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Brewed #2


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I’m the Dixon who left.
Through the good, bad, and worst imaginable, I stayed gone.
When I return home after a decade, I’m not surprised by the cold reception from my family... or my brother’s best friend.

Emberly Olsen.

I spent my childhood tormenting her.
Now these days with her feel like the cruelest sort of unintended revenge.
We’ve changed.
She’s changed.
Pure confidence and sensuality, but her pouty lips and heavy-lidded eyes scream contempt. And word around town? She’s untouchable.

But after sharing a few drinks, her snide comments turn teasing.
Sneers become smiles.
Huffs change to laughs.
Laughs to moans, sweeter than any sound.
Years of animosity ignite into carnal need and passion.

We can blame it on the whiskey.
I have a feeling we’ll try.
But we aren’t that drunk.

459 pages, Kindle Edition

Published April 6, 2020

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About the author

Molly McAdams

58 books8,863 followers
Molly grew up in California but now lives with her husband and daughter in the oh-so-amazing state of Texas. When she's not diving into the world of her characters, some of her hobbies include hiking, snowboarding, traveling, and long walks on the beach . . . which roughly translates to being a homebody and dishing out movie quotes with her hubby. She has a weakness for crude-humored movies and loves curling up in a fluffy blanket during a thunderstorm . . . or under one in a bathtub if there are tornados. That way she can pretend they aren't really happening.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 254 reviews
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,412 reviews979 followers
September 4, 2020
Whiskey has a lot of potential. It is a story involving two broken characters who desperately trying to run from their past. Collides with each other and falls in love. There is also a forbidden romance vibe around it. Small town cruel gossip. And a whole lot of lies and betrayal. Oh throw it a family drama into the mix. Voila. You get Whiskey.

What I do not like is the middle of the story. It is full of angst. Angst that is written in a way has a lot showing but no telling. It is very frustrating read. Not to mention the push and pull between the characters becoming so maddening. Especially when I did not know what happened.

Oh and this book is also way too long. It really can be cut into a half. I feel tired finishing this book. I manage to finish this book.

Overall, it is OK read.

3 stars
Profile Image for Danielle Overly Bookish.
429 reviews84 followers
May 31, 2024
4.5 stars.

Though I haven't finished this series, I can't imagine any of the remaining books will best this one. And that's all due to Cayson. At first I thought this was a bully trope novel but I quickly realized I was wrong. I don't even know that I'd call it enemies to lovers but that's probably the closest fit. Whatever it is, it's magic.

Few books really deliver a gut-punch of emotion. It takes a lot to make me get weepy, but this book delivered more than once. There were times I was near tears at the trauma Cayson endured.

Cayson return home after ten years away and for quite a bit of the story, the reader doesn't truly know why. Yes, it's to make amends but there's an underlying issue bringing him home that we don't learn until much later. Cayson is met with hurdle after hurdle, struggle after struggle, all in the name of making peace. He is reflective and humble, he is quiet and contemplative, and he is devastated. We learn quite quickly that he's harbored a secret love for Emberly (who's Rae's sister from book one). He's always loved Em, he still loves Em. And Em? Believing him to be the reason she was relentlessly tormented and bullied in school, hates him. Except she kind of loves him too. Because she's seen the real Cayson. The real Cayson who was singled out an bullied by his own father. Who was beaten and chastised and ridiculed most of his childhood. Emberly has seen the truth. It's been their secret.

The story slowly unravels the awful truths from the past while offering the two a chance to discover who they are as adults, to themselves, to each other. It's really quite wonderful to read as these characters reveals their secrets to each other and discover truths they only thought they'd known about each other.

As these two explore a possible relationship, Cayson is working hard to repair the broken relationships with his family while coming to terms with some recent traumas. All the while, he's so reflective, so open, so raw that it's hard not to fall in love with him. He's one of the best written broken heroes I've ever read. Despite some of the things he's done, all of which contextually make sense, it's impossible not to root for him the whole time. He's an absolute joy to read.

I loved Em too, though some of her hang ups were a little overwhelming sometimes. Yet, not enough to detract from Cayson's story. I did enjoy reading her blooming relationship with Rae and seeing how far they've in their quest to become family.

