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The Player: A damaged alpha, workplace, baseball romance (The Player Duet Book 1) (English Edition) Kindle Ausgabe
Easton Wylder is baseball royalty. The game is his life. His passion. His everything.
So, when an injury threatens to end Easton’s season early, the team calls in the renowned physical therapist, Doc Dalton, to oversee his recovery. Except it’s not Doc who greets Easton for his first session, but rather his daughter, Scout. She may be feisty, athletic, defiant, and gorgeous, but Easton is left questioning whether she has what it takes to help him.
Scout Dalton’s out to prove a female can handle the pressure of running the physical therapy regimen of an MLB club. And that proof comes in the form of getting phenom Easton Wylder back on the field. But getting him healthy means being hands-on.
And with a man as irresistible as Easton, being hands-on can only lead to one thing, trouble. Because the more she touches him, the more she wants him, andshe can’t want him. Not when it’s her job to side in the club’s best interest if he’s ready to play.
But when sparks fly and fine lines are crossed, can they withstand the heat or is one of them bound to get burned?
- SpracheEnglisch
- Erscheinungstermin15. April 2017
- Dateigröße938 KB
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Beliebte Titel dieses Autors
Sicherheits- und Produktressourcen
Problem beim Laden der Informationen
Über die Autorenschaft und weitere Mitwirkende
- ASIN : B071Y2G4FG
- Herausgeber : JKB Publishing, LLC (15. April 2017)
- Sprache : Englisch
- Dateigröße : 938 KB
- Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) : Aktiviert
- Screenreader : Unterstützt
- Verbesserter Schriftsatz : Aktiviert
- X-Ray : Aktiviert
- Word Wise : Aktiviert
- Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe : 308 Seiten
- Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 327.759 in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 in Kindle-Shop)
- Nr. 5.018 in Sportliebesroman
- Nr. 17.247 in Zeitgenössische Liebesromane (englischsprachig)
- Nr. 55.165 in Fremdsprachige Liebesromane
- Kundenrezensionen:
Informationen zum Autor

K. Bromberg lebt mit ihrem Mann und ihren drei Kindern im südlichen Teil Kaliforniens. Wenn sie mal eine Auszeit von ihrem chaotischen Alltag braucht, ist sie auf dem Laufband anzutreffen oder verschlingt gerade ein kluges, freches Buch auf ihrem eReader. DRIVEN. Verführt ist der Auftakt ihrer hochgelobten DRIVEN-Trilogie.
- 5 Sterne4 Sterne3 Sterne2 Sterne1 Stern5 Sterne66%25%8%1%0%66%
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- Bewertet in Deutschland am 21. April 2017A well written, enjoyable baseball story with a cliffhanger.
K.Bromberg masterly mixed the scenes in the stadium with Easton's physical therapy, the machinations behind the scenes, the romance, and his interaction with various other persons. All characters were very likable.
I am looking forward to the sequel.
Spitzenrezensionen aus anderen Ländern
Mariya NaydenovaBewertet in den USA am19. April 2017
5,0 von 5 Sternen Another amazing read by Kristy Bromberg, that gave me all the feels and made me crave for more
Another fantastic read by this super talented author that always manages to pull at all my emotions and touch me deeply with her stories and the simple messages she conveys, but which stay with me long after I finish the book.
I have to say I know nothing about baseball, and I was a bit anxious about this read, but as usual with a K. Bromberg book it is so much more than just the game. It is mostly about relationships between people and their development, about character evolvement, about people finding love when they least expect it and I truly enjoyed every single one of those storylines.
What I love most about K. Bromberg’s books is she always writes strong, confident, very determined heroes, but all the while she gives them a bit of vulnerability, lessens a bit their perfection with some flaws, that make them so realistic, believable and memorable.
Easton Wylder - he is baseball player extraordinaire. Son of a baseball legend, very talented and very famous, but also very injured. And if you think this is another story of an arrogant, spoiled, alpha guy meeting the good, innocent girl and falling for her, you’ll be surprised it’s not. He was indeed very cocky and self-assured, but he completely stole my heart with his persistent, patient, caring and sometimes very sweet and gentle personality.
Scout Dalton - she is Easton’s new PT and at first glance you’ll think she is a tough cookie. And in a way she is. But as the story progressed, I realized there was so much more to her than the tough exterior she was trying to hide behind. She was vulnerable and fighting her own battles by herself. She was sassy, smart, intelligent and knew her job well, but she had her insecurities and secrets she didn’t want revealed. I admired her strength and the way she stood her ground. And although I don’t fully agree with her philosophy #ClearMind #HardHeart I really felt her emotions and could relate to her character in so many ways.
