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23:27 is a beautifully written novel about how stressful situations are not always what they appear to be. H.L. Roberts takes you on an emotional journey keeping you on the edge of your seat the entire time. 23:27 touches on the very sensitive topics of suicide and mental stability when the pressures of society get too difficult to handle for even the most stable individual. Lilith Rose is the lead singer of the popular rock band, United Misfits . and she is tired of all the lies, secrets, and heartache that came with the price tag of stardom. After years of dealing with forced contracts, she does the unthinkable and flees to a small run-down hotel on the outskirts of Los Angeles, where she hosts her tell-all Livestream. Finally, the truth is out there, and Lilith has a decision to make. Life or Death…

284 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 24, 2017

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About the author

H.L. Roberts

10 books169 followers
H. L. Roberts is a writer from a small Kentucky town. She comes from a big family, and often finds herself sitting with them around the TV watching movies, and just staying close, which is how she believes a family should be.

Reading is one of her passions, along with advocating for mental illnesses, as well as epilepsy. She wants to bring awareness to the invisible illnesses; the ones people know so little about. She uses her other passion, writing, in order to advocate for invisible illnesses.

23:27 is her debut novel and is the closest to her heart. The issues dealt with in this novel are the kind that touch everyone in one way or another. She hopes that each reader takes something from this book and learns from it.

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Profile Image for Dianne.
6,803 reviews607 followers
January 16, 2018
Enter H.L. Roberts' 23:27 Giveaway! Three eCopies - Intl - Ends January 25, 2018 - Click on Banner to Enter!

Fame. Money. Glory.

Part of me wants to die tonight...

Was she a victim or the instigator of the nightmare and the media hype that led her to that fateful night in room 327? Did she really want to die or did she want her knight in shining armor to save her? The one man who loved her unconditionally, the one man she broke with her lies will pay for her actions, again. This is more than the story of a damaged young woman, it is the story of the pressures of fame, of contracts, of friendships, of losing oneself to the Koolaid one drinks to become a star, all at the cost of self. It is the story of love denied through lies, it is the story of emotional and mental illness that culminated in one final show, one solo broadcast, the final curtain coming down, but it is also a chance for one encore that must come from the gut.

Lilith has decided to end her pain and her life. First she will expose her life as a band member in the public eye, the villains, her enablers and just how messed up and weak she is. I found Lilith’s story nearly as painful as she did, but I didn’t hurt for her as much as I railed at her weaknesses and her inability to communicate with both her bandmates and Alec, the man she loved.
The problem with their love was racial. I know, I know…just saying that turns my stomach. As bandmates they had a façade to uphold, so said their promoters and naively, Lilith signed new contracts, took on a false life and left Alec high and dry, no explanation to anyone, not even the rest of the band.

Alec was left with no choice but to sit back and wither. ( I voted for him to cut bait and run.) She wouldn’t talk to him, wouldn’t be honest until the night she decided to take her life, then she shared everything with the world, her fans. No private moment to honor what they had or should have had. Still, I have to say, he handled it better than I would have, band be damned. Pretty sure they would have rallied behind both of them if they had been given the chance, after all, they, too, had secrets.

Fast forward through Lilith’s treatment and the lies and manipulations she is still victim to. Will she never give Alec a chance to talk? Will Alec never take that chance or will they move forward in a macabre dance of life, victims of their own making? Has even Cupid given up on them? I couldn't blame him...

Definitely a tale to evoke strong emotions from its readers on the volatile topics of mental health and suicide. High on angst and pain with peripheral characters that stay just far enough in the background to keep the focus on Lilith and Alec, their insecurities and their weaknesses, all while we wonder if either of them will ever have the strength to grab life by the horns, world be damned. Pretty sure H.L. Roberts had me twisted in knots throughout this entire tale, I was that involved in 23:27.

I received a complimentary review copy from H.L. Roberts

Publisher: Cadava Publishing (November 24, 2017)
Publication Date: November 24, 2017
Genre: Drama | Social Issues | Depression
Print Length: 196 pages
Available from: AmazonBarnes & Noble
For Reviews & More: http://tometender.blogspot.com
Profile Image for Nicki White.
Author 1 book37 followers
December 11, 2017
23:27 is a remarkable book that covers so many different social topics that seem to cast out in the YA world. 23:27 focus on Lilith Rose, who after rising to fame ponder the thoughts of why she is even being. What started as a slow decline due to the band’s management dictating the personal lives and how it is to be exposed to the media and the fans. End with lack of self-care turned to self-harm and manifested to revealing her inner truths on a live stream.

That’s right, a Live stream. H.L. Roberts captured the full use of social media networks and used it to tell an elaborate story of one girl. But through the story of Lilith Rose, you learn how a person (even those who seem to have all) can feel entirely alone. You witness the effects that it has on those who may have to deal with the after-effects and the pain that it cause in every party.

It starts out is the perspective of Lilith and but I’d say the majority of it is told through the Alec, the bandmate, the best friend and the love she was forced to give up. I found it to be very intriguing to be able to get the story from the both of them. It made the flow continuous and allowed for the pivotal moments to be exposed which you wouldn’t have to know about if Roberts choose to just focus on only one of theirs. Now, it obvious that Lilith is flawed, so when Alec was first introduced he seemed to be perfect, bubbly and always in a positive mood. While Alec was among those he was also naive at moments, self-absorbed and blinded by his emotion at almost every point. hile I found myself to be utterly annoyed with the characters and the actions in which path they choose, they are genuine and ultimately realistic.

Now beneath all the dark suspenseful drama that took, there is a beautiful love story that unfolds. Think ‘what if Romeo and Juliet didn’t sacrifice themselves for love’ type of deal. I loved learning how the relationship developed. I found Alec to deliciously sweet in his words and gestures.

This book is more than meets the eye, while it is a quick reading it holds a lot of vital messages that factor into our everyday lives and eloquently showcases a positive outcome.

