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The Great Emptiness

by Bereft

The Great Emptiness 00:00 / 17:51
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December 11, 2021, is a date that will forever haunt many of us. It marked the day we lost Alex Linden, a guiding light for so many and, to us as a band, our pilot. We will always mourn his absence while cherishing the memories we made with him.

The song that became "The Great Emptiness" was nearly complete before Alex's passing, yet it remained unfinished when we performed it with him on 12/8/21, just days before our dear friend left us. Devastated, we were unsure how to continue musically. One year later, we performed it at our last show as a memorial, certain it would be our final night as Bereft. However, after much discussion, we realized we absolutely needed to record and release this last song to commemorate our brother.

Completing this song was a beautiful and cathartic experience. It marks the end of our last chapter as a band and serves as a desperate, heartbroken eulogy to one of the most beautiful people this earth has ever known. There isn't a word suitable for the love and life contained within him.

"The Great Emptiness" is available now for streaming and download on our Bandcamp. Vinyl preorders will be coming in early 2024.

Our deepest gratitude goes out to Nick Linden, Michael Kadnar, Dustin Sisson, Steve Joh, and all our loved ones for your unwavering support.

Always Forever, Alex Linden.


released December 11, 2023

Written and performed by Bereft
Engineered and recorded by Dustin Sisson at Blast House Studios
Cover art by Mariusz Lewandowski


all rights reserved



Bereft Madison, Wisconsin

Post metal from Madison, WI

Blending classic doom and black metal styles into a loud and atmospheric wall of music.

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