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A Perfect Wreck: A Sister's Best Friend Romance (English Edition) Kindle Ausgabe

4,3 4,3 von 5 Sternen 161 Sternebewertungen

Asa Dashen and Callie Langdon have known each other their whole lives.

He’s the all-American boy-next-door, and she’s the fearless daredevil with looks that could break any boy’s heart.

Asa has always felt the pull, but he keeps Callie at a distance due to their age difference. Since she’s his little sister’s best friend, Asa protects her as if she were his own family.

But when Callie grows up and demands her first kiss, Asa realizes he can no longer hide his feelings for her. Then when Callie leaps ahead and pledges her virginity to him, Asa realizes he’s a goner and would give his heart and soul to this firecracker on a mission.

Soon Asa is called away to war, and Callie works just as hard on the home front to accomplish her dreams.

When Asa returns home a wounded soldier in need of care, Callie is waiting and dedicated to his recovery. Their childhood crush has grown into an urgent flame—a flame that can no longer be pacified with an innocent kiss. With obstacles no longer keeping them apart, can these childhood sweethearts withstand the test of time and honor their promises?

"Wow A Perfect Wreck was incredible. I really enjoyed it. It is a best friends older brother/friends to lovers story. This double virgin story will steal your heart." - GoodReads Review

"An amazing second chance romance! The storyline is well-written, intriguing, and relatable." - GoodReads Review

"Asa and Callies story was so great that I was hooked from page one." - GoodReads Review

"This was a really nice love story, starting when they were young, neighbors and friends and the realty of war and how hard it is to get back to real life." - GoodReads Review

"This duo writes fabulous books with super sweet characters, steamy scenes and perfect epilogues." -GoodReads Review

"Loved this story from beginning to end! You will fall in love with Callie and Asa." -GoodReads Review
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Sicherheits- und Produktressourcen


  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07PTD68NQ
  • Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
  • Dateigröße ‏ : ‎ 2.5 MB
  • Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
  • Screenreader ‏ : ‎ Unterstützt
  • Verbesserter Schriftsatz ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Nicht aktiviert
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
  • Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe ‏ : ‎ 88 Seiten
  • Kundenrezensionen:
    4,3 4,3 von 5 Sternen 161 Sternebewertungen

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4,3 von 5 Sternen
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  • Leslee Nevill
    5,0 von 5 Sternen Callie and Asa are simply magic!
    Bewertet in den USA am19. März 2019
    Asa has always admired Callie, she is a spitfire and so beautiful it hurt to look at her. But he was older and she was his sister's best friend. When he goes off to boot camp, he is determined to get home to her. Callie is determined to fight her loneliness with diving into her career, to help as many people as she can. Asa does manage to come home, but not in the way he wanted. Trying to recover, Callie is there from day one. His attraction to her is what keeps him going, but does she feel the same now that he is different?

    Oh my gosh, I didn't think I could love a couple more than Asa's little sister Crosby and his best friend Weston from A Perfect Mess but I was wrong! Callie and Asa have taken the top spot. They are simply magic together. The kids that they were and the people they grew up into deserve happiness and it was a joy to experience it. Aria Cole and Mila Crawford are an amazing team as well as great authors on their own. I immediately buy anything that has these ladies names on it, I cannot bear to miss a single story. All the stars for A Perfect Wreck!
  • Ashley A. Carr
    5,0 von 5 Sternen Off-limits
    Bewertet in den USA am20. März 2019
    A sweet and captivating love story from friends to lovers. Callie and Asa have known each other since her and Crosby, Asa’s younger sister, became best friends in grade school. Then she was just his little sister’s annoying friend that followed him and his best friend everywhere they went, that he started looking at her differently when she was in high school. But he didn’t act on it because he was their babysitter, carpool driver, overall protector and she was Crosby‘s best friend there for off-limits. After graduating high school he joined the Marines and left Callie behind that she didn’t sit idly behind she was driven to be a nurse and help other people. When Asa comes home it isn’t have we wanted to come back he’s not whole, will Callie still want to be with him even though he is a shell of a man? Can Callie convince him that he is everything she has always wanted?
  • Avid Reader
    3,0 von 5 Sternen I don't know
    Bewertet in den USA am23. Januar 2020
    I can't say it wasn't a good book but it's pretty bland. The epilogues basically outlined how things are in the next book. I'm not sure if I will continue on.
  • Somersjjs
    5,0 von 5 Sternen I devoured the book and loved it.
    Bewertet in den USA am19. März 2019
    I devoured the book and enjoyed every word. This is a very quick read and I wish there was more although the two epilogues helped. The characters are from, A Perfect Mess. Callie and Asa/Ace. Callie and Crosby, was Asa's sister, were best friends and Callie was over at our house all the time. Asa's mom told him to watch out for the girls. That was his job growing up.
    Things changed when Asa had to drive the girls to there ninth grade dance. Callie was fourteen and Asa was eighteen years old.
    Asa was coming out of the bathroom when he saw Callie, looking upset, and asked her what was wrong. She tells him she had it all planned out. Tonight was supposed to be my first kiss.
    But at the right/wrong moment, he heard a whispered request from Callie, Asa, Kiss me...
  • Michèle Meyer
    1,0 von 5 Sternen Abysmal
    Bewertet in Großbritannien am 13. Januar 2020
    Extremely weak story and characters. A waste of time and mildly disturbing if I’m honest.
    Save your time and read something else.

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