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Relativity: Aurora Resonant Book One Broché – 15 décembre 2016

4,7 4,7 sur 5 étoiles 295 évaluations

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“I’d tell you to be careful, but we wouldn’t be here if you’d ever taken that advice. No reason to start now, right?”
For millennia the Anadens have ruled the known universe. They believe they’ve crafted the perfect empire, ordered and impervious to challenge. They believe the fight has been crushed out of the species they subjugate. They are wrong.

It’s a suicide mission, without a doubt. Alex Solovy and Caleb Marano must steal crucial intelligence from the Anadens’ central military headquarters. To succeed, they’ll need to navigate a strange universe ruled by a cabal of powerful immortals, populated by aliens they’ve never met and fueled by technology they’ve never seen. They’re going to need a little help—the kind of help only a suicidally defiant anarchist on the run from more than just personal demons can provide.

As Anaden agents close in, back home in Aurora humanity races to prepare. Steeled from the Metigen invasion and the rise of Prevos, no longer will they wait for doom to come to them. Forewarned the Anadens intend to crush them out of existence, humans, Artificials and Prevos join together to bring the war to the doorstep of the enemy, even as a shadowy foe re-emerges to jeopardize all they’ve built.
Our universe is but a snowglobe—an experiment born of desperation and hope. The true universe is unfathomably vast, teeming with life and untold wonders. And it is enslaved.

Created by ancient aliens in a daring gambit to understand the nature of the enemy, humanity is now asked to be the savior of a universe not their own. If they are to succeed, they must rise above not only their fractious past but the sins of their genetic ancestors to boldly embrace a future they never dared imagine possible.
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Biographie de l'auteur

G. S. Jennsen lives in Montana with her husband and two dogs. She has published six novels, all under her imprint, Hypernova Publishing. She has become an internationally bestselling author since her first novel, Starshine, was published in March 2014. She has chosen to continue writing under an independent publishing model to ensure the integrity of the Aurora Rhapsody series and her ability to execute on the vision she's had for it since its genesis.While she has been a lawyer, a software engineer and an editor, she's found the life of a full-time author preferable by several orders of magnitude, which means you can expect the next book in the Aurora Rhapsody series in just a few months.When she isn't writing, she's gaming or working out or getting lost in the mountains that loom large outside the windows in her home. Or she's dealing with a flooded basement, or standing in a line at Walmart reading the tabloid headlines and wondering who all of those people are. Or sitting on her back porch with a glass of wine, looking up at the stars, trying to figure out what could be up there.For more information on all her books as well as links to retailers, see

Détails sur le produit

  • Éditeur ‏ : ‎ Hypernova Publishing (15 décembre 2016)
  • Langue ‏ : ‎ Anglais
  • Broché ‏ : ‎ 541 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0997392169
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0997392166
  • Poids de l'article ‏ : ‎ 608 g
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 13.34 x 3.45 x 20.32 cm
  • Commentaires client :
    4,7 4,7 sur 5 étoiles 295 évaluations

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G. S. Jennsen
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Full content visible, double tap to read brief content.

G. S. JENNSEN lives somewhere in the U.S., in a locale that may or may not be where she lived the last time she published a book (she’s a gypsy at heart), with her husband and one or more dogs. She has become an internationally bestselling author since her first novel, Starshine, was published in 2014. She has chosen to continue writing under an independent publishing model to ensure the integrity of her stories and her ability to execute on the vision she has for their telling.

While she has been a lawyer, a software engineer and an editor, she’s found the life of a full-time author preferable by several orders of magnitude. When she isn’t writing, she’s gaming or working out or getting lost in the mountains that loom large outside the windows in her home. Or she’s dealing with a flooded basement, or standing in a line at Walmart and wondering who all these people are (because she’s probably new in town). Or sitting on her back porch with a glass of wine, looking up at the stars, trying to figure out what could be up there.



Twitter: @GSJennsen


G. S. JENNSEN vit quelque part aux États-Unis, dans un lieu qui peut être ou non l'endroit où elle a vécu la dernière fois qu'elle a publié un livre (elle est gitane dans l'âme), avec son mari et un ou plusieurs chiens. Elle est devenue une auteure à succès international depuis la publication de son premier roman, Starshine, en 2014. Elle a choisi de continuer à écrire sous un modèle d'édition indépendant pour assurer l'intégrité de ses histoires et sa capacité à mettre en œuvre la vision qu'elle a de leur récit. .

Bien qu'elle ait été avocate, ingénieure en logiciel et rédactrice en chef, elle a trouvé la vie d'un auteur à plein temps préférable de plusieurs ordres de grandeur. Quand elle n'écrit pas, elle joue, s'entraîne ou se perd dans les montagnes qui dominent les fenêtres de sa maison. Ou elle a affaire à un sous-sol inondé, ou fait la queue chez Walmart et se demande qui sont toutes ces personnes (parce qu'elle est probablement nouvelle en ville). Ou assise sur son porche arrière avec un verre de vin, regardant les étoiles, essayant de comprendre ce qui pourrait être là-haut.

