After moving to Minneapolis Cecilia is befriended by Isaac and Elsie, siblings who have kept a dark secret hidden about their past for countless years. As her body is taken over by a demonic force, she finds herself an Impa, a rare and supernatural creature who lives off the flesh and essence of her victims to stay alive.
With the bloated bodies of missing teens beginning to resurface, the voice of the ratchet Old Farmer’s voice inside her head begs for “Just One More.”
Consumed in the macabre environment, the urge to feed takes control over not only her body but her soul. Soon Cecilia comes to a realization that giving the voice exactly what It wants will never be enough.
Isaiyan Morrison was born and raised in Minneapolis, but her heart is in the impressive magical worlds she dreams up. She hopes to share her love for world-building with her readers and help guide them through the extraordinary settings she creates.
Her other passions include reading, and researching historical events. She also enjoys gardening, gaming, and spending quality time with her cats, her Presa Canario, and practicing her Christian faith.
Looking for a great Halloween read? Stick this one on the top of your fire and brimstone pile! Isaiyan Morrison is back and Old Farmer’s Road is going to have you thinking twice about going into the woods, day or night!
There have been many stories about Old Farmer’s Road, unsolved murders, missing kids, are the tales true or just part of the lore of the area? Cecelia is new to the area and the brother and sister next door have invited her to visit OFR. Isaac is okay, but his sister, Elsie doesn’t seem to like Cecelia. Is it that teen girl thing or is there something far more terrifying behind her coldness? It only took Cecelia one trip to Old Farmer’s Road to find out and one split second to become non-human. Not a werewolf not a vampire, but an Impa, a demonic creature who thrives on the flesh, blood and souls of humans.
People are dying, and Cecelia is sickened by what she has become, what she does. Trapped in a nightmare, looking for a way out, can an old witch help her? Can she put an end to the deadly reign of terror these eternally youthful teens have been perpetuating for over a hundred years without putting an end to herself? She knows she will never stop, there will always be just one more…
How does Isaiyan Morrison sleep at night? With the lights on? I was hooked, a little gore, a few deaths and demonic takeovers…and…nobody listens or believes! The perfect recipe for disaster and a well-fed demon! You just know generation after generation of teens are going to go to Old Farmer’s Road!
Isaiyan Morrison does herself and the horror genre proud with this one, there is pure evil, dark secrets, and a never-ending supply of fresh meat! Dark, with an evil atmosphere, I love it! So what if my electric bill is a little higher now!
I received this copy from Isaiyan Morrison in exchange for my honest review.
Publication Date: September 2, 2015 Publisher: Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing Genre: YA Horror Print Length: 229 pages Available from: Amazon For Reviews & More:
Cecilia moves from L.A. to Minneapolis and she becomes friends with her neighbors Isaac & Elsie. What Celia is about to find out is that they are hiding a secret, and the town may not be an ordinary place to live. Then an unthinkable event occurs, Celia is taken over by a demonic force. She learns she has become an Impa, a supernatural creature that eats human flesh.
When bloated bodies of missing teens beginning to resurface, and the creepy voice of the ratchet Old Farmer’s voice inside her head begs for “Just One More”, Celia tries to ignore the voice and fight the urges, but will she be able to?
A fast paced horror story. The plot is very original, there is plenty of danger, action, suspense and horrifying moments. The characters are developed , the writing is fantastic and I really got a feel of being pulled into the story. I was hooked from the first page. I highly recommend Old Farmer's road to those who a great supernatural/horror story.
I think it's fair to say I won't sleep for the next three days. I tend to stay away from thriller/horror due to my overactive imagination, but I'm a massive fan of Morrison's other works and knew it would be worth it. Sure enough, despite the serious creepy factor of this novel, I couldn't put Old Farmer's Road down. This author consistently delivers. It has a cool legend aspect to it which I loved. And two of the main characters will have chills running down your spine. Definitely recommended for those who like a horror/thrill/heart-beating-in-your-ears genre.