By the time we reach the ending of this novel, I feel as though everyone worked hard to achieve their HEA. They struggled for it, they ached for it, and they truly hurt for it. Which made it all the more satisfying when it came. I loved this book!
Profile Image for Wil Loves Books!.
1,425 reviews481 followers
November 24, 2021
I actually loved this one, so full of angst. Cayson's story was so heartbreaking and beautiful. However, the author leaves so many things up in the air, feels very unresolved. However, this is so much better than Fix which was a dumpster fire of epic proportions.
Profile Image for Naadira  Moodley (BookedMercy) .
369 reviews82 followers
April 6, 2020

This book had my heart in a vice like grip. My heart ached–so much–reading this beautiful story about two people who endured so much pain and heartbreak that happiness eludes them. It was a heartbreakingly–beautiful emotional journey that I have fallen in love with.

Emberly Olson has been secretly in love with the same boy from before she understood what love was. It was unexpected and quite terrifying because she couldn't understand or explain why she felt like that. Especially to the boy she believes tormented her during her earlier years. Until he suddenly leaves town, shattering her. They boy she didn't know she loved wasn't coming back and he took her heart with him. That is until he suddenly appeared almost a decade later and still have the ability to wreck her. They both have changed but are still have the same effect on each other. Their past insecurities and hurt that they desperately tried to hide and move on from, resurfaces.

Cayson left his home and left his family in the process. He cut off all contact with them except for Sawyer-who we know from Fix–which made them hate him. There is so much resentment and animosity that it practically suffocated me. It was so heavy. My heart couldn't handle all the hurt. He dealt with so much growing up and kept everything hidden. He kept it all inside and it broke him. He had no one to turn to. I hated his family for not believing in him. For putting him through hell once he got back. For not trusting him. He portrayed an image to hide all the hurt and he took it all out on the one person he couldn't have, Emberly. His brother's best friend. He mistook their relationship and it cost him nearly a decade of being away from her–not telling her how he felt.

Emberly believed so many things of Cayson and although her head didn't want him to come back to town, her heart ached for him to. He took her heart all those years ago and no one else could ever get it. She portrayed this confident sexy independent woman but underneath that was an insecure girl whose heart was destroyed. She has the chance to finally be with Cayson but so many forces are working against them. They have so much left unsaid. So much left to clarify and there are so many misunderstanding and hurdles in their path to happiness.

Cayson's family is so broken that heartbreaking cannot even come close to how it feels. So much distrust and pain. Gah! My heart hurts just thinking about it! It takes a strong writer to envoke such strong feelings in a reader and Molly did just that.
I have been waiting for Hunter's book from the first time he was introduced. I know his journey will be even more difficult.
Profile Image for Rebecca Crunden.
Author 27 books713 followers
March 31, 2024
❧ audiobook review

My review of Fix is here.
My review of Glow is here.


I really, really loved this book, especially Cayson as a character. I’m now officially the leader of Team Protect Cayson. And FUCK his parents and half his siblings. Rae, AJ and Hunter were heroes in this for supporting Cayson and believing him.

Book Reviews | Bluesky | Twitter | Threads
Profile Image for Vintage.
2,662 reviews626 followers
January 14, 2024
I wanted to give the author a chance after the unending antics of the H in Fire, but it didn't work out too well. Giving it 2 stars as I know there will be plenty that will love the angsty rage read of it all.

This poor, poor hero. He's surrounded by pit vipers including his toxic brothers, wimpy mother and a worthless heroine. Honestly, Cane and Abel had a better relationship than he does with the three idiots he calls siblings, and his mum could give Medea a lesson in the loving ministering to sons. Even the Anger Management candidate from Fire won't let him explain anything and the whole family blames him for leaving and causing their father to die. He can't get a word out until...

“Christ,” Sawyer said on a groan. “Fuck off with this self-pity, Cayson. It’s getting old.”

The only one that's happy to see him is the old lady he used to play pranks on.

“I heard you were back, but I had yet to see for myself,” she said after releasing me. “Now I have, and it’s so good to see you.”

She waved me off. “Oh, pesh. You kept us young for so long with all your shenanigans. We were quite distressed when you left, and our animals were plumb bored with no one to give them some excitement and a change of scenery every now and then.”

Hunter snorted. “One way to phrase stealing.” I smacked him. Mrs. Lange just chuckled. “It was all in good fun, we knew that.”

“You do remember having me arrested, right? Multiple times.”

