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Redemption #2

Crazy Beautiful

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Our marriage was only supposed to be a business transaction...
Until I went and fell for my wife.

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About the author

Jessica Prince

89 books2,459 followers
Born and raised around Houston, Jessica is a self proclaimed caffeine addict, connoisseur of inexpensive wine, and the worst driver in the state of Texas. In addition to being all of these things, she’s first and foremost a wife and mom.
Growing up, she shared her mom and grandmother’s love of reading. But where they leaned toward murder mysteries, Jessica was obsessed with all things romance.
When she’s not nose deep in her next manuscript, you can usually find her with her kindle in hand.

To be in-the-know before anyone else, follow along on my website, or join my newsletter.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 214 reviews
Profile Image for Elle G. Reads.
1,707 reviews940 followers
May 8, 2020
Release Date: May 11, 2020
Actual Rating: 5 stars

Small Town Romance | Marriage of Convenience

Jessica Prince slays the small-town romance trope. I’ve only read a few of her books but I can tell just from these few that she’s the best of the best when it comes to these novels. Why? Because you’re transplanted right into the world and immediately connect with the characters. The values they hold are strong, and they work perfectly for the setting. All in all, it’s simply perfect and I can’t praise this book enough. If you’re a hardcore small-town romance fan like I am then you won’t want to miss this book, or any other books Jessica has written.

As with most books within the trope, readers can be sure to find the sweetest romance, and characters that instantly take up space in your heart. Jase and Poppy were incredible together and seeing these two slowly fall in love despite past traumas (Jace from his parent’s horribly treatment of him and his sister, and Poppy being heartbroken and left by her ex-boyfriend) that they went through. I loved how Jessica brought these two together with a marriage of convenience trope and was rooting for them despite their misgivings about falling for one another. Honestly, I just fell so hard and fast for these two that I couldn’t get enough and I was sad that it ended.

Not only does this book have small town feels and a marriage of convenience trope, but there’s a little suspense and a shocking twist towards the end that leaves you hanging by the edge of your seat! My anxiety went through the roof for a few minutes, but I knew Jessica wouldn’t let me down (and she didn’t). I loved it!

Overall, this is a beautiful love story with wonderful characters and a fantastic plot. Jessica leaves breadcrumbs for secondary character relationships that have potential to be the next book and I am crossing my fingers that Shane’s story is next!
Profile Image for Rachael*Caribbean*girl*bibliophile.
2,151 reviews473 followers
May 21, 2020
Spoilers ahead 2.5*

This author reminds me of KA, not only because of her writing style but because just like with KA I keep reading her books because of the one or two hits that I really enjoyed.....but that's a ME issue.....onwards

Jase is the brother of the h from book 1. His parents were horrid and abusive so him and his sister are close. While in Redemption he meets the cute and forever blushing Poppy and they become casual friends. In a bid to oust his thieving father from the company Jase stages a take over that requires his father to immediately step down....being the company's leader however comes with a requirement Jase didn't expect....marriage.

Poppy has had it with men after her ex abandoned her and their dream of running the inn, leaving her in debt and without savings to cover emergency fixes. When Jase proposes fixing her inn in exchange for a marriage of convenience she's hesitant but eventually agrees. While the relationship was supposed to be temporary real feelings start to develop and Poppy knows she won't escape the fake relationship unscathed. A misunderstanding however provides an opportunity for Jase's despicable parents to seek revenge and fund their future leaving Poppy hurt and Jase shattered.

Without the first maybe 20% I'd have rated this a high 3.5* but see the author took the book in the dreaded direction of Manwhoresville.... Jase knew Popy, he liked Poppy, was attracted to Poppy even guessed she returned the attraction given her frequent blushing BUT he was sleeping with OW. As a matter of fact he's thinking about Poppy when he's just finished with OW.....even worse was that one week after ending things with OW he's instructed to marry and he decides to ask Poppy and of course shortly after he can't stop thinking about her and wants her so desperately.....I mean is it me??? Why are these things necessary????

