Susan Kaye Quinn



I’m not sure how much of it is innate and how much of it is imitative, but a thing I’ve always found interesting about feline vocalisation is that they enunciate for emphasis in pretty much the same way that humans do, so when a cat is being emphatic you can literally hear the exclamation point.

it is of utmost importance that everyone read these tags: 


I understand, kitten friend.

(via leviathanmirror)

STEPS to learn something new.

EXCITEMENT: Wow, this New Thing is so cool! I’ll get ready to learn this New Thing by doing fun things like revisiting stuff I already know and like! Yay! This is so much fun! I love New Things.

PAIN: Wait… this is hard. Learning is HARD. Damn. Forgot about this part. It’s okay. It’s good. I can do this. Just gotta buckle down and dig in.

DOUBT: What? How does that even WORK? This can’t work. How does ANYONE do this New Thing?? Is this really important? Do I really need to learn this? Because, you know, Other Things are important too… no. No, I’m going to do this. Commitment!

NIGHT OF DARKNESS: My brain is dyyyyyyingggg. Why did I ever think I could learn this New Thing?? Only Olympians and Einstein could possibly do this. I will NEVER do this. I CAN’T do this. But I can’t go back now… I know the weakness of the Old Things, and I can’t just go back to that! I’m doooomed!! Old Things, why have you forsaken me???

BREAKTHROUGH: Wait… WAIT A MINUTE. If I do THIS then THAT and stir in a little of this other thing… holy crap, that works. Okay. OKAY! Now this makes some flippin’ sense. Jeez, New Thing, why didn’t you just tell me this in the beginning??

MASTERY: Oh yeah. I do that New Thing.

I’m in the PAIN stage right now… Lord help me.

amwriting learning theshiny newthing

"The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."


(This has been done before. If it hasn’t, I’ll be disappointed.)

(via patrickdiomedes)

Indy Theme by Safe As Milk