Site Web:


Twitter: @GSJennsen


Commentaires client

4,7 étoiles sur 5
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  • Jeanette White
    5,0 sur 5 étoiles LOVED THE WHOLE SERIES
    Avis laissé aux États-Unis le 18 janvier 2017
    This is the first book review I've ever took the time to leave. By the time I think about getting around to leaving one, I'm on to the next good book. In this case, I've just spent the last 20 minutes trying to find out when the next book in this series is scheduled to come out. I couldn't find any word, so I'm left with extrapolating from the publishing dates of the previous books. I read all the books in this series over the last several days- many late nights! I love them. The idea is good, the science is not overly techy nor convoluted. I didn't get hung up on trying to figure it out of get annoyed because it was too farfetched or had enormous holes in it. In other words, the science didn't detract from the story.

    I'm trying to think about what I like in reviews, so I can give the proper information to anyone trying to decide whether or not to invest time into this book. First, it's definitely part of a series. You really have to start at the beginning, or else you really SHOULD. Not only are the other books great as well, but it gives a better information base and character depth. I like reading about plot when I look at the reviews of a book, but I'm too impatient to add that to my own review. I'm only review in g this book at all because I just finished reading g it and have the craving for the next one that I can't fulfill since it isn't published yet.

    I will say that one of the things I appreciated the most about each book, was the stupendous endings. Each book ended the way really good old television series used to end, with surprising information or something unexpected. Each book made me immediately go to amazon and hit the buy button for the next one. Here I am now though, at the end of all that's published........and no more to buy for a while. I am not a reader who goes back to read books a second time, but I may just have to do it as the publication date approaches for the next one so I can refresh my memory.
  • Terry D
    5,0 sur 5 étoiles Arguably as good as anything GSJ has yet written
    Avis laissé au Royaume-Uni le 21 décembre 2016
    This review is based on the advance copy I received from GS Jensen

    The combined forces of the Earth Alliance and the Senecan Federation slowly recover from a successful – but costly – encounter with the Metigen forces. The shadowy pandimensional beings constituting the Directorate, are unaware of the existence of humans in a remote corner of the Galaxy whilst the ruthless Anaden civilisation, controlled by the Directorate, concentrate on harvesting materials from other worlds and planets. The overall aim is to enslave and marshal the resources of an unfathomably vast universe.

    On board the Siyane, Caleb and Alex – plus Valkyrie and Mesme – receive information about the location of one of the Anaden’s research facilities. Rescuing a renegade member of the Directorate, they recover a vast amount of information and, as the location of Mesme’s hitherto hidden home world is suddenly revealed, its inhabitants shift to the other side of the galaxy. As the Anaden facility is destroyed, events elsewhere initially suggest Olivia Montgreu (see ‘Abysm’) isn’t dead whilst the Alliance’s Dimensional Rifter – with the ability to divert incoming weapons fire into a dimensionless black hole – briefly misbehaves.

    And we’re not quite halfway through the book…

    Battle is again joined, this time with the Earth Alliance benefiting from some powerful and highly unexpected allies. There’s also a fully functioning Dimensional Rifter plus various matter/antimatter weapons…

    ‘Relativity’ ends with the enigmatic comment from the leader of the anarchs that Miriam Solovy’s formidable fleet is not the fulcrum on which the outcome of the forthcoming war will turn.

    That role is Caleb’s…

    (According to an e-mail from GSJ (December 16) “the sequel – ‘Rubicon’ – will be ready in late May/early June 2017, subject to how smoothly the writing goes.”)
  • Julie Hawkins
    5,0 sur 5 étoiles G. S. Jennsen has done it again.
    Avis laissé en Australie le 26 décembre 2016
    Another wonderful addition to the Aurora collection. This might be book seven in the collection but it still holds the excitement and promise of the first, it hasn't lost any of the inventiveness or originality that we were introduced to in book one. Relativity is another thrilling ride through well thought out worlds were we meet amazing characters while staying true to the originals. With mystery, danger, a little romance and a roller-coaster ride of emotion it definitely leaves me wanting more.

    I've enjoyed the story of Alex and Caleb from the first book and this one only adds to my love for them. Going where others fear to go once again has the reader turning the page to find out what comes next. This is what science fiction has always been for me, just enough science, heroes on an adventure of galactic scale and an epic tale of discovery and survival. Can't wait to read the next book in the series.
  • gc
    5,0 sur 5 étoiles Fast-paced, fun read.
    Avis laissé aux États-Unis le 5 décembre 2023
    I’m so glad the story continues. It gets better with each installment. Looking forward to the next book in the series.
  • Guy Marc GAGNE
    4,0 sur 5 étoiles Semper Fidelis
    Avis laissé au Canada le 18 février 2018
    A priori, Honi soit qui mal y pense!
    If you have caressed the words/story of the precursor series by the numbers ...
    You are hooked or a masochist !
    Obviously my opinion is favourable in the extreme