Kudos to the author also for tackling a difficult subject matter.
Profile Image for Marie Julien.
Author 2 books13 followers
May 9, 2017

''A really captivating read. Couldn't put the book away! A must read for young Adult readers!''

Well hello there,
good thing you're here searching for reviews! I've got one for you down below! Be sure to get yourself some tea and cookies, because I've got a lot to say ;)

Before you start reading: I got to read this book as an ARC in return of an honest review, so: That's what I'm going to give you. - Excuse me for my terrible English and grammar, you have been warned.

First impression:
I must say I was very stunned I read this book from page 1 to the end in less than a day. (This never happens, but it did this time!) So I guess that's a good thing :) I'll be giving you some spoiler-free info about this awesome book in just a few secs..

Okay, I have my tea now, so I can start writing...

I know Heather from wattpad and I joined her cover contest for this book. I got in second, nevermind that, but I love the cover the way it is now! It fits the story perfectly in a way I can't express.

My first impression was a bit biased, because I got to know Heather a bit better, but I would have never expected this book to be so good!

The story:
The beginning makes you wonder what's going to happen next and after that, and after that and.. well, you know. It made me very curious for the next page and the next chapter everytime! The story is set in this world and contains a lot of issues in the reality we live in now. Life isn't always that easy. Love isn't always that outspoken.
The story starts out with a problem you want to know more about: What the hell is happening? And why? It makes you curious and eager to read the rest.
I love the way it is written. It's a writing-style I like a lot. It's very detailed and gets you to feel a lot of emotions at once. When you'll read the first couple of chapters, you'll understand why. You feel pained and worried and you struggle with reading further and further. Something is going to happen and it won't be pretty.
You get to know more about the situation and the characters via flashbacks. I liked these a lot, even though they are a pain in the ass. A lot of times they hurt, and are beautifully displayed.
You read from two different point of views. I liked that a lot too. One pov ends with a cliffhanger and you HAVE to read the other pov first. It's something that gives you more views on the situation.
When you are reading you think you'll know the ending, but believe me, you don't!
You think the story is just about some girl and her life, but that's not the truth! Lies are told, secrets are displayed and a lot of statements are made. Love is what drives this book to an ending, god you won't believe how many times I screamed at my phone-screen. I was SO angry and upset with some of these characters. You think a love triangle is difficult? No, you guessed wrong, sometimes you don't even need one. Read this book and you can get back to me on that later! ;)
I like the way this storyline is different from a LOT of books I've read, and I've read tons of them. It's a storyline I can't compare to another book I've read. NOT one of them. The storyline really climaxes like, 100000 times every plottwist you get. Every tiny bit of information gets in your mind like: Hello, I'm here, now change your mind about everything you've read! - It was really frustrating in a good way. When a book affects my emotions, it means it's written very well.

There is so much more I want to tell y'all, but my tea is getting colder by the second and I have to move on!

The characters:
Lilith: You follow Lilith in the beginning of the story. She's a very troubled, strong minded and pretty girl with destroyed hopes and dreams. A lot of these evolve around a romance she can't have and can't share with anyone. Yeah, when you bottle things up, nothing good will come out of it in the end. She decides to get it all in the open and that was a decision I agreed on. What she does next - man I can't even talk about: NO! But you know why she does it. You want to learn about her past, and you do. You want to look inside her head, and you will. You get to know every corner of her mind and every pain and thought. I like her character very much. She's so, so strong - You can't even imagine! I can't compare to her, even if I would want that. But you'll be confronted with some of your own insecurities reading this book as well. If I can give you one advise: Get your head in the game before you start reading this. You'll need your own strenght as well :)

Alec: Oh, I love him so much. He's just as strong-headed and funny as a perfect boy in a book can be. Yet, he is so different from the standard. He feels Lilith's pain and the other way around. They know eachother to the core and it's painfull to read about their friendship.
You read Alec's and Lilith's point of view and I must say I prefered his a bit more. I love to get into his head and read about his problems and the way he ALWAYS tries to fix things, even when things get real heated in his life.
The one thing that really got to me was the relationship between him and Lilith, but also the relationship between Alec and his mom.
One thing that obviously stood out was the fact that he's not white. He's black, and some people prejudiced him based on this - I realy felt like hitting these people so hard they couldn't walk anymore, but yeah, it's a book right -_-

The band: You get to meet Jase, Jaxson and CG. Their characters are presented a bit less detailed than Lilith and Alec - Duh! But you get to love each and every one of them. They all have their special way of talking and acting, they are NOT displayed flat at all. You get to know that the band is like a small family. The love they share for eachother is bigger than, I don't know, THE UNIVERSE or something. They'll go throuh fire just to treasure their friendship. I liked the fact they know eachother that good it hurts. Let's just say they do keep secrets from eachother. The one bigger than the other. Damn, Roberts describes them so well, it's lovely to read!

Extra's: Let's just say there is one - very freaking annoying - person I really loathe.... entirely. If my tea would've still been hot I would have thrown it somewhere near his bottom area...
The extra characters in this book are not that detailed, but that's not needed for the storyline. You don't even have to know some of them... but you absolutely HATE them. How did Roberts do that?! Let's just say these characters really got to me in a good and a bad way. They flicked the agressive button on in my very own body. Damn, some of these characters!

The plot:
This plot... Oh god. I loved it. I have never loved an epilogue so much. Man I was happy with this ending. I'm not going to spoil the ending for you though. You'll have to find out yourself! Ha! Happy ending? I'm not going to tell you ;)
There were a lot of plots in this book, not just one. The best one gets to you halfway through the book. At the end of this book one really does bite you in the ass - even though I expected it, as a joke really, and then it happened :') Let's just assume that , if true love does exist, is it enough to save Lilith and Alec and some other person I don't like into a happy ending? You have to read it yourself to know the answer to that question!
Get to know the wonderfull use of words, metaphors, flashbacks and painfull chapters. Read 23:27! I really, really, really want to recommend this book to you if you like young-adult reads, even though it's kind of an all-age thing. My mom would like this too, even though she is in the mids of her 40's.