This book. UGH. I had such HIGH hopes. I’m not even sure how to begin this review. I picked up this book because of a book club I am in, but it sounded like a book I would pick up on my own anyway, so I was really excited about it. Once I started reading though… I was immediately disappointed. AND I’M SO SAD ABOUT IT. I REALLY wanted to like this book. I tried very very hard to like this book and I suppose I enjoyed some parts. SOME.
The premise of the story was great! Cecilia moves to a new town, meets two friends who turn out to be more than human, she turns into the same creature they are and has to learn how to survive with this “curse” and shit goes down. Sounds great, right?
Here's the issue, the writing was terrible. The characters were flat. There was ZERO character development. The plot was fast paced but too fast. There was no time to develop the locations, scenes or the characters. The relationship between each character made no sense because they were so quick to instantly like each other (at first) because the story was rushed.
I’m not sure if it's because I was reading the Kindle edition or not, but the writing was awful. There were SO many grammatical errors that it was distracting. Characters were being called by a completely different names, there were inconsistencies with the locations of characters. For example; it said Issac was knocking on her bedroom door but then two sentences later you find out that was an error, he was actually at the window. This wouldn’t have bothered me if it was just one or two errors, but it was consistent throughout the book.
This could've been such a great book. It just needed more time to develop the story and a better editor.
"Just one more page..." That's what I kept telling myself as I was reading, yet I still couldn't manage to put this book down. I was captivated from the start all the way through the end. The frightening, terrifying ending that is probably going to haunt my dreams for a while. Squeamish readers beware; there is lots of gore and ickiness going on in this book, but for me, that just means that it's impossible to stop reading. "Just one more..." Good luck getting that creepy line out of your head!!!
Celicia's family just moved to Minneapolis from L.A., much to her dismay. But her neighbor Isaac quickly wants to be friends, much to his sister's dismay. Elsie is just an unpleasant person in general. Meanwhile, some people have gone missing along Old Farmer's Road and a legend about an evil old farmer still lingers. Isaac and Elsie know all about the missing people, and when they take Cecilia into the swamps of the area, she soon learns all about it for herself.
It's creepy. It's horrifying. It's certainly evil. It's awesome. Have I mentioned enough how I couldn't put this book down? That being said (yet again), there were a couple of places in the book with some awkward sentences, questionable information (did Minneapolis really have a population of only 4 thousand at a time when cell phones were readily available?), incorrect word choice (conscious instead of conscience), and missing commas.
Normally I wouldn't let some silly little commas influence my rating, but when the meaning of a sentence changes because of the missing comma, it really takes away from the enjoyment of the story (and, as an English teacher, it's just a personal pet peeve of mine). For example, on a few occasions, there were sentences like, "You need to eat Cecilia." Rather than, "You need to eat, Cecilia." As Cecilia was being instructed to do eat, not a third party being told to cannibalize her. (Side note: I made this sentence up to demonstrate the type of meaning change I am talking about. This exact sentence may or may not have actually occurred within the text). Long story short: I would still recommend this book to readers who love stories with demons and horror. Fun times ahead!
The creepy urban legend about the old farmer, the soul-eaters known also as Impa, an unwilling victim turned into a murderer, a witch in the neighborhood, a grieving brother searching for the answer behind his brother's disappearance, the bloody murders and mysterious they're all connected will keep readers on the edge of their seat.
I'm a sucker for paranormal stories and I'm so glad I was given a free e-copy of this book from the author. I was hooked from the very first page. This is definitely one of the books that I couldn't put down until I've devoured the last page.
The plot and characters were intriguing and well-developed. There's a lot of surprises in this read. When I thought the truth has been revealed I was wrong, there's always more to it. I was shocked to find out that one of my favorite characters aside from Cecilia, was actually the real monster. I even thought there would be a possible romance between him and Cecilia. This read is definitely full with unexpected revelations.
I always prefer a stand alone novel over a series because I hate the waiting period but after reading this novel, I wished this was a series because the ending made me want MORE of it. Overall, I loved everything about this story. A heart-pounding, creepy, entertaining, and well-written paranormal thriller.
A must-read for those into supernatural creatures!
I think anyone who likes horror or dark urban fantasies would really like a novel that involves these new creature and new rules.
