For some mysterious reason (maybe long winter boredom), Scandinavians find time to start more bands -- full-time and side-project -- in any given week than the rest of the planet's denizens will manage in a lifetime. Norwegian "biker metal" outfit Chrome Division is the product of just such a situation, having been formed on a lark in 1999 by Dimmu Borgir members Shagrath and Nagash while on a recording break from their world-renowned black metal day job. Five years later, the duo reunited with the intent to secure a studio-ready lineup of Chrome Division, calling upon vocalist Eddie Guz (of the Carburetors), lead guitarist Ricky Black, and bassist Bjorn Luna (ex-Ashes to Ashes), and fleshing out enough songs for an LP. Much like he had with Dimmu Borgir years earlier, Nagash soon opted to bow out of the band, but was speedily replaced by one Tony White, and the now fully committed lineup of Chrome Division did not rest until they'd completed work on a self-explanatory debut album, Doomsday Rock 'n Roll, released in 2006 by Nuclear Blast. ~ Eduardo Rivadavia
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