Then this author of course has to throw in her little reminders that our H has been a resident of Manwhoresville for a few years because ya know his childhood trauma prevents him from having a real and lasting relationship( every single time). So we get wonderful thoughts such as

Patricia was just the latest in a string of hookups, each and every one of them the polar opposite of Poppy. In the past, that had worked perfectly for me. I wasn’t the type to settle down. After witnessing the shit-w that was my parents’ relationship, I’d sworn to myself that I would never go down that road. But lately, each encounter left me feeling hollow . . . unfulfilled, and for that reason, over the past few weeks, I’d been pulling back, trying to put some much-needed distance between Tricia and me. However, considering she worked for Hyland Steel, it hadn’t been as easy as I’d hoped.

And of course he's a known resident of Manwhoresville

Henry Davis, the longest running member of Hyland Steel’s Board of Directors spoke up. “This is no joke. It should come as no surprise to you that we’re all aware of your reputation. You’re known far and wide as a serial dater and womanizer. Hell, son, the entire building knows all about you taking up with that woman from Purchasing. You’ve never once bothered to keep your indiscretions a secret. What did you expect?”

So believe me when I say I gritted my teeth through the first quarter of the book.....but when the mcs got together things progressed pretty well. Yes he didn't think they could be permanent and he ought his feelings a bit but no more of the above mentioned nonsense. We get the typical misunderstanding that leads to the falling out between the mcs and a scene where the h is attacked which reminded me a lot of Tyra in Motorcycle Man but all in all withoutout the first quarter it'd definitely be rated higher.

Poppy was the typical sweet, blushing h. She actually really shined in the latter half of the book and I liked her well enough

*** AGAIN I'll say the Shane/Jensen pairing if he had sex with ANY OW will set me off......he left her with his kid he'd better have kept it in his pants and she'd better have a damn backbone

No cheating
H was with OW after meeting the h but not after they got together
We see him with the OW but no explicit sex scenes
Slight OW drama
h is attacked
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,862 reviews1,523 followers
May 15, 2020
Start to finish, I absolutely adored everything about Crazy Beautiful!

From the very first moment Jade and Poppy met, I knew their love and romance would be remarkable. And I was so right!

This is not your typical “marriage of convenience”—no siree, there’s some serious attraction and sexual tension shimmering beneath the surface. Just waiting to rise up and break free. Break over Jase and Poppy to practically drown them in desire and lust.

But on top of that heady, sizzling sexual attraction, there’s a real friendship building too. Neither Jade nor Poppy have had someone in their lives that they could just love and be themselves around. Be real. Be honest. Be open to finding love.

Jase Hyland was a full contact sleeper. The big spoon to my little. Who would have guessed that?

Poppy thought she did, but her ex, Cory turned out to be a lying, thieving bastard. And Jase swore off love—he had no intentions of turning into his vapid parents.

But Poppy and Jase did find love, and finally were brave enough to reach out and grab it.

Something that wasn’t easy. Especially when not everyone is happy Poppy and Jase found their happily ever after, but wow, was it worth their battle. ~ Missy, 5 stars

Profile Image for Dora Koutsoukou .
2,165 reviews654 followers
July 17, 2020
3,5 ❤️❤️❤️🌟s

A very sweet and romance read, very well written and fast paced.
Jace and Poppy were very likeable characters and agreed to a marriage of convenience, whereas they shared a beautiful chemistry.
Their story was exciting, with the appropriate drama, and interesting, yet predictable.
Profile Image for Izzie d.
4,228 reviews344 followers
May 10, 2020
Good story.
There are no intimate scenes other than the Hero and heroine.

But for the safety gang.
The Hero isn't a man-whore but here are a few quotes about him.

'Patricia was just the latest in a string of hookups, each and every one of them the polar opposite of Poppy. In the past, that had worked perfectly for me. I wasn’t the type to settle down. After witnessing the shit-show that was my parents’ relationship, I’d sworn to myself that I would never go down that road.'

"It should come as no surprise to you that we’re all aware of your reputation. You’re known far and wide as a serial dater and womanizer."