I love the mystery that surrounds Old Farmer's Road. The build up is brilliant as it doesn't give too much away and strings the reader along, making us chomp on the bit for more.
Cecilia is a rebellious teenager who is dealing with a big move at the age of 17, which means she has to make new friends. Unfortunately, some friends have chosen her. Brother and sister Isaac and Elise are interesting siblings. Their dynamics with each other is backwards to what you might expect. I also love the multi-layered mystery and the unique evil. You won't find traditional monsters here.
There were moments when the author blurred the lines between good and evil. Not everyone has the greatest intentions and the relationship between the brother and sister begins to shift, which doesn't bode well for both of them. Cecilia, even in her most brutal moments, was an empathetic character.
I like how the author veered away from the traditional monster and how she managed to humanize them at the same time. I also, was eager to find out more about Old Farmer's Road. There was lore mixed with a local urban legend that seemed so real.
Horror is normally not my genre but once in a while I read something out of my wellness zone to get new impressions. I use my Amazon Prime for that, borrowing it, so if I don't like it it doesn't matter much and I decide mostly from the cover - and this time I didn't regret it. You never know where this story will take you next but one thing is for sure - it'll suck you deeper and deeper into the urban legend of the Old Farmer down the road, completely believable and compelling, and once again Isaiyan Morrison excels in creating fantasy creatures without any humanity at all. Hers are no women that are vampires, no human men that are demons. Here they are demons, down to the core, everything they do, everything they say shows that they have no human feelings but are truly monsters. I adore that, so often the devils depicted in fantasy stories are humanized but hers are hard-liners through and through. The young woman getting caught in their web had me feeling deeply for her, I hoped and cried with her and the whole story made me hold my breath, hoping against hope until the very fitting, very perfect end. Horror and Thriller fans will love this stories but even if you are not - give it a try, it's real good!
Old Farmer's RoadI absolutely love this book! Some of my most favorite genres of books are horror, paranormal and thriller. This book has it all. The creepy factor is very high (and that is a good thing). This is the perfect story to read anytime but it is even more perfect right before the Halloween season. I love how the book starts out scary right from the beginning. Some authors take awhile to get the story going, which can be a little boring. I don't like to have to force myself to keep reading to see if it will get better. Isaiyan Morrison does NOT do that. Her books grab your attention from the very start and hold it until the last page. She ties everything together perfectly in a nice little creepy scary package. ;)
If you are looking for a great scary story to read, don't pass this one up! It is well worth your time. If you scare easy then read it with the lights on and not when you are by yourself.
Not to be a spoiler and a tell all, this is a must read for all of those like me. I will say it caught my imagination right from the beginning. It sent chills down my arms and legs, and will recommend to all of my friends that read this genre. I feel that after reading this spine tingling tale, I want more of it. I feel like a kid playing in a lightning storm, all lit up from the excitement. Such an awesome author you are, with such imagination of bring the Child from the past meets What feeds the anger deep inside. Love Love it!!!!!!!
Wow......this book was an immense tale of heartpounding intrigue....a paranormal thriller that will leave you wide-eyed and breathless wondering if those creepy howls and twig snappings mean its your turn.... If you like it light and fluffy then this book is so Not for you....there's no romance and no HEA....there is a bit of a cliff there though that will leave you thinking ' - what..??!' It is a dark thrill ride of epic proportions....
I recieved a free copy in exchange for an honest review.
If you're prone to nightmares, I highly recommend reading this book during daylight hours! This book will take you on one heck of a scary ride, full of twists and turns. Just when you start to think you have things figured out, you very quickly realize just how wrong you are. I enjoy reading a good horror story and if you do too, then Old Farmer's Road is for you.
Awesome story! I was hooked just from the description. This is the kind of book that you just have to keep reading until the end. From the very beginning you can feel the tension and futileness of ignoring the voices in their heads. Right down to the dog. Great book that will have you hooked and your nerves tingling.
Super creepy read! Cecelia moves to a new town and makes friends with the weirdos next door, a brother and sister. She eventually becomes part of their family, but soon finds she wishes she never met them.