“Well, we had to.” She glanced around at the growing number of townspeople before leaning closer with a mischievous grin. “If we hadn’t, all the town hooligans would’ve been coming onto our property. And who knows if they would’ve brought our animals back.”

“Oh, but we loved Cayson.” She gave me another fond smile. “My Hank talked about you often, even after you’d left. He never gave up hope that you would come home to Amber. And here you are.” She reached out to grab my wrist with frail fingers. “You were a good kid. You made life fun again for a couple old folks.”

Anyhoo, there's a heroine, but frankly I was so sickened by the brothers viciousness I could care less. If this had been a silly Harlequin HP with Greek or Sicilian tycoons posturing, I might have felt different, but this had all the nasty toxicity of real life sibling drama.

The final nail in the coffin is the mother. What a drab dweeb.

“You can’t understand a mother’s love, but it’s unending. Having you away made me feel incomplete. Having my children not speaking to each other for any length of time, but especially years, chipped away at my soul. It makes me wonder where I went wrong.”

Well turning a blind eye to abuse, never calling and blaming a teenager is a start.

“You can’t say something so wildly different from what we’ve always known and get upset when we don’t believe you, or when one of us gets defensive,” she said sternly. “You can’t take away what we’ve known to always be true and replace it with something that seems outlandish, and expect us to accept it without question or reservations. You’re expecting blind faith from us, and we can’t give you that with the things you’re saying. These kinds of things take time to think on and digest.”

The idiot has had about ten years to digest why her son left and her sainted husband cut him from the will not to mention the heroine FINALLY steps up to confirm abuse. After ten years of course. Poor pathetic woman, nobody ever explained that telephones work two ways.

Total rage read, and the worst is that I am going to have to read the next one to find out if his stupid brothers and even worse mother get a clue and grovel their rear ends off.

Trigger warnings: child abuse, mental and emotional abuse, dyslexia, shaming, and attempted rape.
Profile Image for Pam.
1,618 reviews16 followers
April 2, 2020
Once again Molly McAdams has broken my heart and put it back together again. Being a small town girl, I love the setting of Amber but I can tell you that I am a little angry with the folks of that little town right now. Molly, does a wonderful job of drawing you into her stories, making you feel like you are walking the streets with these characters, maybe popping into Brewed for a cup of coffee.

Emberly had our hearts by the end of book 1, being the best friend to the characters in that book, we got a pretty good look at her. Strong vibrant business woman, but she hid her vulnerable side very well. That is until Cayson Dixon came rolling back to town.

Cayson had a reputation as the pranking bad boy in town growing up, the leaving out of the blue and never looking back for almost ten years, it just encouraged the town folk with their opinions. He knew it would be hard coming back after all these years, but he also felt like he was on autopilot. He knew his family would be a challenge, but he wasn't prepared for the town to still have such hard feelings.

The angst, anger, fear and heartbreak that you will feel in this read, is real. You will find yourself reading when it is time to stop, you will be sneaking moments to find out if the wrongs of the past can be healed, if Cayson gets his second chance at a love that he never got to experience. Can the set the past free and move forward?

I am so excited for more from this series.

*** Advanced copy provided in exchange for an honest review.***
Profile Image for Aziza H-R.
131 reviews9 followers
September 5, 2021
God everyone is awful. Cayson really suffered and every member of his family disgusted me except for Hunter. How could Sawyer be so loveable in book 1 and then be an absolute tw*t in this book.
Emberly was annoying af but I felt sorry for her.
The only redeeming characters were Rae, Hunter and Cayson, I loved them. Cayson's storyline had me in tears.
Profile Image for Karina.
920 reviews19 followers
September 11, 2021
2 stars for Cayson and that’s it because everyone else in this book , sucked . Especially his mother.
Profile Image for Mary Mooney.
2,520 reviews58 followers
July 12, 2020
This is book 2 in the Brewed series and is about Cayson Dixon. The brother who left his family and only talked to Sawyer over the last 10 years.
Now he is back and no one wants him around. His family thinks he abandoned them when their father died and Emberly thinks he was her tormentor throughout high school.
As Cayson tries to explain why he left, his brothers and mother find it hard to believe the things he is saying about their father. He knew it was not going to be easy for them to hear what he went through but he has to tell them. He also has to talk to Emberly if she will listen. He picked on her in school because he was in love with her but thought she was in love with his brother Sawyer.
As Cayson and Emberly talk, they learn things that happened wasn't their fault. With others causing her problems and his father pushing him, all Cayson could do was leave.
Will his family forgive him in the end? Can Emberly accept that Cayson wasn't her tormentor and caused her all the pain? Will Cayson and Emberly get their happily ever after?
I am loving this series, although this one was as emotional as the first book, it was a different kind of emotional roller coaster ride. I can not wait for the next brother, to see which one gets his HEA.
**I listened to the audible version of this story and I am loving the narrators, Erin Mallon and Jason Clarke**
Profile Image for tee.
194 reviews19 followers
September 3, 2021