Bad things?:
Any bad things? Well, I have read too many books to rate this 5 stars instead of 4. I would really like to give it 4,5/5, because I really loved this heart-shattering read! Roberts did an amazing job! It's a great debute novel, not too long and just about perfectly balanced. If you are new to the young-adult world, read this! You will love it!

NOTE: The only thing I'd like to add to this review is the fact that - if you are not that mentally stable or easily triggered - still start on it. In the end you'll learn you are wrong about your own insecurities! Maybe this book will change your mind about your own problems and you'll see them in a new light. Please note that I've never been in your shoes, so decide for yourself. ;)

I hope I convinced you to read this book! I hope I did, my tea is cold. I've never written something so long and still quite esily readable (Coming from a 18 years old Dutch student, not so good at English)

Questions? Find me on:
Instagram: @coverdesignfun - So you can see my book jackets and commercial covers ;)

Facebook: @Claire Julien - if you want to contact me about this book, or if you have any questions about this story.

Wattpad: @Clairetie - for Wattpad covers and Dutch stories.

Greetings with lots of reading-love,

Claire <3

Profile Image for Emily.
564 reviews47 followers
February 3, 2020
Lilith Rose has nearly everything she could want - fame, money, glory. She's the lead singer in an uber-famous band. But it is not what people think it is. The things that go on behind the scenes are enough to drive a person to do horrible things. Sick of it all, Lilith turns on a live video stream to the the world what really happened.

***In order for me to treat this novel to the kind of review it needs, I will have to include spoilers. Read on at your own peril.***

I am not sure how to respond to 23:27. I have a lot of thoughts but no consensus. At first, it seemed very similar to 13 Reasons Why. 23:27 is the story of a girl who wanted to commit suicide, so she went on a live video chat where she explained what drove her to that point. 13 Reasons Why, in case you're not familiar with it, is the story of a girl who already committed suicide and left 13 tapes of what drove her to do so. Do you see the similarities? The main difference between them is that, in 23:27, there was a possibility Lilith would live, whereas Hannah was definitely gone forever. I did not like 13 Reasons Why, so even if this book seemed like a retelling, I hoped it would be a better alternative. I'm still not sure if it succeeded.

So Lilith did the video chat about her reasons. What it came down to was the managers of her band demeaning her and forcing her to break up with the man she loved (Alec, another band member) because "it's bad for publicity and he's black and you're white." It made me so mad. It was wrong on so many levels.

Actually, I was mad a lot in this book. Yes, the managers were awful. But Lilith made some pretty horrible decisions herself. First, SUICIDE IS NOT THE ANSWER!!! There is nothing that will make me change my opinion on that. Lilith gave in to the depression and, instead of seeking help, she decided the world would be better off without her. So selfish. Did she not realize how much her friends and family would hurt because she was gone? Not to mention Alec who loved her though she broke his heart and dated someone else (Markus) for years. She did it because she was forced to, but he didn't know that.

When Alec and the others heard her video, they rushed to her aid and were able to get her to a hospital in time to save her life. YES!!! Then we move on to the second thing that really irritated me about this book. LILITH SUCKS AT COMMUNICATION. She is awful at it. The entire book could have been avoided if she had talked to Alec about the managers' demands. But even if she didn't do that, the choices she made from this point on would have been drastically better if she had been able to communicate.

So Lilith's life was saved, but it was obvious she was having psychological issues. She was sent to a mental hospital to recover for the next six months. She and Alec had an understanding before Lilith left, but as soon as she arrived they started having issues. Alec wrote her tons of letters, emails, and calls but never received any in return; Lilith wrote him tons of letters, emails, and calls and never received any in return. So instead of asking him about it, as Alec planned to as soon as she got back (communication, remember?), Lilith decides that he isn't worth it anymore and she accepts the PROPOSAL of her previously fake boyfriend Markus. WHY?! If she would have asked or listened to Alec, they would have figured out that their letters had not been getting through. Instead, she ditched him for the first person who came along. WHAT?!

So Alec spends the next six months in misery watching Lilith plan her wedding. Then, after he received a kick in the pants from another band member, he decided to get her back. THE NIGHT BEFORE THE WEDDING. Obviously Alec has some issues too. I can never accuse this author of writing a Mary Sue character. Alec kisses Lilith at the night-before party, and next thing you know, they're at his house having sex. The night before her wedding to someone else. Lilith wakes up, freaks out about what she has done, and instead of calling off the wedding because obviously she has feelings for Alec and she just cheated on her fiance, she leaves to get ready for her wedding.

At this point, the POV of the book switches from Alec to Lilith for the first time in a while. See, I didn't have any idea what was going on in her head from the time Marcus visited her in the hospital until now. In this scene she reveals that (1) Lilith isn't as well off as she seems and (2) she is manipulating both Alec and Markus because she loves Alec and wants him to rescue her from her crappy decisions. In Chapter 25, she says, "Everyone thought I'd made a quick recovery. Boy did I have them fooled ... No one understood the decisions I'd made since returning ... Everything contradicted what I'd said on he internet that day. They probably thought I'd forgotten my words, but I hadn't." So she's basically saying she's still not in her right mind and is making decisions that only she can understand because of that. If that is supposed to make what she says in the next few paragraphs, I can't accept it.

She says, "I would never understand how Alec could believe the lies I spat at him. But he did ... Nothing I said to Alec this morning could ever be true. At first, I didn't think he'd believe a single word. But when he did ... it was the worst feeling I think I'd ever had ... He'd always been like that. A small, insecure boy who believed everything anyone told him. The smallest things, if given to him, could be turned into a huge problem" (Chapter 25). So she's basically saying that she is telling Alec that she doesn't want him, but in reality, she wants him to disregard what she just said and date her anyway. Then she calls him a gullible, insecure kid who turns the little things she says into a huge problem. WHAT SHE SAID WAS NOT LITTLE. She was telling a man that she did not want to date, marry, and have sex with him. And she's calling him gullible, insecure, and immature. THIS IS WHY GUYS THINK A GIRL'S "NO" MEANS "YES." Lilith is full-out lying and she wants him to disregard her words and take her, and then she has the gall to insult him because he doesn't.

