What happens when they meet their soulmate, but they cannot be together?
Peyton has a wonderful life but lives with a secret that they believe would turn many people against them if it was revealed. When a new boy arrives, Peyton’s gains a friend. This friend has secrets of his own, but he brings with him several people who become important to Peyton, including their soulmate.
Ezra has lived through hell. Taken in by two amazing people who help him to recover and recuperate, he can’t help but wish that would be his life from them on, especially when he meets Peyton. Peyton is a breath of fresh air and they quickly become close, making plans for their future.
But when old enemies come knocking, Ezra and Peyton are in their path.
Will their enemies tear them apart or can true love prevail?
H.M. Wolfe lives with the coolest Mom in the Universe and a fat, gay, submissive tomcat. She loves writing stories about boys and men who love, cherish, respect and protect other boys and men.
The characters are so colorful and vibrant. I went through so many emotions reading this book. In the beginning I was devastated. At the end I was elevated. I have cried tears of sorrow and of joy. This book is on a whole different level. It is well worth the read.
I need to start with the fact this is the first book I’ve read by this author. It seems I might have jumped into something without already forming an attachment for any of the characters. That said, I didn’t feel lost or confused; I’m just meeting everyone for the first time, and including two characters that I’m guessing were just side characters in the original books. That’s what I gather from my brief research of the author’s backlist.
This was a story about two flawed characters that will take you through a journey of many emotions. Something felt unique about how it was written, but I cannot put my finger on it. These boys/men have been through so much in their life and deserved their HEA.
I am curious about the other books now. As soon as I get some free time, I’d like to read them. For now, they’re being added to my TBR list!
***Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure. A review wasn’t a requirement. ***
I really loved to read Ezra and Peyton story, to see through their eyes the events that were important to them, that changed their lives and all the obstacles they had to pas to have their special kind of perfect. This book will make you laugh, cry and swoon at the adorable moments the little kids will provide. It will teach you the importance of communication, trust and forgiveness. Peyton has a difficult time to accept themselves and thinks no one will love them, was bullied as little and has insecurity issues. Ezra had a difficult childhood, suffered immensely and was abused as little which makes him think he isn't worthy of love. Peyton and Ezra dynamics are extremely complex both thinking aren't enough for the other, choosing distance in difficult times that leads to misunderstandings and short separation. They learn to trust in each other, to communicate and above all they learn to express their love and to achieve the happiness and family they both desired. It was a sweet emotional reading that will endear you to the characters, you'll love the pure joy and happiness of the little kids that will melt your heart and you'll rejoice at all the happiness and acceptance of a big loving family.
I adored this very different story . We’ve met some of the cast in the previous series ( which I highly recommend) but this was Peyton and Ezra story .
You gather early on that Peyton is different and it actually told very subtly ,so that ,really it’s you that decides why they are different and I’m not spoiling that for you .
Ezra has gone through hell in his life but with help he gets stronger and when they ( Peyton and Ezra )get together nothing will stop them they make each other stronger.
It’s still not easy and they have problems from outside evil people but in the end this book has a HEA ending .
If you’ve read the previous series you know what the group deals with . I honestly wish they were real and could stop this evil irl
H M Wolfe has an amazing talent for drawing you in and you’ll love her books and fall for the guys in them.
WOW!! This is the in depth story of Ezra and Peyton. Things that happened but couldn't be explored in detail in previous books. This is a couple that has great importance to the base. Old and new characters are brought in that seem like they are going to make a difference or trouble to come. I love seeing all the areas this book covers. It explains a lot of what was going on that was a little confusing before. I have loved these books since the first book with Daniel and Tarquin. As the torch is passed forward through family, marriages, extended family members and friends this continues to get better and better. I'm looking forward to any and all books that the future holds for this Author. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK!!!!!
I absolutely loved this beautiful, tender, heartfelt, poignant, powerful, fantastic, tearful, raw, gritty, gripping, lovely, emotionally charged, passionate, and totally awesome tale. Ezra and Peyton's painful pasts shattered my heart into a million pieces, ran them through a grinder, spit them out the other side, then put them back together in a different way. Their path to a HEA ending was anything but smooth, and I was hooked from the very first page. I would DEFINITELY recommend getting this marvelous gem for yourself ASAP!
I loved this book. Peyton meets a boy at school. They become fast friends. The new boy brings many new people into Peyton's life and possibly their soulmate. But Peyton is afraid their secret will turn people from them. Ezra has been through so much and two people that took him in and helped him get better. Then he meets Peyton. Danger lurks ahead as old enemies wish to destroy them both. Will their love save them?
I did not know that this was a spin-off from a different series... I do now, though!
This was an extremely intense book for me to be reading so late at night... early in the morning? Yeah, Peyton and Ezra (love those names and the cover, BTW) just broke my heart, but slowly, as the story progresses (grab the tissues!) we find hope. I don't want to say too much, but I will definitely be going back and reading the Dragon's House series! *grin*
Peyton and Ezra are one of my favorite HM Wolfe's couples! The storyline is awesome in this book, but it's the MCs themselves making the story stand out! They have amazing personalities and are so imperfectly perfect for each other! There is a lot of healing, but they come out stronger and so beautiful together!
Love this one. Great overall storyline and characters and just captured my attention immediately. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I look forward to seeing what happens next.
I love this so much. It was well written and fun and sexy and interesting. It made me smile and made me mad haha. The emotions are real and raw and yummy. Plus the cover is to die for. Amazing
I started HM"s books with the Dragon House series. Her writing just gets better. I love her characters and the plot. This is the backstory of Peyton and Ezra"s romance. It helps you understand both what they have been through and where they are going. I loved every minute of this book.