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Seduction of Taste: Hot cops. Hot crime. Hot Romance. Hot food. (English Edition) Format Kindle

4,0 4,0 sur 5 étoiles 21 évaluations

Hot Cops. Hot Crime. Hot Romance..... Hot Food?

‘Seduction of Taste’ is the companion cookbook for the hot 'Passion Patrol' novel ‘Dynasty’. It contains a total of thirty one illustrated recipes from appetizers and main courses to suggestions for sandwich fillings at a traditional afternoon tea. Late night suppers and romantic meals for two.

Food is the music of love. It sets the tone and the pace. It provides those moments when tastes and textures shared at the table form a metaphor for the physical appetites of love and lust.

As tough girl cop Shannon abandons herself to love with a sexy aristocrat. Many meals are shared. From the finest cuisine fit for royals, to the big power passion patrol fuel served in police canteens, ‘Seduction of Taste’ gives you the recipes. You won't want to put the novel down.

With this cookbook you can tickle your taste buds as Emma Calin's full on total Romance tickles your mind. If it touches the lovers' lips in the story, you can experience that moment with a meal cooked for your own special lover, be they a cool cucumber or a passionate pepper.

Read the romance, feel the passion, taste the love!

˃˃˃ Illustrations and detailed descriptions

Emma has cooked and photographed each dish with the same verve with which she writes. Take your recipes into the kitchen and follow the instructions in a clear format.

˃˃˃ Easy to Navigate

Each recipe is linked back to the table of contents so you can easily find your way to other recipes in the book - start with an appetizer, move on to a main course and finish with a dessert.

˃˃˃ Links and quotes from ‘Seduction of Dynasty’

Each recipe is referenced to the chapter where it appears in the action romance novel - sometimes with a quotation from the text and often with additional comments from Emma Calin.

˃˃˃ Be careful, the plates are hot!

Scroll up and grab a copy today - taste the passion tonight!

Enjoy these top-rated suspense romance books FREE as part of your Kindle Unlimited Prime Reading Subscription. You can read the ebooks on your Amazon Kindle Fire, on a computer via Kindle Cloud Reader or on any smartphone or tablet with the free Kindle reading app.

The complete Passion Patrol Series


NB. ‘Seduction of Taste’ was previously published as ‘Cop’s Kitchen’. You can also buy it as part of a book bundle ‘Seduction of Dynasty Plus’.
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Il y a 9 livres dans cette série.
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Vendu par : Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.

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Cette option inclut 9 livres.

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Livres dans cette série (9 livres)
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Détails sur le produit

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00IMQLWLU
  • Éditeur ‏ : ‎ Gallo- Romano Media; 5e édition (24 février 2014)
  • Langue ‏ : ‎ Anglais
  • Taille du fichier ‏ : ‎ 21612 KB
  • Utilisation simultanée de l'appareil  ‏ : ‎ Illimité
  • Synthèse vocale ‏ : ‎ Activée
  • Lecteur d’écran  ‏ : ‎ Pris en charge
  • Confort de lecture ‏ : ‎ Activé
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Non activée
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Activé
  • Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée  ‏ : ‎ 145 pages
  • Commentaires client :
    4,0 4,0 sur 5 étoiles 21 évaluations

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Emma Calin
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Emma Calin est née à Londres en 1962. Elle vit actuellement en France et au Royaume-Uni.

Elle écrit depuis l'enfance et a remporté de nombreux prix locaux, nationaux et internationaux pour la poésie et des histoires courtes.

La série "Passion Patrol" comprise 7 romans. Ces histoires s'agissent des aventures policières de Londres, mais elles déroulent souvent autour du monde: à Paris, Antibes, Milan, Rome, et New York. Ces femmes courageuses cherchent des criminelles et tombent amoureuses au cours du travail. Ce sont des femmes qui se passionnent de leurs investigations aussitôt que les hommes qu'elles aiment. Des nouvelles policières, avec des rôles variés, s'introduisent comme vedettes principales de chaque livre. On retrouve ces femmes des livres précédents dans les histoires suivantes - mais on pourrait lire les romans individuellement, en n'importe quelle sequence, car chaque histoire se finit entre les pages d'un titre.

Les romans se trouvent actuellement en Anglais, mais on travail pour les traduire en Français en 2020.

Commentaires client

4 étoiles sur 5
21 évaluations globales

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Meilleures évaluations de France

  • Avis laissé en France le 19 avril 2014
    Man! Emma, Emma, what a treat. Not only the story of SHANNON’S LAW but an accompanying recipe book with the food your characters enjoyed as well! How spoiled we are.The bonus Cauliflower crisp is a real bonus—I love cauliflower! But so many others as well that I’m just going to have make: the kedgeree, the desserts, cakes and little sweet things, and Sausage toad—gotta try that. And those triple cooked chips! Yum. And those blinis and the Pimms—I absolutely love Pimms.

    Fabulous idea, well done!

Meilleurs commentaires provenant d’autres pays

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  • sarah
    5,0 sur 5 étoiles short stories
    Avis laissé au Royaume-Uni le 27 juillet 2021
    passion patrol short story good read
  • Alana Woods
    5,0 sur 5 étoiles What a fabulous idea!
    Avis laissé au Mexique le 19 avril 2014
    Man! Emma, Emma, what a treat. Not only the story of SHANNON’S LAW but an accompanying recipe book with the food your characters enjoyed as well! How spoiled we are.The bonus Cauliflower crisp is a real bonus—I love cauliflower! But so many others as well that I’m just going to have make: the kedgeree, the desserts, cakes and little sweet things, and Sausage toad—gotta try that. And those triple cooked chips! Yum. And those blinis and the Pimms—I absolutely love Pimms.

    Fabulous idea, well done!
  • Alana Woods
    5,0 sur 5 étoiles What a fabulous idea!
    Avis laissé au Brésil le 19 avril 2014
    Man! Emma, Emma, what a treat. Not only the story of SHANNON’S LAW but an accompanying recipe book with the food your characters enjoyed as well! How spoiled we are.The bonus Cauliflower crisp is a real bonus—I love cauliflower! But so many others as well that I’m just going to have make: the kedgeree, the desserts, cakes and little sweet things, and Sausage toad—gotta try that. And those triple cooked chips! Yum. And those blinis and the Pimms—I absolutely love Pimms.

    Fabulous idea, well done!
  • Alana Woods
    5,0 sur 5 étoiles What a fabulous idea!
    Avis laissé aux États-Unis le 19 avril 2014
    Man! Emma, Emma, what a treat. Not only the story of SHANNON’S LAW but an accompanying recipe book with the food your characters enjoyed as well! How spoiled we are. The bonus Cauliflower crisp is a real bonus—I love cauliflower! But so many others as well that I’m just going to have make: the kedgeree, the desserts, cakes and little sweet things, and Sausage toad—gotta try that. And those triple cooked chips! Yum. And those blinis and the Pimms—I absolutely love Pimms.

    Fabulous idea, well done!
  • Deb D
    1,0 sur 5 étoiles Nope!
    Avis laissé aux États-Unis le 17 juin 2020
    Disappointing...where's the story? This is a cookbook, not a romance.

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