This book ... I just can't. In this scene, Lilith is despicable, not broken. She could have, SHOULD have told Alec and the others the truth. But no. Not only is she a terrible communicator but she manipulates everyone.

Next is the wedding scene. Alec gets his guts together (yes, he is insecure, and he spends most of the novel bemoaning his fate and not doing anything to even tell her he wants her back) and goes to crash the wedding. In the most dramatic and cliche moment of the book, Alec stands up and says (paraphrase) "Stop the wedding. Lilith and I had sex last night" to the prompt of "Speak now or forever hold your peace." Talk about a way to crash a wedding. Not cool. At this point, I felt really, really bad for Markus. Then he revealed that he had stolen all of Lilith's and Alec's letters to each other during the mental hospital stay. So I stopped feeling bad. He deserved to be publicly humiliated in front of his family and on the media everywhere. (It's a celebrity wedding, of course the media is there.)

Lilith, of course, is delighted to Alec didn't take "no" for an answer, and they promptly run away together and have the "perfect" relationship from that point on. Do I even have to go into how wrong that all was? Everyone is manipulating everyone, except Alec who didn't have the guts to do anything until the last possible second. There's no real fallout for Lilith's manipulation. Alec and everyone else forgives her. She was marrying Markus just ... because. Not from love, anyhow. And she admitted that she didn't think she would live beyond a few years after the wedding. What, is she going to try to commit suicide again - because she isn't with Alec - because she WON'T be with Alec? So she was just going to ruin, her life, Alec's, and Markus's because she refused, for some unknown reason (not "mentally stable" is not an excuse, I don't care what Lilith thinks), to tell Alec the truth? Where's the fallout for that huge issue? But apparently, because Lilith and Marcus are together, everything is perfect and Lilith's mental health is no longer questionable.

So Lilith and Alec are happy together. I'm not touching the scenes of them in their little vacation immediately after the non-wedding. Then the book skips forward two years to the epilogue. Alec is trying to work up the courage to propose. So, no, he hasn't gained any more guts than before. And Lilith interrupts his musings with a video chat. That freaked me (and Alec) out for a second. Déjà vu. Then LILITH proposed over the video chat - because she is a "strong independent woman" who doesn't need a man to propose to her. Gag me. He accepts, and she reveals that there is a wedding ALREADY set up in the back yard. I guess she was REALLY confident that he would accept. So they marry, finally.

That last scene was cute, I'll admit. And I did want Lilith and Alec to be together and to be happy. But the book overall was kind of awful. I spent much of it really mad at the characters. So many stupid decisions that could have been avoided. If Lilith had communicated with Alec at the very beginning, about the managers wanting her to break up with him, all of the pain could have been avoided.

Then there was the message of the story. It started out trying to have a message. Something about suicide awareness and the evils of the media. Then it threw out the message and turned into a bad romance. Any message it was supposed to portray is unclear.

So, I guess I didn't like the book very much. I spent so much time yelling at the characters, and it wasn't even a good kind of yelling. (Yes, there is such a thing.) If you want to take a chance on this book, then do so and tell me what you think.

I received a complementary copy of this book from the author. All opinions are my own.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jessica.
880 reviews213 followers
August 6, 2019
Blog | Twitter | Instagram

(3.5, probably going to get changed to a 4.) As a note, a review copy of this novel was provided in exchange for an honest review. This does not effect my opinion in any way. Thank you! Review also posted here.

WOW. Just, wow. Now, I know that my 3.5 may throw you off when it comes to my 'wow'--I have to say that I did enjoy this novel quite a lot. That isn't to mean it didn't have flaws. It just so happened the flaws are pretty mundane in comparison to the emotional punch that the rest of 23:27 was and that listing the flaws would be, well, pointless. Because if there's one thing that I loved most about Roberts' novel it was how captivated it was when it came to how it makes readers feel. Hint: it's a lot. You feel a lot, kids.

I guess now that that is out of the way, we can get down to business. What made the novel as compelling as it was, besides the seriously powerful prose that H.L. Roberts possesses, was the characters. Take Lilith, for instance. Lilith is by far my favourite part of this whole book. Characters like Lilith (that is to say utterly stunning in all their complexities) are what make literature a treat to read. Lilith, ultimately, makes 23:27 and takes it to a whole other level.

That being said--I actually genuinely cared and was invested in the other characters, too. Roberts writes a set of characters that are easy to feel drawn to for various reasons--a trait that is very, very necessary to creating anything.

Her characters become captivating in the most emotional way possible, not unlike that of Krista and Becca Ritchie's characters. You feel for them. You just do. There's literally no way out of it and you kind of want to talk to them.

Okay, that sounded a little weird when I put my thoughts to words but I feel like that's one of the most intense feelings in literature. When you just feel them coming to life and want to talk to them. Explain things. Shake sense into them. Hug them. Whatever--the post is, Roberts' characters have that essence of life that makes storytelling more than important and less than fiction.

I also appreciated the way the novel unfolded. It got better and more tense as you read it. I felt a great deal about it by its end and that's what makes it so brilliant. A true writer knows how to develop and capture the reader when they least expect it. Roberts does so gracefully and leaves you feeling every-thing, including a sort of gutted exasperation at times that nearly reduces you to tears.

Overall, this was a very compelling novel and not at all what I was expecting. I loved the pacing and how it tripped me up on several occasions. Frustrating and warming me. Kind of like getting punched, kind of like getting kissed. I can't explain it better than that.

Something about it is echoing in my mind.

Basically, if you're looking for something that tangles emotions and music in your next read--do yourself a massive favor and pick up 23:27. You won't regret it.
773 reviews30 followers
May 24, 2017
I received in ARC in exchange for an honest review.

