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73 pages, Kindle Edition
First published August 4, 2014
His warm breath on my neck sent a tingle of anticipation down my spine. I prayed to God I hadn’t just made a deal with the devil.
I was drawn to him like a river to the ocean, and it didn’t seem like there was much I could do about it. Fate kept putting us in each other’s way, and in that moment, looking into his eyes and seeing all the passion and lust reflected back, I decided not to fight any longer.
As the silence stretched on, it felt like a third person was at the table with us—me, Max, and the sexual tension neither of us was acknowledging at the moment.
In the first line started laughing. Chloe is in her best friends bachelorette party, Jackie, who is giving her a bad time for not having fun and letting herself get carried away by the moment and see the what's arround her. Chloe believes that her prince charming doesn't exist, In her life she has lost people that she loved the most (for different reasons), so she believes that she'll never find the right man for her to spend the rest of her life with, as Jackie found hers.
When looking around the bar she sees a pair of blue eyes that leave her fixed to them, not to mention his body is to die for, but Chloe finds that the owner of these eyes is a lot of sand for her truck. With the help of the drink and the insistence of her friend, Chloe ends up opening more and tries to enjoy the night.
"I could see from here—this guy was smokin’. And not like a ‘let’s cook some marshmallows over the fire’ kind of smokin’. He was three-alarm blaze, call-in-the-water-bombers smokin’."
When going out of the bathroom she notices that there are urinals, in the ladies room that's no necessary, in her drunken state she didn't even notice what signal was at the door. Chloe goes to the door but it opens and she takes it in her face, she feels hands arround her, making her stay put, that's when she looks up and see the pair of blue eyes.
Max always gets everything he wants, and he wanted Chloe since he'd seen her in the other side of the bar. He ask her to take a drink, she says yes and they are out to have a drink in a VIP room which leads to one night stand. She does not believe that was able to have sex with a stranger in a bar, so she asks permission to go cool off and ultimately leave it alone and go home.
Two months later, Chloe is on the floor of her office in a compromising position and hears footsteps and then a voice close to her that she recognizes. This is where Max and Chloe found each other after her abrupt getaway, during that time apart neither of them could forget that night in New York.
This book has the points of view of both main characters, is a smaller book because it is only volume one. It is a captivating story where on one hand we have Chloe who likes to use words that nobody else knows and thinks because of what happened in her past she will never find a soul mate, she's so dedicated to work and think one night stand is what she needed. On the other hand we have Max who comes from a different social level, is confident, doesn't accept 'no' for an answer so he always gets what he want, just like Chloe he is dedicated to work and a long term relationship is also not what he's looking for.
It is a light reading, ideal to read in an afternoon on the beach (cold water helps), when you finish this you'll want to read the other and the next and the final one.