'Despite what the media said about me, I was fully capable of monogamy. It was commitment I despised. I’d never once cheated on a woman. When I was sleeping with someone, that was it. There was no one else. However, my relationships never lasted longer than a couple months, I made damn sure of that.'

After a scene where he is talking to the heroine he wakes with a blonde, a hook-up he meets from time to time.

Ex drama.

Best to read book 1 first as events are connected.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kahea.
2,194 reviews122 followers
May 5, 2020
***5 ‘ Favorite Person’ Stars***

And we have another book that took hold of me from the start, took me on one hell of a ride, didn’t let go until there were no more words and has me really wishing the next book was already on the Kindle because I hate saying good-bye to these all these characters

I loved Jase and Poppy ~ even if Jase has an aversion to one of my favorite foods.. Poppy is all kinds of sweet, sassy and determined. Her world went sideways, but she picked herself up and did all she could to make her dreams come true. Jase is charming, sweet and all kinds of protective AF alpha male, something that was ingrained in him from a young age and only became stronger as he grew up.

Poppy and Jase’s journey to their HEA was a fun one. Part of the reason it was fun was because they had such great chemistry from the start. I loved their bantering and they simply flowed well together in every way. But as good as they were together, they do deal with some pretty intense situations that force them both to examine their feelings towards each other and what will make them truly happy.

As much as I love getting to know the MC’s, I can’t deny that a decent portion of my enjoyment of this book came from the supporting cast of characters. I loved catching up with Farah and Cannon, as well as Bennett ~ who is simply amazing. We also get a moment or two with some of the Hope Valley crew, and got introduced to a few new faces ~ Wynn is all KINDS of awesomesauce! And then there is Shane. I love this woman, I really do and I cannot wait to get my hands on her book because it looks like it’s going to be an amazing second chance story with a ton of well meaning, if unwanted help, from the peanut gallery.

~ Copy provided by LAwF & voluntarily reviewed ~

Profile Image for Island Girl Romance Reads.
507 reviews55 followers
May 11, 2020
Crazy Beautiful is the second book in The Redemption series and my new favorite book by Jessica Prince.
This is a beautiful book that gave me so many emotions while I was reading it.
Love the storyline and this trope, marriage of convenience, is becoming now one of my faves.

Jase is protective. He will protect those he love and he will do everything to protect his wife. He needs a wife otherwise he will loose the position of CEO in his company.
Poppy is strong. She’s the owner of the Inn of Redemption. And the Inn has to undergo a few reparations and she doesn’t has the money for it.

I loved the Chemistry between Jase and Poppy. Jase is an protective alpha and he had me swooning. Poppy is strong and very independent. But she was also sweet and very loyal. Loved it so much when she defended Jase.
Great secondary characters that I can’t wait to read more of.

My Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ STARS!
Profile Image for A.BookNerd.Bookseller&Bibliophile.Blog.
2,780 reviews105 followers
May 11, 2020
Crazy Beautiful by Jessica Prince was...CRAZY AMAZING!! This was my first Jessica Prince book and now I’m hooked and a true fan!

Poppy and Jase have chemistry like no other couple I’ve read about in a while. Small town girl and rich business executive love stories get me every time! The story had me drawn in immediately and I read the book in one sitting.

Jessica Prince’s writing was on point and I am in love with Crazy Beautiful ❤️

Definitely a 5 STAR book! Do NOT miss out!

Profile Image for Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog).
5,641 reviews205 followers
May 15, 2020

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When the man of her fantasies offers her a proposal - a marriage in exchange for both of them getting what they want, who is she to say no? She knows she'll have to protect her heart, as Jase already takes up too much space in her mind, and he's not one who believes in love or relationships, so she doesn't expect the feelings that start to grow between them. Or the feelings she THOUGHT had grown between them. But it's fine, this marriage is in name only, right?