I love this book! Should make a movie about it. I read it from the beginning to the end cuz I couldn’t put it down. It is so different. I like each character.
I feel a little torn with this one, I definitely enjoyed the writing, and it was definitely fast paced enough for me to keep wanting to turn the pages. But with such a small cast, I felt like I wasn’t really able to fully appreciate or really have time to even digest the characters. While there was tension and high intensity, I felt at times that was just a mask and an attempt to cover up the very little attempt the author made to really flesh any of her characters out as much as I would personally like. With all the 4/5 stars I really feel like I have missed a trick, but I am not too far away with 3 respectable stars, everyone reads a story differently and pulls different opinions along the way, and for the most part I only have praise for this spooky little tale. Cecilia and her family move to Minneapolis for a fresh start, and almost instantly is befriended by the strange siblings next door, taken to a party and then taken to the creepy ‘old farmers road’ it is here where her transformation begins…. Pretty basic in terms plot, creepy weird siblings, possession, attempt to reverse the curse…. Not something we are unfamiliar with, while at first I thought this was going to be a vampire type novel, Morrison went an ever so slightly different route with an ‘impa’ which basically feeds off the soul or essence of a person (even though technically these kids literally just drain the blood of their victims as a vampire would) they have a constant voice in their heads constantly asking for ‘just one more’ but as we all know, one is never enough! As long as they keep feeding, they remain youthful and strong and almost invincible, but if they choose to not feed, they age and eventually die within days. See how it’s basically a vampire? I’m not complaining its nice to get a different twist on things and go a different route, but its hard to ignore the fact that it has all the characterizations and tropes of a standard vampire just with some added tweaks to turn it into something else. But anyway, I am rambling and going off the track, the story. So, as I say the story just seemed to go a million miles an hour, I think to start with it’s needed, I needed that first few chapters to hook me and draw me in, and it did the job, but then I was expecting it to simmer down for a while and build up some tension, flesh some of the characters out, and that is where I felt it just was a little flat. You have Cecelia who is the rebellious teenager, always hanging around with the wrong crowd (comes through tenfold in this novel) your typical angsty teenager, you have Isaac the brother, enigmatic, broody and mysterious, and of course his over-protective and well quite frankly biggest b**ch of all time sister Elsie, who just hates anybody and everything throughout the course of this book. Yes, that’s fine, I can work with that…. Except with the book only coming in at over 200 pages that’s all I ever got, no back story, no fleshing out and going into the what’s and the why’s. The title of the book is called ‘Old Farmer’s Road’ but I felt that was never really truly explored, yeah sure it was explained and I understood what was going on, but it felt brief. Perhaps I am just going into this too much, if you look at this at face value, it’s a solid little horror story, perfect for Halloween! The type of book you read with the lights on, and hide under the covers as you flick through the pages. Maybe I just prefer my horrors with a little more detail and more of a slow burner? Maybe a fast paced, gore fest just wasn’t what I needed ATM, which is why I don’t want to sound to harsh or like I am bashing too much. The writing was suspenseful and it was a page turner for sure. I cannot say I was bored or struggled, and while (like in any usual horror) you go through the motions, you know what’s going to happen but you still shield your eyes waiting for the jump scare, it still scares you. You still get that adrenaline rush and satisfaction despite whether or not you knew what was going to happen. The main cast were solid enough, the side characters were well… side characters, I can’t say there was anything too memorable unfortunately but everyone filled their roles as they should in any horror. Will I read any other books by Morrison? Yeah… I’d give her another crack; she writes a decent horror. I would just like to see a little slower pace and a little more fleshing out of the characters but it’s all personal taste really. It was a spooky little story, and as many have said, perfect for a Halloween night for sure.
If you like out worldly creatures this story is for you. It has murder, mystery, soul eating Impas, a witch and hope for saving a lost soul. It is a dark story and very intense.
Cecelia moves to Minneapolis with her parents after her father is caught cheating because her mother wants a fresh start. She makes friend with the boy next door, Isaac even thought his sister Elsie warns her to stay away.