this was so much better than the first one. and i loved cayson so much just wanted to give him a big fat hug. so misunderstood, his story was so heartbreaking and i was not prepared for the heartache. emberly also had such a tough childhood and even though i could empathise with her, some of her actions towards cayson really aggravated me. i bloody loved cayson, there is so much more to him than his family ever gave him credit for. and that family all of them bar hunter were such scum don’t even get me started on the dad. beau with his constant anger, sawyer continues to grate on my nerves with his self entitlement and the way he treated sawyer was not okay. anyway cayson is my favourite brother 🥺 and rae surprisingly grew on me so we love that. the only annoying thing again was the repetition! the back and forth it was so draining but i’m so happy that cayson got his girl and even though we only got hfn at the end i can’t wait to watch the family heal but cayson honestly deserves better.
Profile Image for MJ.
881 reviews
January 16, 2023
Book 1 - Brewed - 3 stars - 12/3/20

Book 2 - Whisky - 3 stars - 6/22/21 - 2 stars for the story and these infuriating people.
3 stars for the narrators and the author's wonderful storytelling abilities to get me soooo mad at everyone in this story except for Cayson, Rae and maybe Hunter.

Sawyer for being abusive as their horrible dad.

All the siblings for being so self absorbed that they didn't even notice that that Cayson had dyslexia.

The mom for not loving her own son enough and allowing what their dad to do.

Emberly for knowing and seeing what happened to Cayson but choosing not to do anything.

These people suck big time. Why would I even care for any of these people and their later series?

Book 3 - Glow - 3 stars - 1/9/23
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kait Nolan.
Author 122 books1,304 followers
May 12, 2021
This just might be the very best former childhood bully redeemed story I've ever read. It's not that simple (never is), and that's exactly why it's so incredibly well done. It's high on the angst scale but not excessive. It's totally justified and I am definitely burning my way through the rest of the series. Two thumbs up!
Profile Image for Wendy *cr8zysockbookblock*.
565 reviews194 followers
April 2, 2020

So I’m not gonna lie, Molly McAdams is one of those authors that has the ability to slice and dice my emotions with her amazingly poignant and heart wrenching books. My heart doesn’t stand a chance against her and her magical word wizardry. Pieces y’all, I fall to pieces. Then she comes in like a ninja surgeon and puts me back together again. Every.Single.Dang.Time.

Cayson Dixon, I mean could we possibly have a more sexy name for our hero?!? That’s a rhetorical question BTW. Because, ladies, HOLY HELL! Everything about this broody, broken man is sexy. He makes my heart melt, he makes my heart flutter, my heart breaks for him. He basically OWNS my heart. Yup, I’m claiming this misunderstood man.

He’s so much more than what people realize and I can wait for you all to read this book and fall in love with the complexity of this character. To understand the years of secrets and lies buried deep that made him the man he became. The man that’s so much more than the reputation that follows him back home after nine years away working.

Emberly Olsen knew Cayson most of her life leading up through her teenage years. He was her best friend Sawyers older brother and was also her biggest crust turned tormentor. The emotional scars she wears even as an adult from his relentless teasing come boiling to the surface when Cayson shows back up in town after nine years away wanting to make amends oh...and he also wants her.

She is one of the only people who know a little bits and pieces about why he may have left town in the first place, but just like him she’s stayed silent for all these years. How will she continue to resist giving her heart the one man who she has always wanted more than anything but now that he’s in front of her she can’t help but remember all that he’s done?

What I loved about this book was that this book had it all. This book was LIFE! It had heat, passion and banter for days. It had super sexy tension, angst, frustration and family issues galore. Holy cow I wanted to chuck my kindle across the room. MORE THAN ONCE!