Whew but this one is intense! Jase is a serious alpha, protective af, but he's so damaged and it broke my heart when his backstory was revealed. We got glimpses of it in his sister's story (Bad Alibi), but when it's fully revealed - so heartbreaking. Poppy is his absolute perfect match because she's loyal and loving, and willing to stand by her friend turned more, even when it seemed as if her heart was to be permanently broken. Dang but I swooned and even shed a few tears over this amazing couple. Now I'm just waiting very impatiently for Bittersweet, Shane and Jensen's story.

ARC via Love Affair With Fiction for an honest review.

Review & Release Blitz: Live Through Books Blog.

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Profile Image for Elle Golden.
Author 5 books58 followers
May 9, 2020
"You are my favorite person ever" .

Oh my, this series, this book, this couple! I can't even begin to say how much I loved it all. As soon as I finished it, I wanted to read the book again.

This is a small town, fake marriage book, but there was nothing fake between Poppy and Jase. They were so real, their feelings were palpable, their chemistry was undeniable and they fit so perfectly.
Everytime they were together, I felt so much love, such a strong connection. They had each other's backs, they were loyal, supportive and they protected each other.

They both suffered in the past, they are wary of romance, but their feelings and closeness grew so effortlessly, so naturally. They could rely on each other, they trusted each other, and soon enough they became each other's favorite person.
It was so wonderful to watch.

Poppy could be shy, quiet, but she was fierce and she brought out all her fire whenever someone she cared about needed it.
Jase was a protective at heart, almost to a fault, and he would stop at nothing to protect the ones he loved, even at his own expense.
And that care and protection would be fundamental for their own survival, because danger was even bigger and closer than expected.

Poppy and Jase were as powerful together as they were adorable. This book filled my heart and I'm craving this series as much as I crave Hope Valley series (which is a lot!).
Profile Image for BookSmackedMel.
916 reviews380 followers
May 15, 2020
She writes it, I read it. It's as simple as that really.

Crazy Beautiful is a wonderful fake relationship story that will have you desperately wanting the characters in it to become the real thing.

With a heroine that was in a one sided relationship that will make you angry for her and a hero who is the ultimate protector you'll find yourself devouring this story. It's a small town romance that you will want to visit often, it's definitely going into my reread section on my kindle.

Guys, I live for these types of stories. Where there's a little suspense, along with some seriously good romance. Another amazing read from Jessica Prince and I'm already excited for the next one.
Profile Image for Jill M (Embrace the Romance).
1,432 reviews106 followers
May 11, 2020
Once again Jessica Prince takes us back to Redemption with an emotionally suspenseful story to keep you intrigued from beginning to the very powerful end.

This book had everything I love in a great romance from the fake relationship to the heart pounding twist and turns. Jessica will pull on the heartstrings and make you feel all the feels. I was on the edge of my seat rooting for the happily ever after. It was just crazy beautiful this love story.

I can’t get wait till we’re swept away to Redemption again as I can’t get enough. It’s one of my most favorite series.
Profile Image for Booked & Busy Book Blog.
927 reviews33 followers
May 11, 2020
THIS is my favorite book of the entire series! Jase and Poppy are absolutely everything!! Fake relationships are one of my favorite tropes and Jessica Prince nailed it with this book! I loved reading how this story turned into so much more than a fake relationship. Jase is an alpha in every sense of the word and the sexual tension between the two of them had me dying for more! The twist at the end is something I never saw coming and LOVED every minute of it! This is one of the BEST small town series that I’ve ever read and I highly suggest it to everyone!
Profile Image for Franci Neill.
2,227 reviews94 followers
May 11, 2020
5 Their Lives Are About to Change Stars!!!

From the minute I met Poppy and Jase in the first book in this series and I knew their connection was magic!! Well, we finally get their story but it’s a book filled with contempt, good winning over evil, and a love that while it’s slow to grow, is very powerful.

Jase is Farah’s older brother and he is a man that is determined to end the domination of his parents over his and Farah’s lives. And boy, was I shocked when we find out what his father has been up to and the lengths that Jase went to to ensure that others were protected. I may have even let a cackle of laughter when it all went down too!! However, Jase is given conditions in which he has to get married to save the company from another poacher in the company. And so enters Poppy into the plan.