Elsie and Isaac aren't your typical teenagers next door. They were born Impas, also known as soul eaters, who suck the essence from human beings. Isaac decides that Cecelia is the one that is meant to be changed and made like him.
Jan is a private investigator looking in to the disappearance of her sister Allison and her ex fiance Derek's brother Robert.
Derek is a depressed over his brother's disappearance and drowns his sorrows with booze. He wants desperately to find his brother or the persons who killed him.
Ms. Bernadette is the lady that lives on the block and the decedent of the witch that help kill Elsie and Isaac's father the Old Farmer. She offers to Cecelia after she is turned in to an Impa by Isaac.
Cecelia is desperate to turn back into a human and stop the need to murder innocent teenagers just to stop the voice that constantly tells her Just One More.
Will Cecelia be able to go back to be normal? Or will Elsie kill her before she has a chance? Will Isaac help Cecelia or turn her over to his sister? Will Ms. Bernadette be able to help Cecelia or will she betray her and kill all three of them?
You'll have to read the story to find out what happens.
The characters are well written and the struggle between evil and humanity is very is real. I really enjoy reading it with the lights on haha.
I was really glad I won this book. I have heard of this author before even though I have not read any of her work before. When I read the synopsis I figured it would be something that I would really enjoy. Cecilia and her family moved to a small town in Minneapolis and we learn that Cecilia is a troubled teen or at least it seems that way with her mother. When she first sees her neighbor Isaac she is a bit intrigued especially when she is told to stay away from him via his sister Elsie. Isaac and Elsie are not normal but Cecilia doesn't learn this until a bit later on. They are both weird, love to hang out at the place Old Farmer's Road and seem to be on the radar of a P.I. When Isaac insist that Cecilia is the one she doesn't quite know what that means until she is drinking essence from her first body that will quench the voice within her head saying "just one more, one more." It seems there is something sinister at Old Farmer's Road and it Isaac and Elsie are right at the center and now Cecilia is a part of it whether she wants to or not. Everything comes back to the legend of Old Farmer's Road and the murders that have been happening there. Cecilia doesn't want to become what her neighbors are but it seems she has no choice, it is up to her and Derek the brother of Robert who was Impa (you will learn who they are) to stop Issac and Elsie but who will still live, who is truly the worst of the worst between the two, and will Cecilia ever have a normal life? I have say I was impressed with story being told even though there wasn't a lot of gore or scariness to the book it was very enjoyable and makes you think twice about going into the woods with anyone.
Need a spooky midnight read to get your blood going? Then... READ THJS! :)
So, I love love love scary, and this book provided me with just that. It is a very cool story about an urban legend. I don't think I've read a book about one before. Now surely the author had to have added extras into it to make it into a full novel. And boy oh boy. This is one you will surely need to read with the lights on and the dog in the other room. Hehehe. You'll see why.
I loved how she worked everything together the way she did. I know have an idea that I won't be taking cookies to any new neighbors. Lol. Not would I go to any woods at night
Her writing style in this book is just as great as her Deamhan chronicles series. The way she grabs you and doesn't let go till the end is beautiful. You don't want to put her books down. They are captivating for sure!
Sorry. I do not give. Look reports in reviews. If you want to see why I love it so, you will have to check it out yourself. ;) it is worth the read though all of who have read it already can't be wrong. ;)
If you want a really good spooky story that you can enjoy with your YA's, this is definitely the book for you. I can't wait till it comes out in paperback. I will be getting a copy for my boys. Plus the cover is beautiful! In that spooky kind of way. Lol
Another great book by Author Isaiyan Morrison! Well done!!!
Cecilia moves to Minnesota from L.A. with her parents. She is sad and misses her friends and her boyfriend Glenn. Cecilia meets the kids next door, Isaac and his overbearing sister Elsie. Elsie is bossy, rude and seems to really not like Cecilia. Isaac on the other hand is friendly, if a bit weird, and seems to want to welcome Cecilia. Much to Cecilia's detriment Isaac wins out and brings her into the fold and to Old Farmer's Road.
