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Black Storm: A Post-Apocalyptic Horror Thriller (The Exterminators Trilogy Book 1) (English Edition) Format Kindle
These are the last days.
The Black Storm, a permanent state of darkness has engulfed the Earth. Driven to insanity by what they see in the darkness, people are doing terrible things to themselves and to each other.
Cody MacLeod, ex-movie star turned full-time dad, will do anything to protect his daughter Rachel from the Black Widow – a ghostly, murderous figure that has emerged from the Black Storm.
The MacLeods have one chance of making it out alive.
A plane is taking off at San Antonio Airport. To get there, Cody and Rachel must risk everything and drive through the Black Storm together in Cody's beloved 1970 Dodge Challenger.
A breathtaking race to the finish line awaits. Will Cody and Rachel make it to the airport in time?
Or will they succumb to the Black Storm?
Black Storm is the first book in Mark GIllespie's Exterminators Trilogy. If you like horror and post-apocalyptic novels, as well as movies such as A Quiet Place and Bird Box, you'll love Black Storm.
Start reading today!
- LangueAnglais
- Date de publication9 mars 2018
- Taille du fichier4294 KB
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La totalité des 3EUR 8,07
Cette option inclut 3 livres.
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Détails sur le produit
- Éditeur : Deep Red Publishing (9 mars 2018)
- Langue : Anglais
- Taille du fichier : 4294 KB
- Utilisation simultanée de l'appareil : Illimité
- Synthèse vocale : Activée
- Lecteur d’écran : Pris en charge
- Confort de lecture : Activé
- X-Ray : Non activée
- Word Wise : Activé
- Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée : 198 pages
- Commentaires client :
À propos de l'auteur
Voici quelques informations sur moi:
Je viens de Glasgow, en Écosse. Ces jours-ci, je vis à Melbourne, en Australie.
Pendant dix ans, entre 2001 et 2011, j'étais bassiste à travers le Royaume-Uni et l'Irlande et j'en garde de mes meilleurs souvenirs. J'ai travaillé avec une variété de groupes et de musiciens, souvent en tournée ou en enregistrement pour éviter la routine.
En 2011, j'ai pris ma retraite du monde de la musique pour travailler sur ma licence en littérature anglaise et en histoire. Pendant ce temps, j'ai écrit de nombreuses histoires courtes – mauvaises pour la plupart du temps! Mon premier était au sujet de chiots vampires.
Quand j'ai obtenu ma licence, je l'ai mis de coté, dans le tiroir à chaussettes. En plus de la fiction, j'écrivais des articles pour des magazines et sites de sports et de conditionnement physique.
Quand je me suis installé en Australie en juillet 2015, j'ai décidé de me concentrer à 100% sur la fiction; le moins lucratif de tous mes projets d'écriture.
Alors qu'est-ce que j'écris? De la fiction spéculative; des scénarios apocalyptique, des histoires alternatives, du sci-fi dystopien, avec un peu de culture pop rajouté. Je suis responsable de l'avenir de la série London et de la trilogie FAB.
Vous pouvez en découvrir plus sur www.markgillespieauthor.com
Commentaires client
- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile5 étoiles44%29%15%9%3%44%
- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile4 étoiles44%29%15%9%3%29%
- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile3 étoiles44%29%15%9%3%15%
- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile2 étoiles44%29%15%9%3%9%
- 5 étoiles4 étoiles3 étoiles2 étoiles1 étoile1 étoile44%29%15%9%3%3%
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Meilleurs commentaires provenant d’autres pays
KiwimrsmacAvis laissé aux États-Unis le 1 mai 2018
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Mark Gillespie knows how to make you care whether a character lives or dies
I'm still breathless from reaching the end of the book!
Mark Gillespie knows how to make you care whether a character lives or dies, and he certainly knows how to keep you on the edge of your seat hoping he doesn't pull a George RR Martin and kill them all off!
A great first instalment in his newest series. Loved the dark concept. Not apocalyptic but very early Stephen King-esque.
The story had me squirming in my seat, and I may have even been pressing my foot firmly against my imaginary accelerator pedal as I reached that part in the book... (no spoilers here!).
For a plot with a minimum number of characters, it went exceedingly fast. There are no dull parts to this plot. Mark's descriptive passages get better with every book, and I look forward to the next one.
ShazzaAvis laissé au Royaume-Uni le 5 avril 2019
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Easy read,
I enjoyed this book it flowed nicely and made a refreshing change for a book regarding the end of the world not to be all. Zombies. I'm looking forward to reading the next book in this series. Hopefully it will be as good as this one. I can't wait to find out about the little girl . I would recommend this book and author too as I have now read a few books from him and each are very enjoyable.
Narrelle DayAvis laissé en Australie le 30 juillet 2018
5,0 sur 5 étoiles Mysterious new prospect, must read more.
Having loved all of the Future of London books I had high expectations before reading this book. I was not disappointed.
But as for Amazon, I'm not sure what is going on. All of my Gillespie books have disappeared for my kindle app, and the Amazon site no longer shows that I bought them, nor that I reviewed them. Now, the three books in this series show up in Amazon.com instead of Amazon.com.au as purchased. This is wrong because I'm unable to purchase on Amazon.com. Something weird is going on here.
JimAvis laissé aux États-Unis le 20 novembre 2019
4,0 sur 5 étoiles Black storm
I enjoyed it! Fast paced, the action just keeps coming at you!It’s an intense, gritty thriller with lots of twists and turns to the plot.
Kindle CustomerAvis laissé au Royaume-Uni le 29 avril 2018
4,0 sur 5 étoiles Good read
Post apocalyptic.....well, not really post as it’s still on-going - story about a strange worldwide affliction that could be supernatural, affecting the human race. Causes severe depression leading to murders, suicides, etc. Father doing his best to protect and save his daughter. Bad side of humanity coming through as is always the case in disaster stories. Funny, abrupt ending - assume it will be clearer in the next install ent