I love that this book is about forgiveness and healing. It’s about finding support to help you overcome a tragedy from your past and about owning your crap and taking responsibility for the hurts you caused. But most of all it's about the beauty of inevitable love. Because Love can conquer almost anything.

My Cr8zysockbookblock blog wrap up for this book!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️- I love Molly McAdams. Her writing is always emotionally gripping and riveting. I know that with any book of hers I read I am going to get hit all up in my feelings. She never fails to deliver such well rounded works of literary art that I know I’m gonna get something that’s full of witty banter, heat, emotions and everything I could possibly want and more. Her books never fail to stay with me long after I finish the last page. I have some (that shall remain nameless) I’m still feeling years later.
🔥🔥🔥🔥-There is nothing hotter than two people that try like hell to resist each other, then finally give in. Except maybe a big ol pan of biscuits and gravy, Nope Cayson and Emberly are hotter than biscuits and gravy! So this southern girl is saying that’s really Freakin hawt!! 🔥🔥
🌪Cliffhanger Warning-🌪🌪No Cliffhanger! This was super emotional, I cried so many times because I loved these characters and felt right along with them, but I am so happy with how this ended and I am so excited with the set up we get for the next brothers book! #HappyEnding!😍


Profile Image for Debra James.
Author 15 books315 followers
August 24, 2024
So much heartache

So many secrets. So much hurt. So much anguish.

I couldn’t read this book fast enough. My heart shattered for Cayson and the lack of support from his family.

I was so happy when he finally got the life he deserved.
Profile Image for Book_princess.
556 reviews20 followers
March 11, 2022
הכאב שבנינו| מולי מקאדמס

ספר שני בסדרת "חלומות תוססים" כל ספר על זוג אחר. אך רצוי לקרוא לפי סדר.

הוצאת: ונוס

הספר הזה פירק אותי לחתיכות ואז בנה אותי מחדש.
אני לא אותה אחת אחרי הקריאה של הספר המושלם הזה!

קייסון סקרן אותי בספר הראשון ״הסודות שבנינו״ אבל לא ציפיתי לספר כזה מרגש, כזה סוחט דמעות וכואב בלב ופשוט התאהבתי.

התאהבתי בקייסון
הדרך שבה הוא סובל מאז שהוא ילד בלי לשתף אף אחד.
בכלל, כשאתה לא מאמין בעצמך ואת העובדה שאף אחד לא מבין אותך זה משהו שמכאיב ללב שלי בקלות.
הוא היה לבד
הוא שמר על המשפחה שלו
והקריב את עצמו תוך כדי.

הוא עוזב לכמעט עשר שנים ואף אחד לא יודע למה
כשהוא חוזר, המשפחה שלו לא מקבלת אותו בזרועות פתוחות.
והוא רק רוצה שיאהבו אותו, שיבינו אותו.

הוא היה בריון בבית הספר
יש לו מוניטין של עושה צרות
אבל האם מישהו באמת מכיר את קייסון?

אפילו אהובתו מבית הספר לא מכירה אותו ומסרבת לתת לו להתקרב אחרי כל מה שהוא העביר אותה.

אמברלי מנהלת בית קפה/בר. היא החברה הכי טובה של אח של קייסון-סוייר( הספר הראשון בסדרה עליו)
ויום אחד הבריון שלה זה שכל הילדות גרם לה לבכות, נכנס פנימה.
אבל היא בילתה את העשר שנים האחרונות שונאת אותו ומשתוקקת אליו.

היא נקרעת בתוכה. איך היא יכולה לאהוב גבר שהתייחס אליה בצורה כזו? שהתעלל בה וצחק מזה?

אבל כשהיא לומדת להכיר מחדש את קייסון
היא מבינה שהיא לא ראתה אף פעם את כל התמונה.

הספר נ�� בין העבר להווה ואנחנו לומדים להכיר את קייסון האמיתי.
לא מה שכולם רואים.

ספר שבכיתי בכל פרק!!!
כאב לי הלב על קייסון
אנחנו כקוראים יודעים בדיוק מה עבר עליו
אבל אף אחד לא מקשיב לו או מאמין לו.
וזה שבר אותי
הדרך שהוא רק רצה את אהבת המשפחה שלו ואת אהבתה של אמברלי שברה לי את הלב כל פעם קצת עד שהוא התרסק לרסיסים.