First, the cover is perfect.

I went in to this book semi-blind. After saying that, I didn't know what to expect. What I know now, is I really liked this book! My heart felt for Lilith Rose. I loved her character.

The writing style is superb. The author took two of my favorite things, reading and music and put it into one beautiful story. If you guys are thinking of reading this book, take a chance on it, and let yourself be surprised.
Profile Image for Paige.
1,783 reviews85 followers
August 26, 2017
Rating: 3/5

Genre: New Adult Contemporary/Romance

Recommended Age: 18+ (mature scenes, some gore, trigger warnings for rape and depression)




These were all the things that you would expect from being famous. The bait that the producers of the industry would tempt you with to get you on their side.

What they don't tell you though are all the inner tragedies that come along just as quickly. They don't tell you about the heartache that occurs when you realize that this wasn't what you wanted at all.

They don't tell you about the pressure that's always on the verge of crushing you when you're forced to do everything that the public demands for and not what you truly desire.

They don't tell you about the self hatred that would soon take over your entire being at the thought that you will never be good enough.

No - they don't tell you these things at all.

But, Lilith Rose will.

When Lilith Rose, lead singer to one of the most famous rock bands around gets tired of all the lies and secrets that comes with being famous.

She decides that it's time for all of it to stop and ends up revealing everything on a Facebook live stream.

The result...

"Part of me wants to die tonight, part of me wants it to be an accident, and part of me wants someone to notice and save me." - Lilith Rose. - Amazon.com

If you had everything, would you be truly happy? This is one of the many questions Lil asks herself on a daily basis. She has everything but the one thing she truly wants and she's being kept away from it. Depression and suicidal ideation takes control and what unfolds is a this book. This book is a tragic yet hopeful story on one girl's spiral and triumph out of depression. It has a good plot point that needs to be written about more and the pacing was well done. The writing is also easy to follow and understand and the writing style fits the book.

However, I did have some concerns about this book. I felt that the characters weren't very well developed and that only when you continued to read the book did you understand the personalities of the characters and what the characters looked like. I felt that overall the book could have focused more on Lil's depression and there could have been more issues that made her depressed then just that she wasn't allowed to be with Alec. I also felt that the book should have focused on the depressive and suicidal episode rather than just have that be the opening. I was output by some of the things that went on after the first half of the book and I felt very angry that those things happened. I don't want to spoil anything on here for those that do want to read the book, but if you DM me I'll tell you what made me angry.

Verdict: The book is good. It's a sweet romance story and it makes you think about depression and suicide in a way that only Thirteen Reasons Why only has for me, but I think that the book should have focused on the depression and the suicidal event and had some of the later half of the book shortened. I think this book can be a good resource for those who want an inside look into what depression and suicide looks like. And while I have been where Lil has been and I've thought the same as Lil did, I didn't feel a connection with her. However, I do think this book is good and that people who like contemporary reads and those who are okay with reading about material like this.
Profile Image for Rae Lake.
Author 111 books651 followers
September 27, 2017
I received this as an ARC from Author

I will say that I liked the book and it did touch on some serious topics, suicide, racism, self confidence, depression. I can never say what the person who thinks that suicide is the only way out is feeling or thinking, but I completely believe that it is one of the most selfish things that anyone could do. So when the MC decides that she is going to kill herself because other people have rooted themselves in her head and forced her to feel like crap about herself and make her leave the man she loves, I could only think of the alternatives that she could have done. Then once she is out of the Institution she decides that she is just going to continue with the charade instead of asking Alec why he didn't write her? Then once they get back together she is scared to say boyfriend because she didn't know if he would be mad..... Oh Jeez!!!
Honestly if there is anything that I learned from this book it is that communication is key!!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Haley Rhoades.
Author 37 books243 followers
January 15, 2018
Raw, emotional, and I couldn’t put it down.

Without any spoilers, it is tough to share my deep love of this book. I felt every emotion—all the Love, the hopelessness, and the pain of Lilith and Alec. I cried, I clapped, and I yelled while reading. I suffer from depression and found HL Roberts’ writing very true to the despair Lilith and Alec would struggle with.
When love is true love, the interference of outsiders has very real ramifications.

A quick read full of a roller coaster of emotions. Add to your TBR shelf today!
Profile Image for Hannah Owens.
1 review
May 26, 2017
This book is a diverse read, but it's also more than that. It's raw and emotional, and real. It will break your heart, and in the next sentence have you laughing. It is a book about cyber bullying, suicide, and suicide prevention. While the characters are fictional, their story is true for many. I found it easy to connect with the characters. Anyone who has suffered from depression can connect with Lilith, and anyone who has loved someone with depression can connect to Alec. Or maybe you can identify with both. It's a book about love, and how it can pull you out of even the darkest of times. H.L. Roberts did a fantastic job of pulling the characters together. This book kept me on the edge of my seat page after page, and I was so worried how it would end. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. I would encourage everyone to read it. Congratulations H.L. on your first YA novel. It was a great one. I can't wait to see what you do in the future.
Profile Image for Lost In My Own World Of Books.
639 reviews305 followers
August 11, 2018
Wow, this book is so powerfull. It talks about the difficults of being famous, everybody thinks that famous people have the perfect life but nobody knows the pressure they have to take every single day. Everyday is a battle for them, inside and outside.
Profile Image for Lissa Hawley.
1,285 reviews28 followers
December 6, 2017
This is not a comfortable book. A lot of the situations are a bit too raw for my tastes. I am a fantasy girl at heart, and I need my heroics and happily ever afters.

And while the story did ultimately end on a positive note, it isn't the sort of story I would seek out for myself.

However, given Colleen Hoover's legions of fans, I do think it is the kind of book many others would enjoy.

