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Beyond Unseen Gateways

by Ildaruni

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manlietto thumbnail
manlietto Epic AF extreme metal! Long tracks, folk melodies, thick sound. Favorite track: Exalted Birth.
K. Hungus Lives
K. Hungus Lives thumbnail
K. Hungus Lives Epic, stunning, jaw-dropping and head-banging! \M/\M/ Favorite track: Perpetual Vigil.
pinkytheent thumbnail
pinkytheent A fantastic and evocative brew, packed with tasty licks with cool melodic sensibility. The songwriting has that mighty stride of the Hellenic black metal bands, like titans walking the earth, but with interesting turns that I assume arise from from a folding-in of Armenian melody. "Folk metal" can get bad and cringey pretty fast, but good songwriting comes first for Ildaruni and everything (pipes, vocal choruses, etc.) fits excellently. Conjures the ancient realm of the album art. Well done! Favorite track: Boundless Numen : Gardens Of Ardini.
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Arakha 06:34


“Beyond Unseen Gateways” is a hymn to the blazing light, which sank into shadowy shrines, to the wild darkness which covered the debris of Ardini, to the bygone flame which enlightens the sanctum of Haldi. Delivering the blend of ancient folk melodies and traditional black metal, filled with scorching aggression and chaotic transitions, the album introduces an authentic sound and a spiritual journey of mysteries untold. Each song is an indivisible part of a grand ode which explores the height of the Urartian domain and the esoteric knowledge of pagan mysticism.

May the gates of genesis reopen and herald forth an epoch of exaltation anew”.


released April 16, 2021

Current Line-up

Robert Meliksetyan: - Guitars
Arthur Poghosyan: - Drums
Mark Erskine: - Guitars
Artak Karapetyan: - Bass, Vocals

Album Recordings Line-up:

Robert Meliksetyan: - Guitars, Keyboards, Lyrics
Arthur Poghosyan: - Drums
Mark Erskine: - Guitars, Keyboards
Artak Karapetyan: - Vocals
Garbis Vizoian - Bass, Lyrics

Guest Contributions:

Arthur Atayan: Tin whistle on “Haldinini Baushini, Imsheini Tariani”, “Treading the Path of Cryptic Wisdom”, “Towards Subterranean Realms”; Bagpipes on “Exalted Birth”

Anna Hovhannesyan: Female vocals on “Whence Ravenstone Beckons”


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Ildaruni Armenia

Ildaruni represents a blend of relentless, intense Black Metal and ancient folk melodies, forgotten from times immemorial. The lyrical themes explore the height of the Urartian domain, through the cognitive machinations of a bygone age and the esoteric apprehension of ancient pagan occultism. The ominous flame now burns stronger and the band is set to unleash its long-waited cryptic incantations. ... more

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