Poppy is a woman that is beautiful, kind, loving, has fierce determination to make her life work after her plans collapse around her, and will basically anything within her power for her friends. When Jase comes to her with his proposition of a “fake” marriage that will also help her with her B&B, she’s on board, besides, it’s Jase and he’s the man that takes up all the room in her dreams at night!

This book is filled with a few twists and turns, but it’s also filled with a friendship that grows stronger and stronger and love neither were expecting. I loved how Jase treated his “flower” and showed her what caring and love really is about. Her feelings for him grow to, even if they’re not supposed to. And her friendship with Farah and Shane is really highlighted in this story too. These girls will do anything for each other, even to their own detriment!

This book moves at a wonderful pace and we see some of the most vile people and the lengths they’ll go to in order to recoup what they think they’re owed. And trust me when I tell you there were moments that I was cringing and biting my nails. I was more than thrilled with the outcome of this particular arc in the story. But most satisfying is that Jase and Poppy realize that love really is possible for both of them. Their connection is unbreakable and when you’re each other’s favorite person, it’s a love that will last a lifetime!

Overall, I loved this second book in this series. There’s so many possibilities with the secondary characters too. I loved how Bennett, you remember him, got to put the nail in the coffin so to speak and with the introduction of some of these newer characters this series is going to be right up there with my most favorite not only by Ms. Prince, but by all the authors I’ve read!!
Profile Image for Jill S (Love Affair With Fiction).
646 reviews70 followers
May 2, 2020
I was so happy when Jessica said she was heading back to Redemption. I have decided that I am going to spend my days traveling back and forth to the small towns that Jessica has created. I mean, really life couldn't get any better than that. Smokin' hot guys, amazing friends, freaking fantastic baked goods (in my dreams I can eat again!), and enough excitement that life never gets boring!
Jessica's newest book was an engaging, HOT, sweet, and swoony read. I absolutely fell in love with Jase as he got rocked when he realized that *GASP* he fell in love with his wife! And Poppy was that perfect mix of sweet and sassy that just makes you want to be her friends.
I will say that I utterly LOATHE Jase's parents. They are just vile, horrid people! Just thinking of them makes me nauseous — but since I truly love a book that can evoke emotion from me, I will forgive Jessica… just this once!
If you love small-town romances with some real steam, then this is a book you don't want to miss!

Crazy Beautiful is the second book in Jessica's Redemption series but can be read as a true standalone book. (But why wouldn't you want to meet the other characters?!)
Profile Image for Cyle.
963 reviews143 followers
January 18, 2021
Swoon... Seriously I adored this book, because the romance was not only smoking hot but Jase was so swoon worthy and adorable when it came to his connection with Poppy. Anyways Crazy Beautiful is the second book in the Redemption series and picks up after Cannon and Farah from the first book, this follows Farah's big brother Jase and continues on about their families horrible history.

Crazy Beautiful follows Jase who has finally beat his horrible father and rid him of harming their company and their lives any further. However it comes at a cost, the board of Jase' company says he has a reputation that will look bad on the company and he needs to find a bride to help smooth things over, or they will hand the CEO reins to his horrible cousin. Jase' only hope is his sister close friend Poppy, the adorably sweet owner of a small town inn and someone he trusts completely. But with family drama becoming dangerous, and hearts start becoming fuller into the mix, Jase and Poppy are about the have their lives turned upside down.

Jase totally won me over, the protective big brother and has a soft spot for sweet and innocent Poppy, he just couldn't get better. He had the worst upbringing and wanted to do right by his sister and protect everyone he cares about, even if he does it the wrong way his heart is always in the right place. Poppy is a spitfire and sweetest ever, she deserved some happiness and Jase brought her back to life as she did the same for him.

Overall I loved this book, I love the characters, and love seeing characters from other series pop in. I'm a big fan of Prince and devour any of her books, especially since I love small town romances and she does them the best.
Profile Image for Raine.
2,471 reviews53 followers
October 11, 2020
Could not put it down!

