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Bear Naked for Christmas (a Paranormal Shifter Holiday Romance) (Scarfell Shifters Book 1) (English Edition) Formato Kindle
Spending Christmas in a cozy cabin on Scarfell Mountain is a family tradition, and after a rough year that includes a recent breakup, Katie can't wait for a relaxing holiday with her parents. However, when she meets Noah, the new surly and reclusive stranger next door, her vacation turns to anything but relaxing!
He’s smoking hot, cut in all the right places, but beneath all that muscle, Noah is hoarding a dark secret. And like a magnet being drawn towards him, Katie is determined to find out what it is… but not before her ex shows up and throws everything into chaos.
Bear Naked for Christmas is a short holiday novella set on Scarfell Mountain in amongst the Bear Oak clan. It has hot and steamy scenes, features a guaranteed Happy Ending and no cliffhanger.
- LinguaInglese
- Data di pubblicazione15 dicembre 2015
- Dimensioni file2816 KB
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Primi 3€ 6,97
Primi 5€ 12,95
Tutti i 6€ 15,94
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Questa opzione include 5 libri.
Questa opzione include 6 libri.
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Dettagli prodotto
- ASIN : B019G92ICS
- Lingua : Inglese
- Dimensioni file : 2816 KB
- Utilizzo simultaneo di dispositivi : illimitato
- Da testo a voce : Abilitato
- Screen Reader : Supportato
- Miglioramenti tipografici : Abilitato
- X-Ray : Non abilitato
- Word Wise : Abilitato
- Lunghezza stampa : 59 pagine
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- 5 stelle4 stelle3 stelle2 stelle1 stella5 stelle53%28%15%2%1%53%
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- 5 stelle4 stelle3 stelle2 stelle1 stella3 stelle53%28%15%2%1%15%
- 5 stelle4 stelle3 stelle2 stelle1 stella2 stelle53%28%15%2%1%2%
- 5 stelle4 stelle3 stelle2 stelle1 stella1 stella53%28%15%2%1%1%
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Kindle CustomerRecensito negli Stati Uniti il 31 agosto 2024
5,0 su 5 stelle Loved It 😍
This is a good book about Christmas and all of the good things that go with it. The storyline and characters were awesome. The bad apple that knocked out with the butt of a rifle got what was coming to him.
Book MonitorRecensito nel Regno Unito il 26 dicembre 2017
4,0 su 5 stelle A Christmas setting with a HEA and set up for a series to follow.
A short story that introduces us to Scarfell Mountain. Katie has recently ended her engagement and is spending Christmas with her parents in the mountains she loves. There she meets the big beautiful Noah and then the rest of the book tells you what happens next.
There were some really good bits and some really rushed bits. There were some ridiculous not very well thought through scenarios, and some hot and sexy scenes. So overall a bit of a mixed bag. However in a longer novel with more time and space to develop the characters and the landscape, this series may have some promise.
A 3.5/5 stars from me.
Amazon CustomerRecensito in Australia il 7 dicembre 2016
4,0 su 5 stelle Four Stars
Good read
Denise D.Recensito negli Stati Uniti il 16 gennaio 2023
4,0 su 5 stelle Short and sweet
The only thing missing is a final comeuppance for bad guy Simon - I'd have liked to have seen him get what-for from the hospital as well... But otherwise, it's a cute short story that introduces a new series.
MeeraRecensito nel Regno Unito il 4 dicembre 2018
4,0 su 5 stelle Sex heavy
If you area fan of love at first sight, shifters and descriptive intercorse then this is the book for you. A fun little read which was not slow paced and had interesting characters. Not too Christmassy for you fellow grinches out there.