Bexley and Tristan have been best friends and roommates for a long time, before Tristan decides to push Bexley a little in the hopes that they can become more.
I loved watching them try to navigate dating and taking their relationship to the next step. Tristan was so romantic and his love for Bexley really came through in all he did. This story was highly engaging. I read it in one sitting as I could not put it down. I was desperate to know if they would get their happily ever after.
D. Kelly has a gift for words and story telling and she writes the absolute best characters. I love love loved the journal writing!!! Another 5 star read!!!
***MAY CONTAIN A SPOILER!*** Every time I read one of D. Kelly's books I'm sucked in from the very beginning until the very end! Tristan and Bexley have been friends for 10 years, she calls her dating the Dating Roulette, the guy has to make to seven dates before he becomes her forever! Tristan has been in love with Bexley for that 10 years but the bro code and all has kept them apart! Will Tristan and Bexley come to realize they are each other's forever or will one misunderstanding keep them apart?
In high school Bexley saved Tristian. For ten years they have been best friends. Bexley always finds something wrong with anyone she dates. Bexley & Tristian are insanely cute together. Bexley thinks of Tristian as the perfect man. Maybe a little Dating Roulette will show them they are perfect together. Great Read.
OMG I loved everything about this story. I love Bexley and her lack of commitment. It was pretty funny to see her quirks and things that make her turn off of a guy. I loved Tristan and his need to protect Bexley. I love the love these two had for each other. I love how they had to put their trust in each other and decide if they could be more. I fell in love with this story. I fell in love with these characters. I loved every second of this story and I could not put it down. I've never had the pleasure of reading D. Kelly before, but she has a new fan.
This is an amazing story, one that shouldn't be missed.
D Kelly has a gift. Her books bring you in and you do not want to put the books down till you know how it ends. She writes in a way that isn't predictable in the best possible way. She has a true gift. This book will make believe in all good things yet you can cry and laugh at loud. She also incorporates some elements from her other books but in a way that relates too the book she is reading. You're curious enough to read the books but you don't get lost if you haven't making this book a standalone. I highly recommend this book to anyone over 18. She has strong characters that make you know it's ok to explore sexuality but not in a that you cringe. Once again this writer has extremely n e talent that shines through. I can not wait for her next masterpiece