This second book in the series is about Jase and Poppy. Jase is the older brother of Farah, from the first book and Poppy is one of Farah's best friends. Great story. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Ri.
5,112 reviews11 followers
May 11, 2020
4.5 stars
If this author writes it then I will always read it. This book is another great example of why that is. Her characters are not only relatable but also likable. There is just something about them that draws me in. I see their flaws and baggage and immediately want to either fix them, hug them, or love them, possibly all three at the same time. That was definitely the case here.

I fell in love with Jace and Poppy in Farrah's book so getting them together in this book seemed like a dream come true. Especially, considering that other than Farrah being the common denominator these two had nothing in common. I was wrong in that assumption because these two were truly the yin to each other's yang. I loved that Poppy made Hace realize how special it was to be in that position of being someone's favorite. Good Lord, did this amazing guy need that. My heart hurt for him. Almost as hard as it rooted for him to find that love. I am not sure I could have picked a better leading woman for him either. There was something tenacious about Poppy. She was all southern charm, sassy, sweet, and full of grit. She could definitely hold her own.

However, the person that truly won in this book was Bennett. Good Lord, did this amazing man steal the show. I cheered at a certain scene in the book. I also liked that the author gave a hint of what is to come. There were times in this book that she reminded me of another favorite author of mine which I am TOTALLY loving because there is just something about these cavemen like, jealous over the top, take no crap men that love their women something fierce. While Jace wasn't this way as much as Cannon was I can see that the next one might be.

My only complaint with the book was that the ending came up so fast (at around 85%) followed by an immediate epilogue where everything was explained in it. I know this is nothing new. However, I wanted it explained separately thus giving the epilogue the chance to just be the future or happily for now moment to shine. I am sure I am just being picky. Regardless, another fantastic book. Love Hope Valley and Redemption and I highly recommend both series and this author. There is a reason that she is a one-click author for me.
Profile Image for Fiona Fog.
1,459 reviews84 followers
May 17, 2020
Finding Home

Another enjoyable read from one of my go to authors. Jessica’s second book in this series was a perfect amount of suspense and romance combined.

Poppy never thought she’d open her heart again but keeping it closed off was virtually impossible with a man like Jade. The attraction between our leads is sizzling.

Jase thought he was finally free of his parents. Hoping they’d stay gone after he destroyed them was never going to happen. Especially with parents like these two.

When his new found independence is put on lockdown by the board he has no choice but to find a wife and quickly. Poppy his sisters friend is the perfect choice. He likes her, he trusts her he just needs to keep his attraction to her on the back burner.

But these two have no chance of denying the inevitable. They are like kindling waiting for the spark to set it alight.

Just when it looks like these two will get a happily ever after they nearly lose it all through hatred and vengeance.

Another book hangover but one I was happy to have.

A huge yes from me.
Profile Image for Natasha.
739 reviews18 followers
May 13, 2020
5* read.

Crazy Beautiful is the second book in The Redemption series but can be read as a standalone (Bad Alibi is the first book in the series). I would however recommend reading the first book first though as they characters do pop up and you get more of a feel and connection to the characters before even starting their story. That been said that's just my opinion, it definatly isn't a must to read it first.

This is Poppy and Jase's story. I do love a small town romance, mainly because you get these close knit family ties through all the charcters. I also love fake relationships as there's always that extra chemistry that sizzles there. Poppy was a character I fell in love with in Bad Alibi and straight away I knew that I couldn't wait for her story. One of my favourite things about Jase was his protective side. Together these two were the perfect match and the chemistry and connection was electric. You also get to see characters from the first book aswell as meet some new ones aswell.

I'm just in love with this authors writing, and I can't wait for the next book.
Profile Image for Ashley.
117 reviews
May 6, 2020
Poppy and Jase have some sizzling insta-chemistry.

Jase is macho-alpha protector soon to be CEO and Poppy is the sweet and sassy Inn Owner and only employee.

Jase has taken down his dad but the board wants more from the player they think he is. Marriage! Jase knows just the person to help him out, a red headed inn owner.

Jase shows up to the inn to find a distressed Poppy and offers to help, if she will in turn help him.