There are some typos scattered here and there throughout, but not enough to distract overly from the plot.
May 12, 2017
Where to begin about 23:27? It's phenomenal, it's wonderful, and it's nothing like books currently on the market. In talking with Heather since before the cover reveal, I had no clue what the book would be about other than what she told me. So I kept trying to figure out what books it was like, and at first I threw out some titles... and she agreed yeah I can see that, but after reading it it's incomparable. Heather writes the main characters to be so relatable, Lilith isn't overly fake or dramatic or this or that, she seems like a person who could be a reviewer like any of us. Alec is so heartbreaking, he's written so strong yet vulnerable and the relationships with him are done incredibly well. I promised a spoiler free review, and I will of course follow up on that. But oh my gosh, she's so talented! The epilogue made me overjoyed, and I of course want something just like it to happen in my life. Wish there was a bit more about band mates, but I understand the story wasn't about them. I also wanted a bit more about Lilith, she did a great job of writing Alec but at the same time I wanted to delve more into Lilith's story! Overall though a great book that's not what you think, read through the end to see the full story play out!
Profile Image for Larissa Rumiantzeff.
2 reviews6 followers
January 23, 2018
I believe someone here said they were expecting 13 reasons why, when they started reading this book. Same here. But boy, was I wrong!

Lilith has just started a live broadcast with her fans and everyone she knows. To the world outside, she seems to have it all. A carreer as a singer, success, lots of money, adoring fans. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Truth is, she's never been in more pain, more unsure of herself, and tonight, the entire world will know just how much.

Lilith is about to let it all out, the secrets, the lies, and the disappointments she's had being a singer in ascension. The sacrifices she had to make, in order to stay in the top, even giving up on Alec, her one true love. And then, she plans on ending her life.

The book tells the story from the perspective of Lilith and Alec, alternating between points of view. It is not your run-of-the-mill angsty teen romance. In fact, H.L Roberts writes with such veracity that it feels like she knows what she is talking about. It is not just about depression and suicide. The book is a love story, and it discusses the impact of what we see online, versus the reality, as well as its impact on normal people and celebrities. The good, the bad and the ugly.

Its insight on suicide atempts, depression and such is responsible. She doesn't leave it up to a guy to save the girl, and by seeing different points of view, the reader knows that, while Liliths thoughts are disorganized when she is at her worst, that's because she is sick and needs help, professional help, and not because she needs a knight in shiny armor.
Profile Image for Primrose Passage.
71 reviews4 followers
January 17, 2018
This was an emotional book. From the beginning to quite literally the end. I was torn between what to rate it because I loved yet hated the events all at once. I know a handful of people who have experienced depression while the other had no clue how to help the person deal with it. And to be honest, you won't know because you haven't experienced it. Alec and Lilith had been through so much together that I wasn't sure what the outcome would be during the entire story. I cried during parts all while my husband stared oddly at me, but I couldn't help it. Such a great read. This Author is new to me and I'll definitely be reviewing more of her work in the future.
*ARC provided for an honest review
Profile Image for Laila Viking.
4,090 reviews29 followers
April 12, 2018
Well written story with nice storyline and plot. I like that the characters are relatable and likeable. It has a nice pace to it. But it was very predictable and could have had a bit more twists in it. It was very heavy reading at times.

It is written in dual POV which gives the reader much more of the thoughts and feelings of the main characters. Great romance with a twist and very enjoyable read. The epilogue was very welcome and gave the story more to it and it finished better of than without it. There are laughs, drama, passion, emotions, hot scenes and lots of chemistry in this amazing story.

I like the main characters and how they develop.

I received a copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Sky.
188 reviews5 followers
January 20, 2018

If you don’t pay attention, you don’t see exactly what the deal with this story is and you just wonder what the hell is wrong with them. Then, read a small paragraph that puts the word “racist”, and the entire thing makes sense… in chapter 5. Yep. Well, it did for me, but I had to reread some chunks of the story previous to that so I could understand it.

It was just weird, plain and simple. The story is from two points of view, and I enjoy that most of the time, but this time there were moments when I just thought “Dude, please, stop the whining”. I guess it’s just drama.

One thing I kept thinking about once I realized this story was about a white girl and a black guy falling in love was the stereotype of black people liking different music. I was picturing Alec as a white guy when I read about the kind of music they made: rock. Maybe that’s just me. Ok, yes, it’s just me being a victim of the stereotyping thing, but then again, some things started to not make sense. Alec felt like a white guy. Sure, this book has two characters that couldn’t care less about their skin color, and that’s a plus, but then again, I couldn’t picture him as black.

Don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed the book (minus a whole lot of angst), but I guess there’s still a lot of road to walk until literature can actually change the mind of people and the characters are portrayed as people instead as “you’re white” or “you’re black”. There are a few titles out there that actually convey this, but sadly this one isn’t one of those (not for me, anyway), once again, that’s what I think.

It’s a story about how the industry builds an image, stereotypes, and the entire thing of “you have to be like this and look like this because we say so”. And by “we” I mean the managers. In this day and age I think some artists follow those lines, but others simply rebel against it. I’m no artist, so this is just a hypothesis, but then again, is what we’re sold, so…

Back to the book, I think it’s an enjoyable reading up until certain points. It deals with suicide and the aftermath of such decisions, but this Lilith character’s post suicide tendencies are baffling. Girl, you have a guy that promised you he will wait for you until you end your rehab because, well, he loves you. You love him back and you’re both been through enough for the past year (the timeline got confusing sometimes), and yes, I understand rejection and self-doubt (who doesn’t? only a robot, perhaps), so why on Earth would you assume he doesn’t love you? Because you didn’t receive a letter from him? If that was me, I would have recovered, left rehab whenever I had to, put my affairs in order, and gone to see him. If his promise was a fake, well, good riddance, I’ll try to move on. Not always easy, and the suicide thoughts might resurface, but the solution to that conflict was completely anticlimactic for me.