Things turn bad when Cecilia is inhabited by a demon; an Impa. She fights against the inner voice that always wants "just one more." Cecilia knows she has to do something to stop the dark forces and the killings.
Unlikely friendships form and are betrayed. The dead bodies are mounting and Isaac's frustrations are growing bigger and darker. Cecilia does everything she can think of to stop the never ending feeding by the Impa on innocent humans. Will it be enough? The ending is epic.
I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
just one more is never enough By Michelle Martin on September 5, 2015 Cecilia is the new kid in town and soon notices her neighbor Isaac. Elsie is Isaacs sister and wow these two have a dark past. And Isaac wants Cecilia and soon she realizes she has left herself open to creatures called Impa she is now becoming one herself she is becoming weak she needs to feed but not regular teenage food but actually teenage flesh and the essence of their lives or she will die... Things are not what they seem and she hears over and over in her head just one more but no matter what one more will never be enough... If you like a book that can make your heart pound well u have found it this is a great book and can give u a nice little scare. My kind of book and I hope this author can give us JUST ONE MORE LIKE IT:)
Cecelia moves to Minneapolis after events in L.A. requires her family to have a fresh start. She isn't getting along with her Mother too well. She meets the boy next door named Isaac, unfortunately she meets his overprotective sister Elsie. Cecelia is taken to Old Farmer's Road with the new friends and finds out all is not what it seems. She is pulled into the dark world that surrounds it and she is now giving the voice in her head what it wants of "just one more".
This book moved too slow for me. I liked the story but I felt it took a long time getting there. I felt that the character's back stories could have had more to them too. All in all I did like this story and I am not dissuading others from reading. It was creepy and spooky all the things I like in a horror story.
Cecelia moves to Minneapolis after events in L.A. requires her family to have a fresh start. She isn't getting along with her Mother too well. She meets the boy next door named Isaac, unfortunately she meets his overprotective sister Elsie. Cecelia is taken to Old Farmer's Road with the new friends and finds out all is not what it seems. She is pulled into the dark world that surrounds it and she is now giving the voice in her head what it wants of "just one more".
This book moved too slow for me. I liked the story but I felt it took a long time getting there. I felt that the character's back stories could have had more to them too. All in all I did like this story and I am not dissuading others from reading. It was creepy and spooky all the things I like in a horror story.
The fist chapter grabs you and pulls you in keeps you on the edge of your seat. The only bad thing I could say about this is that that should have been the epilogue. Then the book goes into the story of Cecelia she is the new girl in town and is very unlucky to be moved in next door to Isaac and his sister Elise. Isaac is determined she is the one and wants her by their side. Elise is a control freak and hates everyone, but her brother. People are wondering why the kids in town are disappearing from Old Farmers Road. Could the old legend be real? Their are lots of twist and turns and a surprise ending that will keep you going through the whole book Enjoy!!!
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I am a huge personal fan of the horror genre and have been anticipating reading this since I first heard about it. I was definitely not disappointed and loved reading this book very much! This is an incredibly well written and terrifying tale of the teenager Cecilia's introduction into the world of the supernatural and her struggle with demonic forces. This is the first book I've read by this author and I can definitely guarantee that it won't be the last! I highly recommend anyone who is a fan of the dark and macabre to read this book immediately!
This is a dark tale about teenagers who are immortal. An unsuspecting teen girl moves into a new neighborhood and befriends the two kids she assumes are the “cool kids”. It doesn’t take long before you realize there is something supernatural going on with these kids. The question is, do they want her to join them or do they want to feed on her?
This dark tale holds no happy ending, but will leave you wondering if you should really say hi to that seemingly nice kid moving in across the street.
An intense dark story that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Not a story for the timid, this paranormal thrillers has murder, mystery, soul eaters, missing people, and more. Definitely a spooky/creepy/scary read and had me turning on all my lights and jumping at any little noise but was so well written and so intriging that it hooked me right in from the first and I couldn't put it down!
Old Farmer's Road by Isaiyan Morrison is one of the best and Creepiest books I have ever read. After Cecillia moves to a new town she befriends a brother and sister. Soon she learns of the creepy things that lerk in the swamp.