דמות גברית שבורה, מתוקה, שמרגישה שהיא לא שווה כלום.
אחד הספרים הכי טובים שקראתי השנה
והאהבה בין קייסון לאמברלי פשוט כבשה אותי
כי הספר הוא בדיוק המשפט
״הלב רוצה את מה שהוא רוצה״

אהבתי גם את הדמות של אמברלי
חזקה ��חלשה בו זמנית
הבנתי למה היא מפחדת מהרגשות שלה כלפי קייסון ולמה קשה לה לסלוח.

ספר מרגש
סוחט דמעות
על הדרך שבה שאתה מאמין שאתה חסר ערך משפיעה על הבחירות שלך בחיים.

זו לא המלצה
זו בקשה
בבקשה תקראו את הספר הזה.

Profile Image for Amber Recinella.
17 reviews2 followers
October 24, 2020
Let's start off by saying how Cayson is 100% hands down my FAVORITE dixon brother. Omg. I fell for him instantly. I hate their dad. Hate their mom. And honestly Beau and Sawyer pissed me off big time. I really liked Sawyer in the first book, but gotta say he proved to not be my favorite brother not even my second favorite. Hunter is my number 2. I am so happy Cayson has him.

As for the Emberly and Cayson stuff, swoon. Absolutely loved it. Would have loved some more though. Felt there wasn't enough with then at least not in the way I wanted. I had so many regrets for this book as if it was my life. Which Molly McAdams has a habit of doing that to me. (I still to this day do not forgive her for Taking Chances. Though she partially made up for some of that with Needing Her). Anyways, I wish they would have had Beau & Sawyer believe Cayson the way Hunter did. I wish they would have apologized had his back more didn't happen. Wasn't pleased. I wish the epilogue wasn't rushed. I know we want to get a glimpse of 'Glow' but still give us more time with Emberly and Cayson given the fact she is revealing she is pregnant!!!! I mean come on that's a huge moment for Cayson/Emberly fans.

I can't give it 5 stars because I felt key stuff was missed, or stuff was in there that wasn't necessary. Bottom line I give 100 stars to Cayson I adore him and is just amazing.

I am seeing very mixed reviews in Glow, hopefully it's better than what I am seeing and that there is a lot of Emberly and Cayson stuff. A little novela about then with the pregnancy wouldn't hurt BTW.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for I Love Story Time .
863 reviews13 followers
April 7, 2020
If you thought you loved Sawyer, wait until you meet Cayson!

I loved this book! You will too if you like small town romances with sexy, manly heroes and strong, feisty heroines. The storyline is so beautifully crafted. So many broken pieces put back together with love and forgiveness. I adored Cayson and Emberly. I really enjoyed their back story and how they fought to move forward and leave the past behind them. I've really come to love this family. Each with their own story of heartbreak. These Dixon boys are everything! I can't wait to read more about Hunter. I really hope his story is next!

♥ Review by Lys
Profile Image for Tara September.
Author 11 books255 followers
November 2, 2021
I really enjoyed this angsty family drama set in a complicated small town. McAdams was able to have me rooting for the aching couple and hissing at some of the other pig-headed characters. I was a little frustrated with the pace at which the conflict was resolved but also enjoyed that it wasn't an easy fix and while a tad too long, it was very satisfying with lots of feels. Also, I started with the second book in the series and was able to follow along without reading the first.

Trigger warning: child abuse / bullying.

Audiobook: Great dual-narration and like any woman with ears, I loved Jason Clarke's deep voice and delivery. I have chills just recalling it.
Profile Image for ELC.
2,002 reviews9 followers
September 18, 2020
So heartbreakingly good.