There’s this guy, Mark. He was her fake boyfriend, management approved (because, yes, you guessed it: he’s white!), who “was there for her” when she needed it. Then, she leaves rehab and she’s getting married??? To this guy??? The same guy you claimed you didn’t love??? *facepalm* Oh, hell, no! I knew Mark’s involvement in this miscommunication deal between Lilith and Alec from the beginning. He had to have his hands somehow there because it was just… I don’t even have a word for it. There was, literally, no reason for Lilith to not write Alec and vice versa. And then, there are their friends, their so called family. If they were all suffering because of this —a band is a family, and they have to stick together through hell and back—, why didn’t anyone told Alec about the letters? Or why didn’t he try harder? But no! Everyone steered clear from his path and that was it.

The guy was suffering too, people!!! Yes, he wanted nothing to do with anyone, but you just don’t give up! If you love someone, you keep trying, you don’t give up. I know there’s that “give them space” thing, but maybe I’m just the smothering kind of person, because I can’t just sit there thinking “he/she will be all right”. It’s just not how things are.

And the anticlimactic came when Mark confessed it was his fault all the shit happening between Alec and Lilith. I would have clocked the dude on the face! It felt just… I don’t know… I expected more. Sure, I would have forgiven him… eventually… But not at the moment. At the moment, clocked it is! Sorry, no to violence and everything, but this character got on my nerves.

I would recommend the book, but like I said in some other review, put your racial prejudices aside if you want to enjoy it. If not, well, this book isn’t for you.
Profile Image for Valorie Dalton.
214 reviews18 followers
August 15, 2017
Lilith and Alec are members of a band United Misfits. Theirs was a whirlwind romance, not too popular with the music executive high ups or, apparently, many of their fans. The novel begins with a depressed Lilith livestreaming to her fans, telling them about the anger and pain she still feels over her and Alec’s breakup. The livestream confession takes a terrifying turn when it is revealed that Lilith plans to kill herself. Now it is a race against time to save her. And Alec, understanding the truth about his and Lilith’s breakup, wants to rekindle the past. The question is, will they be able to come together to make their happy ending, or will the problems of the past continue to rear their ugly heads and keep true love apart?

It was unique the way the book switched between present and the past. The author tried to make these switches easy to discern by putting the times with the chapter numbers and titles. I only wish that this was more consistent. Sometimes, when chapters continued I feel like the placement of a timestamp would amp up the suspense and tension, letting us count down the minutes to the inevitable end. Perspective switches between Lilith and Alec, giving us both perspectives. The two distinct stories show two different sides of a complex relationship. Secrets are revealed, and we know the personal feelings of both the confessor and the confessed to. Full of description, detail, and exposition, a rather short and simple story is drawn out into a full novella. Certainly not a story lacking emotion, as each feeling and revelation is presented in expansive detail.
12 reviews
January 20, 2018
The emotional rollcoster of my summer!

It's 1:41 am and my phone is on 11%, but I had to write this review because I just finished this book and the feels are just too much! H.L Roberts brings a must read YA, full of love, hate, dispare, and pain...

I receive a pdf ARC of this book from the author, in exchange for a honest review... well lets just say this book diserves it. This summer my reading list involved a stack of Sarah Dessen, Cassandra Clare, & JK Rowling but BAM! Here is 23:37 by H.L. Roberts! I went into the book knowing that it would hit touchy subjects like suicide, but besides that there wasn't much I knew.

This is my first time reading a YA book of this sort and it caught me totally off gaurd. I fell in love with the characters and just wanted them to be happy. There were moments I just want to cry or yell at a characters. This book is just too good! This is Ms. Roberts debut and lets just say she has hit it out of the ball park! This book makes you see that what matters most in your life is your happiness. 23:27 was a creative work, filled with many real life issues. The biggest thing I took away from this book was that there is too much hate in the world! The characters who are celebrities face hate from people because of who they are, what they wear, who they love, and even what color thier skin is. This book shows how much that hate and pressure can hurt someone, it shows how the pain of that person hurts those around them. This book is just so real, just so strong! It is a must read YA!
Profile Image for Kayla.
1 review
July 31, 2017
They say don’t judge a book by its cover. 23:27 is the exception. Not only is the cover beautiful, but it fits the story wonderfully. Going into the story I was a little weary on how the storyline would play out (given that it is a book about suicide and everything is being viewed on a live stream), but the more I read, the more I was less weary and more intrigued with the story and its characters. 23:27 is a diverse, socially relevant, genuine, and just overall fantastic read. The main character Lilith Rose is flawed in many ways than one, which is why I love her. She is raw, emotional, and very much real. I enjoyed the fact that you not only read the story from Lilith’s point of view, but also Alec’s POV. Which gives you more depth and helps you relate more to what the characters are going through and the story itself. I can promise you that you will not be disappointed with this one.

H. L. Roberts’s writing style is breathtakingly beautiful. She brings her characters to life in a way that you can’t help, but be drawn into the story. Roberts is one talented lady! I can’t wait to see what the future holds for her. Congrats on your first novel!

I could go on and on about how amazing 23:27 is and how crazy talented Roberts is, so I’ll end my review with some advice. My advice is take a chance on this book you won’t regret!
Profile Image for D.L. Hopkins.
Author 18 books59 followers
June 28, 2017
This is the sweeping tale of Lillith and Alec, who live and love in the midst of the worst kinds of heartache and betrayal. Have you ever felt doubt and insecurity stopped you from being who you really wanted to be? Have you ever felt that ending it all would actually make things better than staying in your life and working things out? Or maybe that your absence would make things better for someone else? This story is the tender and elusive dialogue of people who face their inner demons and find themselves. It's the story of suicide and depression, of media corruption and insanity, the story of believing what you want to see rather than facing the truth. It leads readers through deep chasms of love and hatred, deception and the battle to trust. It left me feeling disturbed, and fulfilled at the same time, and reading to the very last page was the only way to satisfy my thirst to understand and know more. I feel a deeper empathy now for those whose lives are in the spotlights of Hollywood, for those whose artistic nature drives them to reach out through music, acting, or other art, regardless of the consequences-- which, honestly, might be at a cost they aren't willing to pay. But being driven, they have to try. I recommend this book and hopefully a future sequel to any who have the need to understand their friends, and help, and offer comfort. Or any who just love a good read, and a great love story.
Profile Image for Cody Nicole.
45 reviews
August 27, 2017
ometimes when I sit down to write a review, I don’t really have an idea on what I should say. This is normally because my thoughts are so scattered about a particular book. Today, that book is H. L. Roberts 23:27. Summarising the book up in one word would result in a strong use of the word ‘emotional’.

