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436 pages, ebook
First published November 12, 2015
...promise me you'll live. Just live, Cate. Do it for me.
This is yours for as long as there are beats within it. Everything I have is yours. My love, my heart, my soul, and my life, for however short or long it may be."
Okay. I'll call them. Just so Louise can look pristine."
"Who the fuck is Louise?"
I hold up my index finger and jab it toward Louise.
"Jesus C. You named it Louise? How did I not ever know that?"
"It's a private thing."
Don't you laugh at me, Drew McKnight. I'm scared to pee in the woods and I hate snakes. Louise does too."
"Louise loves my snake, Cate."
"That's not fair. This is real. I have to pee and I'm afraid."
Say you won't run. Say you're in this as much as I am. Say you want me the same way I want you."
"This is yours for as long as there are beats within it. Everything I have is yours. My love, my heart, my soul, and my life, for however short or long it may be."
"Don't you laugh at me, Drew McKnight. I'm scared to pee in the woods and I hate snakes. Louise does too."
"Louise loves my snake, Cate."
I punch him in the arm. "That's not fair. This is real. I have to pee and I'm afraid."
"Right. I'll go with you and ward off any wayward snakes that might be jumping up and biting Louise. How's that?"
“Everything I have is yours. My love, my heart, my soul, and my life, for however short or long it may be.”
The way he looks at me, it's as if he's reading my soul.
“and know that I loved all the pieces of you with all the pieces of me.”
“This is yours for as long as there are beats within it. Everything I have is yours. My love, my heart, my soul, and my life, for however short or long it may be.”
“When they say your heart breaks, whoever, “they” is doesn’t have a clue what they’re talking about. Broken isn’t close. Shattered – no cigar. Splintered – nothing doing. Pulverized – where every tiny par is crushed beyond recognition – that’s about how it feels.”
“Now, look at that door and take your first steps into your new life, Cate. And promise me you’ll live. Just live, Cate. Do it for me.”