I can not even begin to tell you how much I loved this book. I thought Rae’s story was heartbreaking but not was I wrong. I was not prepared for how heartbreaking and simply beautiful Cayson was and how much his story would touch my heart. The hurt and the pain that Cayson goes through will definitely have you crying. I can’t wait to read Hunter’s story.
Profile Image for Crystal Wegrzynowicz.
118 reviews20 followers
April 5, 2020
Loved this book! Hated to get to the last page, but couldn’t stop at the same time. Full of sorrow, heart, anguish, love and hope for the future...exactly what I needed to read in this troubling time. I’m already looking forward to the next book!
Profile Image for Kimberly #Audiofile.
2,548 reviews29 followers
November 28, 2021
Jesus poor Cayson.
😭 it’s hard to give this a four star when it’s so angsty and sad.
I hated this book at the same time as really liking it.
The family is so fucked up!
Profile Image for Aղցela W..
4,295 reviews310 followers
December 1, 2023
This was book 2 in the "Brewed" series. Cayson Dixon was the brother that left home he hasn't talked to any but Sawyer for the last 10 years but now he is back home, and it hasn't been easy. His family thinks he abandoned them when their father died, and Emberly thinks he was her tormentor throughout high school. As Cayson tries to explain why he left, his brothers and mother find it hard to believe the things he is saying about their father. He knew it was not going to be easy for them to hear what he went through but he has to tell them. He also has to talk to Emberly if she will listen. He picked on her in school because he was in love with her but thought she was in love with his brother Sawyer. This was a pretty good book that was full of emotions and the rollercoaster ride. Cayson and Emberly talk and learn things that happened wasn't their fault. With others causing her problems and his father pushing him, all Cayson could do was leave. His story was heartbreaking. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. I listened to this book as well as read it I loved the narrators, Erin Mallon and Jason Clarke. I am looking forward to reading and listening to the next book in this series.

Profile Image for Pamela Lilley.
2,121 reviews38 followers
May 21, 2021
Oh my word - my heart went out to Cayson, I loved, loved, loved him. So misunderstood, and so blooming stubborn. Both Cayson and Emberly were ridiculed as children, and both have been hiding their feelings for years. Feelings for each other, hatred against each other, and everything in between. When Cayson returns home after 9 years, all those feelings return, nothing it seems has changed. Or has it? These brothers are so mixed up and bitter about life, but I’ll say one thing, I’m loving watching them get brought to their knees by the unsuspecting women that cross their paths. I got totally lost in this audio. Of course the fact that Jason Clarke and Erin Mallon are narrating adds to the enjoyment. I loved it.

Profile Image for lifeinbookswithlauren.
110 reviews15 followers
October 1, 2022
Best friends brother, second chance romance, miscommunication, secrets, grown up together.

I enjoyed this book more than the first book, I loved that they had known each other basically from birth. I was surprised by how emotional I got with it 🥺 it hits you right in the heart when Cayson’s childhood is revealed and learning about Emberly’s high school experience.. this was just so much more than a romance. I did feel it was incomplete in the end I wanted to read more about how the brothers were getting on but I suppose every brothers book reveals that more!

If your looking for a series to hook you look no further the Dixon brothers will have your heart ✔️
Profile Image for Jacquellyn.
381 reviews7 followers
April 13, 2020
This author writes in such a captivating way. I can fly through the pages and enjoy the stories. However I feel like these romances and the extenuating circumstances are a bit too over done. Maybe the books are just about 50 pages too long. Too much back and forth. But I still enjoy the series and the stories. So I look forward to the next installment. I just wish it wasn’t such a rollercoaster that once I’m done I’m relieved instead of disappointed.
Profile Image for Michele A..
3,021 reviews15 followers
April 14, 2020
Cayson and Emberly have a lot of history and baggage. When he comes back to town, Emberly falls apart. She has always blamed a lot of her childhood torment on Cayson and can't comprehend why she still loves him. Cayson has come back to town to get away and try to mend some fences. His family was a piece of work and didn't even ask him why he left town a decade before, they just went with their assumptions. The one brother who you least expected to be on his side, Hunter, showed remarkable understanding. Sawyer was all over the place for me and I thought he acted pretty crappy overall in this book.
Emberly was a hot mess. She was so insecure and immature that I wasn't able to connect with her. The constant pushing away and push/pull got old to me. I wanted her to own her own part in staying silent all of these years. She had the ability to stick up for Cayson and never did until it was almost too late. I am not a fan of that at all.
Cayson was just trying to do the right thing by coming back. His reception was less than ideal. He continually held his head high, which was a surprise given how he could have given up quite a few times. His family, especially his mother, continued to perpetuate the falsehoods from his childhood. My heart felt for him quite a few times. His father was basically a monster and no one would acknowledge it, nor even try to understand his perspective, except for one of them who knew firsthand how bad his father was. His mother was a disappointment and I could see how the family fell apart. She seemed to feel that public perception was key and I was disheartened she not only felt that way, but thought the family should have backed her up.
I felt that Emberly should have spoken up years before and was still stunned when she failed to say anything for years. The fact Sawyer and she assumed terrible things about Cayson didn't say much about them to me. Felt they both owed him a huge apology, not distrust and confusion. I felt both Sawyer and Emberly needed to grow up and quit questioning if Cayson was constantly going to leave. He didn't owe either one of them a minute to minute play of his day. Rae was a bright spot since she immediately knew there was way more to Cayson than his family was seeing. The fact his father used him was a whipping boy and messed with his head all of the time should have been evident to someone in his family.
Overall a good read. Was glad to see Cayson hold his ground and not allow his family to put him in the box they seemed intent on putting him in. Thought it was good that he was making Emberly get over her fears and not coddling her with them.
Profile Image for Amanda.
2,327 reviews99 followers
April 4, 2020
[I received a digital arc for an honest review]

