The act of worship has become a business and a church growth catalyzer. There is nothing like the catalytic agency of the glory of God. The long-term goal of REVERE is for worship to become worship again, free of contradictions and philosophical conflicts. REVERE can hopefully cause a ripple effect for the church to pivot from a preoccupation with contemporary worship music, and its functionality in achieving church growth, to a sober focus on the person of Jesus, so that worship can be accurate and honest and not a Trojan horse for human ambition. 
In 2020, we laid a foundation by tracing the journey of contemporary worship from intimacy to intensity to reverence in the fear of the Lord. We recorded a live album and started a Youtube channel that garnered over 250k subs which are propelled by the recorded content and 24/7 non-stop worship video. Through the live chat - salvations, healing, prayer requests, and community were built, providing a trusted stream of content (being tuned in anywhere from 100 to 1000 people per second): PURPOSE REVERE exists to refocus the Church back to Jesus by creating a Him-focused experience for every tribe, tongue, and nation. VISION REVERE will inspire a global movement that encourages and empowers creators and worship leaders to create content that is focused on Jesus, modeling and facilitating reverential worship.