Cue the wedding bells cause this book takes you on a ride and it doesn't stop!
Profile Image for Kari Hansen.
11.3k reviews93 followers
May 12, 2020
The one person in Jase’s family that he is close to is his sister Farrah which is how he ends up spending time in Redemption and meets Poppy. He has finally gained control of the family business but due to his reputation he could lose everything, but Poppy might just be the solution to his problems.

Poppy is Farrah’s best friend and owns the Inn in town. She has come to the painful conclusion that love and relationships are not in her future so when Jase suggests a mutually beneficial arranged marriage what could possibly go wrong?

The interactions between there fun, the chemistry intense and her feisty and fiery personality is a great match for the alpha protector in Jase.
Profile Image for Mo ♡.
501 reviews17 followers
November 28, 2022
This one was tricky to review because I had mixed feelings. A cross between 3/4 🌟
I loved both Jase and Poppy, and was actually looking forward to reading about them because of the first book. I liked the book well enough but it didn't give me the same feelings, the first one did. A lot was glossed over, especially with Jase and his traumatic childhood where he took a lot to protect his sister. But I liked it well enough, I guess. 🤍🤷🏻‍♀️
Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews161 followers
May 4, 2020
Jase is one to listen to his woman, "...says I’m ripe, so what other choice do I have but to get in the shower?” Then I turned and nipped at the soft, round globe of her ***. “And you’re taking one with me.” I liked this book, I loved Jase.
Profile Image for Lindsey Kramer.
1,106 reviews35 followers
May 7, 2020
This book was awesome! Like all of Jessica’s books that I’ve read, I was hooked from the the very first page. I loved being back in Redemption, Tennessee and being re introduced to all of the lovable characters. I can’t wait for the next book!
Profile Image for Dawn.
1,468 reviews285 followers
May 14, 2020
Having read and LOVED all of Jessica Prince's books it is becoming a tad bit redundant to write reviews of love and adoration...but here we go again. This one though, this one hit my heart HARD. Jace and Poppy connected with me immediately and I wanted for them deep in my soul from the very beginning until the end. I had physical reactions to these two during their journey, my heart would soar, then ache, then drop, cheer and love it all. Jace was a broken man, made this way by being the protective, loving soul that genetics couldn't possibly be responsible for creating, because his parents are a special kind of awful, only the heart of a good man could. He is fierce in his love and loyalty, wanting for all others before himself and I absolutely loved him. Jessica Prince OWNS small town romance, I implore all of my reader friends to grab one of her books and read it. You will thank me, you will be addicted and like me, you will fall head over heels in love. Every book from Ms. Prince becomes my new favorite of hers and this one now holds that top spot, until next time...
Profile Image for Becca Stanfield Vernon.
1,764 reviews21 followers
May 11, 2020
Another great read by this wonderful author! This new series is so fantastic, I just can’t stop reading until it’s over. Poppy is so sweet, naive but has strength to overcome her past. Then in walks the sexy brother of her new friend, what is she supposed to do with all hotness!! The banter between Poppy & Jase was fun, just increasing the like ability of these characters. I’m not sure how this author does it but I love all of her characters within all of her books. She makes them seem so real, so lovable. Jase is one of the most fiercely protective characters & it was written so well that you felt how much Poppy was to him. This book hit on some darker areas, some bits of evil people that I would love to see Jessica explore in the future. She has great potential to make us fall in love with a evil character that turns better for the right woman. A great spin on a marriage of convenience storyline.

I highly recommend this book. Told in dual POV.
Profile Image for Lacie Romano.
601 reviews15 followers
May 5, 2020
Wow! I couldn't wait for this second book in the Redemption series and boy was a NOT disappointed!

This book had what I have come to love about Jessica Prince's books, tear your heart out emotions that hit you in the gut, Alpha men that I adore, strong females that make me giggle, and suspense that kept me hooked! Add in secondary characters that I also love, along with some cameo's of others, and this book will take you on a tale of Happily Ever After and leave you with a smile!

You don't want to miss this book!
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