The story plot was something that I wasn’t expected. I was aware from the get-go that the book was a romance, but I didn’t realise it would be one of those stories that made you ball your eyes out. It reminded me of a Nicholas Sparks novel, because I simply cried that much. The book puts a very bright spotlight on the issues of suicide and racism – two things that are very much prevalent in today’s modern society. I adored how the book shows that there is still a lot of racism in the music industry, and even in the film industry. While times are changing, certain groups are being marginalised by the top people in society.

Full review at https://childishlypassionate.wordpres...
Profile Image for H.B. Jasick.
Author 14 books124 followers
October 10, 2017
This story is raw. It’s emotional, and it takes no prisoners. It’s takes the fantasy of being a super famous rockstar, and shatters that dream with all the dirt and real tragic things that hides beneath the shiny little surface. It hits the topics of depression and suicide and gives them a voice to be heard, and throws in a little bit of love as well. I couldn’t put this book down. It had me trapped in its clutches from the very beginning. The story draws you in, and the characters make you stay. This is a Mature YA and therefore, in my opinion, shouldn’t be read by anyone under the age of 16. It should be read, though, and it should be read often.

Reviewed by #TheUnratedBookshelf & Sweet Spot Sisterhood
Profile Image for Hannetjie Joubert.
2 reviews1 follower
January 21, 2018

Fast-paced and intense, you'll be glued to the pages from the unique title to the end of Alec and Lilith's riveting tale.

I received 23:27 as a gift. Never did I think I'd read this book in one sitting!! I forgot everything else around me, swiping my screen to get to the next page.

H.L Roberts writes with clarity and compassion, highlighting a very delicate subject swathed in stigma.

We need more voices like hers to bring the reality of major depression to light. More people suffer from the agony of depression than we'd ever know, afraid to admit what they're going through until it's too late.

H.L Roberts has become a voice for the voiceless, bravely opening a window into the darkness and endless circles a mind plagued by depression can get caught in.

Thanks H.L. Roberts for an unforgettable read!
Profile Image for Ava Wood.
Author 10 books229 followers
December 29, 2017
Let me say, the first half of this book was AMAZING ... I couldn't put it down. I loved the way the highs and lows kept you invested in the story! I had to know what happened next - where Alec and Lilith would end up. But when I hit that halfway point, I was surprised to only be halfway through.

The second half of the book was good ... I still wanted to know what happened, but I almost felt like the first half could have been an entire book all on its own and the second half could have been a more intense sequel.

All-in-all, I enjoyed the book. It was a quick read (because it did suck me in) and I was happy with how things worked out for Alec and Lilith, even if I didn't like some of the events that happened along the way. But it was definitely well written! I'll be looking for HL Roberts' next novel!!!
Profile Image for Sarah Calaway.
Author 3 books6 followers
August 11, 2017
Note: I received an ARC in exchange for a review. Thank you for the ARC!!!!

Wow. This book was an emotional roller coaster, but I mean that in a good way. I just couldn't stop reading. H.L had me craving more at every turn, eager to learn what happens next and if a certain couple would or would not end up together. I love love how this book played out, and the writing was just amazing.

I also love how mental illness was displayed in this novel. The author brought light to important matters, and showed how important love, friends, and family really are. This book was definitely heavy at times, and if you're sensitive you or are looking for a light read, this isn't the book for you. However, if you think you can handle it and the important messages this novel holds, please read it! I feel like I learned so much from the novel along with simply enjoying it! Well written, H.L Roberts! I can't wait until the whole world can read this amazing novel!
Profile Image for Gayle (OutsmartYourShelf).
1,943 reviews35 followers
October 12, 2017
This is a book of two halves. The first half is spellbinding reading. It deals with some pretty heavy stuff (depression, suicide) and you literally HAVE to know what's going to happen - I read it in about 50 minutes. The second half contained two characters that I would have dearly loved to give a good shaking and tell them to talk to one another. Good grief, they were frustrating! The cover is stunningly good.

I received an ARC from the author and I am voluntarily giving an honest review. I would say that this is aimed at the 18+ end of the market due to the subject matter covered.
Profile Image for Krista.
1,182 reviews6 followers
December 9, 2017
23:27 will grab on to you from the first page and doesn't let go! This is the story of Lilith and Alec and it will break you. I cried for both of them. I became angry for both of them. I cheered for both of them. Life has definitely thrown them a curve ball when their band makes it. But the fame and fortune are not what can make you happy. You get to follow along with Lilith while she struggles and the pain that Alec is going through. It's hard to write a review without giving away to much of the book and I hate to give anything away. What I will tell you is that once I started reading, I couldn't put it down. My emotions were all over the place with this book. I love the spotlight this book puts on mental health and racism and perceptions that people have. These issues are very timely and so well represented. I am a fan!
1 review
August 15, 2017
Hands down the most emotionally driving book I have read this year. It does touch topics such as depression, suicide, and cyber bullying in a whole new light. If your thinking '13 Reasons Why' it is simmiliar but much better and well worth the read. It's a book I would reccomend everyone read at least once. You won't regret it.
Profile Image for robin Ann thistlewood.
131 reviews4 followers
December 18, 2017
Lillth and Alex were made for each other. She was the lead singer of a rock band. This book had me on an emotional roller coaster. I laughed, I cried, and finally and cried some more. This is the first book I have read by H. L. Roberts. I wish I could give more than five stars. I definitely will read more by this author.
I think everyone should read this one. There is no words to express how much emotions this story had me riding on waves.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 67 reviews

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