is the second book in Molly McAdam's brewed series. If you love contemporary romance and haven't read anything by McAdams you should fix that because her writing is wonderful, and she knows how to tug on the heart strings.

Cayson Dixon left home 9 years ago to escape his hometown and make the best of himself. He's now come home and faced with a family who blames him for their fathers death, the girl he gave his young heart to who doesn't want him back, and a childhood reputation he can't seem to shake. No matter how much Cayson teased and tortured Emberly as kids she couldn't stop herself from seeing behind his walls. She is torn in a million direction with his return, anger, happiness and fear that he'll disappear again.

"Then he was moving, closing the distance between us so my entire world was bourbon and sandalwood and Cayson f*cking Dixon."

took me through an array of emotions. I was frustrated at the people around Cayson, and I was angry on his behalf. It might be because I'm a mother but Cayson's treatment especially as a young boy just devastated me.{{Full blown tears more than once while reading}} There wasn't a stage in his life, from the young boy struggling to the grown man just wanting to be seen, that I didn't want to wrap Cayson up in the biggest hug and never let him go. I understood Emberly's hesitation and resistance towards him. Her side of the equation was a whole sea of complicated that she had to swim through, but she kept trying to accept the real Cayson. When they weren't fighting against their past and her fear of the future, they were really great together - fun and passionate.

"But her touch, that girl, could have me doing anything. Shifting the world. Staying here forever. Falling to my goddamn knees."

was a fantastic addition to the Brewed series, and I am dying for the next book after that epilogue !!!!


Profile Image for Franci N (Franci's Fabulous Reads).
2,231 reviews94 followers
April 9, 2020
5 My Heart Still Hurts Stars!!!

This second book in Ms. McAdams Brewed Series has knocked me on my tush!! I knew there was pain when it came to Cayson but I really had no idea what was driving everyone’s demeanor and attitude about this Dixon brother. But OH MY STARS when we find out what’s behind why Cayson Dixon left Amber, TX the tears started, and I’m pretty much still crying!!

This book is a powerful lesson on what love is and what love is not. How a person is loved, truly dictates who they become as they grow up and mature. There are always motives behind how people treat others and as we delve into the story of Cayson and Emberly and their relationship growing up secrets and hurt feelings are put out into the open. What I loved the most is that Emberly, although she’s always loved this boy then man, refused to back off on how hurt she was and what happened when they were younger still radiates around her heart. I could literally feel her pain coming through the pages.

But the person whose pain affected me most is that of Cayson Dixon. When he returns to Amber after being gone for almost ten years, his hesitancy of being back in his hometown was with very good reason. There’s a battle between all four of the Dixon brothers and their mother which has driven each of them in different ways. Cayson is a man that believes in hard work to get what he wants but there’s also a little boy lurking in his heart and as we delve into flashbacks of him as this little boy and as he grows up, I was literally ripped into pieces. There’s so much that is revealed and more importantly the others in his family don’t know about. You’re probably thinking I’m being very vague about everything, and you’re absolutely correct and with good reason.

What this book comes down to for me, is that Ms. McAdams has given us a story that is compelling in the dynamics of the Dixon family, friendships that are rich and complicated and love that is so very much needed to heal some wounds, but they’re not all healed. There’s so much more to this family and how much they need to overcome. I’m 100% confident that Ms. McAdams will give us more of this healing as we delve into Hunter’s book!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 254 reviews

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