There was sexy banter that made me laugh, there were steamy sex scenes that turned the heat on, there were intense moments that made my heart race, there were emotional parts that touched me deeply and made me cry, but above all there was love – pure and sweet and sometimes explosive, but it felt real nonetheless. It was the perfect mix of everything I’m looking for in a book.
I liked the character development. The way they overcome their insecurities and managed to complete each other, so they could fight their internal battles together and not by themselves. It was such a fascinating metamorphosis to witness.
This happens every time with a K. Bromberg book. The plot consumes me, the characters become somehow real to me, I just crawl into the pages and live there for a couple of days and all the while experience the whole spectrum of emotions you could think of. But besides all that, she always has some small and big messages to send to her readers which speak to you loud and clear and this book was no exception:
“There are no guarantees.”
“You’re right, there are no guarantees,” I repeat his words back to him, “but it’s the possibility that should keep you going.”
It’s such a simple statement. There is nothing extraordinary or exceptional in it, but it made me stop for a minute to just think about it. Because it’s exactly the possibilities that move us forward because nothing is guaranteed, but you should still keep on fighting for what you want, you should still keep on trying to achieve your goals. And that is exactly what Scout and Easton did.
And the ending. OMG the ending! I knew there was a 2nd book coming but now I’m dying to read it. Such a huge cliffhanger and unexpected plot twist. Now my head is spinning with all the possibilities The Catcher could bring us. And I can’t wait to read it.
Another amazing read by Kristy Bromberg, that gave me all the feels and made me crave for more.
p.s. That dedication in the beginning is one of the best I’ve ever read. I found myself in each one of these women described. Thank you for those words, Kristy. They were truly inspiring <3
Kryska14Bewertet in Kanada am 21. April 2017
5,0 von 5 Sternen A HomeRun of a Sports Romance ⚾💖
There is no doubt that Author K Bromberg was born to Write! First was her fantastic Driven Series books and now this one ""The Player". Once you read the best dedication page ever you get a hot sexy emotionally captivating sports romance that delivers a powerful & complex journey of two adults that are each so focused on making their parent proud and gaining their acceptance all at the expense of their own happines and just as everything is starting to come together for Easton & Scout and you turn to the next page....Bang! you get the Best Cliffhanger Ever!
Client KindleBewertet in Frankreich am 18. Februar 2018
5,0 von 5 Sternen très bien
Le synopsis ne m'a pas réellement convaincu, mais je suis fan de K. BROMBERG et en lisant les commentaires, en particulier celui d'une personne qui disait qu'il ne fallait surtout pas tenir compte du résumé et que le thème de l'histoire était plus profond qu'il n'y paraissait en premier abord. Alors je l'ai lu et n'ai pas regretté de l'avoir acheté. Franchement n'hésitez pas à le lire.
Helen Williams (All Booked Out)Bewertet in Großbritannien am 16. April 2017
5,0 von 5 Sternen Damn he fine!!!
Kristy injected passion, heart and soul into this book and I am counting down the days to get my mitts on 'The Catch'
Easton & Scout, The Player and his new physical therapist. Not the therapist he was expecting, which leads to not the typical first meeting, and from there this chemistry between the two is ignited.
Scout has so much riding on Easton's recovery that she is also truly guarded and really afraid of letting the spark she felt develop into anything more.
The confident Easton is not one to sit back and rest on his laurels though, not on or off the pitch, he is determined to get what he wants. Passion, emotion, drama well written content and characters and an ending which had me looking for the release date of the next in the series.... I am hooked on baseball players!
Trish SutherlandBewertet in Australien am 4. Mai 2017
5,0 von 5 Sternen #Hotshot and #Kitty
Once again K.Bromberg has knocked it out of the ball park (pun intended).
Honestly I know nothing about Baseball but this book and the way it has been written has me intrigued and wanting to know more.
Easton Wylder, Baseball superstar and catcher for the Austin Aces. His father Cal, a legend of the club himself and Easton is trying to follow in his footsteps.
Scout Dalton, PT and one of the best. Following in her fathers footsteps, the best of the best in his field Doc Dalton.
These two come together after an intentional injury is suffered by Easton taking him out of the game that he loves, lives and breaths. Scout is trying to prove herself in a mans world and is determined to win and show them all that she is just as good as her father at getting the job done and The Player back to where they need to be. But of course there are twist and turns and an undeniable chemistry between the two that they just can't fight. Not to mention the outside factors that will test them in every way possible.
I was captivated from the start of this book. K Bromberg has a way of making you feel like your there in the thick of it. The more you read the more attached you become, her words sole searing And heartfelt.
Can't wait for The Catch book #2 in The Player duet for #Hotshot and #Kitty.
A blistering 5 Stars.